searchState.loadedDescShard("rp2040_pac", 0, "Peripheral access API for RP2040 microcontrollers …\nControl and data interface to SAR ADC\nADC\n22 - ADC_IRQ_FIFO\nRegister block for busfabric control signals and …\nBUSCTRL\nCache and branch predictor maintenance operations\nCache and branch predictor maintenance operations. Not …\nCLOCKS\nCLOCKS\n17 - CLOCKS_IRQ\nCPUID\nCPUID\nCore peripherals\nDebug Control Block\nDebug Control Block\nDMA with separate read and write masters\nDMA\n11 - DMA_IRQ_0\n12 - DMA_IRQ_1\nData Watchpoint and Trace unit\nData Watchpoint and Trace unit\nFlash Patch and Breakpoint unit\nFlash Patch and Breakpoint unit. Not available on Armv6-M.\nFloating Point Unit.\nDW_apb_i2c address block\nI2C0\n23 - I2C0_IRQ\nDW_apb_i2c address block\nI2C1\n24 - I2C1_IRQ\nImplementation Control Block.\nIO_BANK0\nIO_BANK0\n13 - IO_IRQ_BANK0\n14 - IO_IRQ_QSPI\nIO_QSPI\nIO_QSPI\nInstrumentation Trace Macrocell\nInstrumentation Trace Macrocell. Not available on Armv6-M …\nEnumeration of all the interrupts.\nMemory Protection Unit\nMemory Protection Unit\nNested Vector Interrupt Controller\nNested Vector Interrupt Controller\nNumber available in the NVIC for configuring priority\nPADS_BANK0\nPADS_BANK0\nPADS_QSPI\nPADS_QSPI\nProgrammable IO block\nPIO0\n7 - PIO0_IRQ_0\n8 - PIO0_IRQ_1\nProgrammable IO block\nPIO1\n9 - PIO1_IRQ_0\n10 - PIO1_IRQ_1\nPLL_SYS\nPLL_SYS\nPLL_USB\nPLL_USB\nPPB\nPPB\nPSM\nPSM\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nPointer to the register block\nSimple PWM\nPWM\n4 - PWM_IRQ_WRAP\nAll the peripherals.\nRESETS\nRESETS\nROSC\nROSC\nRegister block to control RTC\nRTC\n25 - RTC_IRQ\nSecurity Attribution Unit\nSystem Control Block\nSystem Control Block\nSingle-cycle IO block Provides core-local and inter-core …\nSIO\n15 - SIO_IRQ_PROC0\n16 - SIO_IRQ_PROC1\nSPI0\nSPI0\n18 - SPI0_IRQ\nSPI1\nSPI1\n19 - SPI1_IRQ\n26 - Software IRQ 0\n27 - Software IRQ 1\n28 - Software IRQ 2\n29 - Software IRQ 3\n30 - Software IRQ 4\n31 - Software IRQ 5\nRegister block for various chip control signals\nSYSCFG\nSYSINFO\nSYSINFO\nSysTick: System Timer\nSysTick: System Timer\nTestbench manager. Allows the programmer to know what …\nTBMAN\nControls time and alarms time is a 64 bit value indicating …\nTIMER\n0 - TIMER_IRQ_0\n1 - TIMER_IRQ_1\n2 - TIMER_IRQ_2\n3 - TIMER_IRQ_3\nTrace Port Interface Unit\nTrace Port Interface Unit. Not available on Armv6-M.\nUART0\nUART0\n20 - UART0_IRQ\nUART1\nUART1\n21 - UART1_IRQ\nDPRAM layout for USB device.\nUSBCTRL_DPRAM\n5 - USBCTRL_IRQ\nUSB FS/LS controller device registers\nUSBCTRL_REGS\ncontrol and status for on-chip voltage regulator and chip …\nVREG_AND_CHIP_RESET\nWATCHDOG\nWATCHDOG\nQSPI flash execute-in-place block\nXIP_CTRL\n6 - XIP_IRQ\nDW_apb_ssi has the following features:\nXIP_SSI\nControls the crystal oscillator\nXOSC\nControl and data interface to SAR ADC\nBranch predictor invalidate all\nRegister block for busfabric control signals and …\nReturns log2 of the number of words in the smallest cache …\nReturns log2 of the number of words in the smallest cache …\nReturns the number of sets and ways in the selected cache\nCleans the entire D-cache.\nCleans D-cache by address.\nCleans an object from the D-cache.\nCleans a slice from D-cache.\nCleans and invalidates the entire D-cache.\nCleans and invalidates D-cache by address.\nClears current value to 0\nSet the PENDSTCLR bit in the ICSR register which will …\nSet the PENDSVCLR bit in the ICSR register which will …\nClear the SLEEPDEEP bit in the SCR register\nClear the SLEEPONEXIT bit in the SCR register\nCLOCKS\nGet the CPI count\nReturns the current clock cycle count\nReturns true
if the cycle counter is enabled\nReturns whether the D-cache is currently enabled.\nD-cache clean and invalidate by MVA to PoC\nD-cache clean and invalidate by set-way\nD-cache clean by MVA to PoC\nD-cache clean by MVA to PoU\nD-cache clean by set-way\nD-cache invalidate by MVA to PoC\nD-cache invalidate by set-way\nDisable the exception\nDisables counter\nDisables the cycle counter\nDisables D-cache if currently enabled.\nDisables I-cache if currently enabled.\nDisables SysTick interrupt\nDisables TRACE. See DCB::enable_trace()
