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Signature Relay for firmware
Documentation of
This project can be compiled for simulation environments or directly on the hardware.
- Simulated environment
At project root type the command
- Hardware
At project root type the command
$ make
This creates the following directory tree:
├── bin <- here is the executable binary file
└── obj <- here are the object files generated by the compiling process
Initialize the Enclave keypair by executing:
./signatureproxy proxysetup -pkey <sealed_proxy_key.bin> > <proxy_public_key.pem>
- Create employee signature using
./signatureproxy employee -firm <firmware.bin> -ekey <employee_privat_key.pem> > <employee_signature.der>
This step can also be done using OpenSSL:openssl dgst -sha256 -sign <employee_private_key.pem> -out <employee_signature.der> -in <firmware.bin>
- Use the signature proxy to resign the firmware using
./signatureproxy proxy -pkey <sealed_proxy_key.bin> -epub <employee_public_key.der> -firm <firmware.bin> > <proxy_signature.der>
The enclave verifies the employee signature and signs the firmware if the signature is valid. - Verify signature using
cat <proxy_signature.der> | ./signatureproxy embedded -firm <firmware.bin> -ppub <proxy_public_key.pem>
This step can also be done using OpenSSL:openssl dgst -sha256 -verify <proxy_public_key.pem> -signature <proxy-signature.der> <firmware.bin>