- Added support for Vary headers in responses via the `VaryHxRequest`, `VaryHxTarget`, `VaryHxTrigger`, and `VaryHxTriggerName` responders. _([@imbolc](https://github.com/imbolc))_
- Header names/values are now typed as `HeaderName` and `HeaderValue` instead of `&str`. _([@imbolc](https://github.com/imbolc))_
-`HxError` now implements source on `error::Error`. _([@imbolc](https://github.com/imbolc))_
- Added `Vary` responders and a middleware to automatically manage `Vary` headers when using corresponding extractors. [See this section of the README for more details.](https://github.com/robertwayne/axum-htmx?tab=readme-ov-file#vary-responders). _([@imbolc](https://github.com/imbolc))_
There are some several breaking changes in this release. Big thanks to [@ItsEthra](https://github.com/ItsEthra) for their work in several PRs!
- All responders now take an `HxEvent` instead of a `String | HxEvent`. When the `serde` flag is enabled, it will expose additional data fields.
-`HxResponseTrigger` is now a simple struct containing an `TriggerMode` and a `Vec<HxEvent>`. There are several methods to make constructing these easier: `HxResponseTrigger::normal`, `HxResponseTrigger::after_settle`, and `HxResponseTrigger::after_swap`.
- The `HxCurrentUrl` extractor now returns an `Option<axum::http::Uri>` instead of a `String`. If the Uri cannot be parsed, it will return `None`.
- Added support for all [htmx response headers](https://htmx.org/reference/#response_headers) via a type implementing `IntoResponseParts`. These "responders" allow you to simply and safely apply the HX-* headers to any of your responses. Thanks to [@pfz4](https://github.com/pfz4) for the implementation work! ([#5](https://github.com/robertwayne/axum-htmx/pull/5))
-`HxRequestGuardLayer` now redirects on failures instead of returning a 403\. By default, it will redirect to "/", but you can specify a different route to redirect to with `HxRequestGuardLayer::new("/your-route-here")`.