for more details\nDMA with separate read and write masters\nEnable the exception\nEnables counter\nEnables the cycle counter\nEnables D-cache if currently disabled.\nEnables I-cache if currently disabled.\nEnables SysTick interrupt\nEnables TRACE. This is for example required by the …\nGet the total cycles spent in exception processing\nGet the folded instruction count\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCommon register and bit access and modify traits\nGets clock source\nGets current value\nReturns the current clock cycle count\nReturns the NVIC priority of interrupt
\nReturns the hardware priority of system_handler
\nGets reload value\nReturns the reload value with which the counter would wrap …\nReturns true
if the implementation supports a cycle counter\nReturns true
if the the implementation supports sampling …\nReturns true
if the implementation includes external match …\nReturns true
if the implementation the profiling counters\nChecks if an external reference clock is available\nChecks if the counter wrapped (underflowed) since the last …\nDW_apb_i2c address block\nDW_apb_i2c address block\nReturns whether the I-cache is currently enabled.\nI-cache invalidate all to PoU\nI-cache invalidate by MVA to PoU\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nInvalidates D-cache by address.\nInvalidates an object from the D-cache.\nInvalidates a slice from the D-cache.\nInvalidates the entire I-cache.\nIO_BANK0\nIO_QSPI\nIs interrupt
active or pre-empted and stacked\nChecks if counter is enabled\nIs there a debugger attached? (see note)\nChecks if interrupt
is enabled\nCheck if an exception is enabled\nChecks if SysTick interrupt is enabled\nChecks if interrupt
is pending\nCheck if PENDSTSET bit in the ICSR register is set meaning …\nCheck if PENDSVSET bit in the ICSR register is set meaning …\nChecks if the calibration value is precise\nGet the additional cycles required to execute all load or …\nDisables interrupt
\nNumber of comparators implemented\nPADS_BANK0\nPADS_QSPI\nForces interrupt
into pending state\nProgrammable IO block\nProgrammable IO block\nPLL_SYS\nPLL_USB\nPPB\nPSM\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturns a pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nReturn the pointer to the register block\nSimple PWM\nRequest an IRQ in software\nRESETS\nROSC\nRegister block to control RTC\nSelects the current CCSIDR\nSets clock source\nSet the CPI count\nSet the cycle count\nSet the exception count\nSet the folded instruction count\nSet the lsu count\nSet the PENDSTSET bit in the ICSR register which will pend …\nSet the PENDSVSET bit in the ICSR register which will pend …\nSets the “priority” of interrupt
to prio
\nSets the hardware priority of system_handler
to prio
\nSets reload value\nSet the sleep count\nSet the SLEEPDEEP bit in the SCR register\nSet the SLEEPONEXIT bit in the SCR register\nSingle-cycle IO block Provides core-local and inter-core …\nGet the total number of cycles that the processor is …\nSPI0\nSPI1\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nUnchecked version of Peripherals::take
\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nSteal an instance of this peripheral\nUnchecked version of Peripherals::take
.\nInitiate a system reset request to reset the MCU\nRegister block for various chip control signals\nSYSINFO\nReturns all the core peripherals once\nTestbench manager. Allows the programmer to know what …\nControls time and alarms time is a 64 bit value indicating …\nUART0\nUART1\nRemoves the software lock on the DWT\nEnables interrupt
\nClears interrupt
’s pending state\nDPRAM layout for USB device.\nUSB FS/LS controller device registers\nReturns the active exception number\ncontrol and status for on-chip voltage regulator and chip …\nWATCHDOG\nQSPI flash execute-in-place block\nDW_apb_ssi has the following features:\nControls the crystal oscillator\nCS (rw) register accessor: ADC Control and Status\nDIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divider. If non-zero, …\nFCS (rw) register accessor: FIFO control and status\nFIFO (r) register accessor: Conversion result FIFO\nINTE (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enable\nINTF (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Force\nINTR (r) register accessor: Raw Interrupts\nINTS (r) register accessor: Interrupt status after masking …\nRESULT (r) register accessor: Result of most recent ADC …\nRegister block\nADC Control and Status\n0x00 - ADC Control and Status\nClock divider. If non-zero, CS_START_MANY will start …\n0x10 - Clock divider. If non-zero, CS_START_MANY will …\nFIFO control and status\n0x08 - FIFO control and status\nConversion result FIFO\n0x0c - Conversion result FIFO\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInterrupt Enable\n0x18 - Interrupt Enable\nInterrupt Force\n0x1c - Interrupt Force\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRaw Interrupts\n0x14 - Raw Interrupts\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\n0x20 - Interrupt status after masking & forcing\nResult of most recent ADC conversion\n0x04 - Result of most recent ADC conversion\nField AINSEL
reader - Select analog mux input. Updated …\nField AINSEL
writer - Select analog mux input. Updated …\nADC Control and Status\nField EN
reader - Power on ADC and enable its clock. 1 - …\nField EN
writer - Power on ADC and enable its clock. 1 - …\nField ERR
reader - The most recent ADC conversion …\nField ERR_STICKY
reader - Some past ADC conversion …\nField ERR_STICKY
writer - Some past ADC conversion …\nRegister CS
reader\nField READY
reader - 1 if the ADC is ready to start a new …\nField RROBIN
reader - Round-robin sampling. 1 bit per …\nField RROBIN
writer - Round-robin sampling. 1 bit per …\nField START_MANY
reader - Continuously perform conversions …\nField START_MANY
writer - Continuously perform conversions …\nField START_ONCE
reader - Start a single conversion. …\nField START_ONCE
writer - Start a single conversion. …\nField TS_EN
reader - Power on temperature sensor. 1 - …\nField TS_EN
writer - Power on temperature sensor. 1 - …\nRegister CS
writer\nBits 12:14 - Select analog mux input. Updated …\nBits 12:14 - Select analog mux input. Updated …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Power on ADC and enable its clock. 1 - enabled. 0 …\nBit 0 - Power on ADC and enable its clock. 1 - enabled. 0 …\nBit 9 - The most recent ADC conversion encountered an …\nBit 10 - Some past ADC conversion encountered an error. …\nBit 10 - Some past ADC conversion encountered an error. …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 8 - 1 if the ADC is ready to start a new conversion. …\nBits 16:20 - Round-robin sampling. 1 bit per channel. Set …\nBits 16:20 - Round-robin sampling. 1 bit per channel. Set …\nBit 3 - Continuously perform conversions whilst this bit …\nBit 3 - Continuously perform conversions whilst this bit …\nBit 2 - Start a single conversion. Self-clearing. Ignored …\nBit 2 - Start a single conversion. Self-clearing. Ignored …\nBit 1 - Power on temperature sensor. 1 - enabled. 0 - …\nBit 1 - Power on temperature sensor. 1 - enabled. 0 - …\nClock divider. If non-zero, CS_START_MANY will start …\nField FRAC
reader - Fractional part of clock divisor. …\nField FRAC
writer - Fractional part of clock divisor. …\nField INT
reader - Integer part of clock divisor.\nField INT
writer - Integer part of clock divisor.\nRegister DIV
reader\nRegister DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Fractional part of clock divisor. First-order …\nBits 0:7 - Fractional part of clock divisor. First-order …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:23 - Integer part of clock divisor.\nBits 8:23 - Integer part of clock divisor.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField DREQ_EN
reader - If 1: assert DMA requests when FIFO …\nField DREQ_EN
writer - If 1: assert DMA requests when FIFO …\nField EMPTY
reader -\nField EN
reader - If 1: write result to the FIFO after …\nField EN
writer - If 1: write result to the FIFO after …\nField ERR
reader - If 1: conversion error bit appears in …\nField ERR
writer - If 1: conversion error bit appears in …\nFIFO control and status\nField FULL
reader -\nField LEVEL
reader - The number of conversion results …\nField OVER
reader - 1 if the FIFO has been overflowed. …\nField OVER
writer - 1 if the FIFO has been overflowed. …\nRegister FCS
reader\nField SHIFT
reader - If 1: FIFO results are right-shifted …\nField SHIFT
writer - If 1: FIFO results are right-shifted …\nField THRESH
reader - DREQ/IRQ asserted when level >= …\nField THRESH
writer - DREQ/IRQ asserted when level >= …\nField UNDER
reader - 1 if the FIFO has been underflowed. …\nField UNDER
writer - 1 if the FIFO has been underflowed. …\nRegister FCS
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 3 - If 1: assert DMA requests when FIFO contains data\nBit 3 - If 1: assert DMA requests when FIFO contains data\nBit 8\nBit 0 - If 1: write result to the FIFO after each …\nBit 0 - If 1: write result to the FIFO after each …\nBit 2 - If 1: conversion error bit appears in the FIFO …\nBit 2 - If 1: conversion error bit appears in the FIFO …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBit 9\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 16:19 - The number of conversion results currently …\nBit 11 - 1 if the FIFO has been overflowed. Write 1 to …\nBit 11 - 1 if the FIFO has been overflowed. Write 1 to …\nBit 1 - If 1: FIFO results are right-shifted to be one …\nBit 1 - If 1: FIFO results are right-shifted to be one …\nBits 24:27 - DREQ/IRQ asserted when level >= threshold\nBits 24:27 - DREQ/IRQ asserted when level >= threshold\nBit 10 - 1 if the FIFO has been underflowed. Write 1 to …\nBit 10 - 1 if the FIFO has been underflowed. Write 1 to …\nField ERR
reader - 1 if this particular sample experienced …\nConversion result FIFO\nRegister FIFO
reader\nField VAL
reader -\nBit 15 - 1 if this particular sample experienced a …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:11\nField FIFO
reader - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches …\nField FIFO
writer - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches …\nInterrupt Enable\nRegister INTE
reader\nRegister INTE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches a certain …\nBit 0 - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches a certain …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField FIFO
reader - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches …\nField FIFO
writer - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches …\nInterrupt Force\nRegister INTF
reader\nRegister INTF
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches a certain …\nBit 0 - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches a certain …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField FIFO
reader - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches …\nRaw Interrupts\nRegister INTR
reader\nBit 0 - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches a certain …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField FIFO
reader - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches …\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\nRegister INTS
reader\nBit 0 - Triggered when the sample FIFO reaches a certain …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister RESULT
reader\nField RESULT
reader -\nResult of most recent ADC conversion\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:11\nBUS_PRIORITY (rw) register accessor: Set the priority of …\nBUS_PRIORITY_ACK (r) register accessor: Bus priority …\nPERFCTR0 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nPERFCTR1 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nPERFCTR2 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nPERFCTR3 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nPERFSEL0 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nPERFSEL1 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nPERFSEL2 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nPERFSEL3 (rw) register accessor: Bus fabric performance …\nRegister block\nSet the priority of each master for bus arbitration.\n0x00 - Set the priority of each master for bus arbitration.\nBus priority acknowledge\n0x04 - Bus priority acknowledge\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBus fabric performance counter 0\n0x08 - Bus fabric performance counter 0\nBus fabric performance counter 1\n0x10 - Bus fabric performance counter 1\nBus fabric performance counter 2\n0x18 - Bus fabric performance counter 2\nBus fabric performance counter 3\n0x20 - Bus fabric performance counter 3\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR0\n0x0c - Bus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR0\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR1\n0x14 - Bus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR1\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR2\n0x1c - Bus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR2\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR3\n0x24 - Bus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR3\nSet the priority of each master for bus arbitration.\nField DMA_R
reader - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField DMA_R
writer - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField DMA_W
reader - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField DMA_W
writer - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField PROC0
reader - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField PROC0
writer - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField PROC1
reader - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField PROC1
writer - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nRegister BUS_PRIORITY
reader\nRegister BUS_PRIORITY
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 8 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nBit 8 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nBit 12 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nBit 12 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nBit 0 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nBit 4 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nBit 4 - 0 - low priority, 1 - high priority\nField BUS_PRIORITY_ACK
reader - Goes to 1 once all …\nBus priority acknowledge\nRegister BUS_PRIORITY_ACK
reader\nBit 0 - Goes to 1 once all arbiters have registered the …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField PERFCTR0
reader - Busfabric saturating performance …\nBus fabric performance counter 0\nField PERFCTR0
writer - Busfabric saturating performance …\nRegister PERFCTR0
reader\nRegister PERFCTR0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 0 …\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 0 …\nField PERFCTR1
reader - Busfabric saturating performance …\nBus fabric performance counter 1\nField PERFCTR1
writer - Busfabric saturating performance …\nRegister PERFCTR1
reader\nRegister PERFCTR1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 1 …\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 1 …\nField PERFCTR2
reader - Busfabric saturating performance …\nBus fabric performance counter 2\nField PERFCTR2
writer - Busfabric saturating performance …\nRegister PERFCTR2
reader\nRegister PERFCTR2
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 2 …\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 2 …\nField PERFCTR3
reader - Busfabric saturating performance …\nBus fabric performance counter 3\nField PERFCTR3
writer - Busfabric saturating performance …\nRegister PERFCTR3
reader\nRegister PERFCTR3
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 3 …\nBits 0:23 - Busfabric saturating performance counter 3 …\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n2: 10
\nSelect an event for PERFCTR0. Count either contested …\nField PERFSEL0
reader - Select an event for PERFCTR0. …\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR0\nField PERFSEL0
writer - Select an event for PERFCTR0. …\nRegister PERFSEL0
reader\n19: 10011
\n18: 10010
\n15: 1111
\n14: 1110
\n13: 1101
\n12: 1100
\n11: 1011
\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n8: 1000
\n7: 111
\n6: 110
\n5: 101
\n4: 100
\nRegister PERFSEL0
writer\n17: 10001
\n16: 10000
\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n11
\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR0. Count either …\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR0. Count either …\n10011
\nGet enumerated values variant\n10001
\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n2: 10
\nSelect an event for PERFCTR1. Count either contested …\nField PERFSEL1
reader - Select an event for PERFCTR1. …\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR1\nField PERFSEL1
writer - Select an event for PERFCTR1. …\nRegister PERFSEL1
reader\n19: 10011
\n18: 10010
\n15: 1111
\n14: 1110
\n13: 1101
\n12: 1100
\n11: 1011
\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n8: 1000
\n7: 111
\n6: 110
\n5: 101
\n4: 100
\nRegister PERFSEL1
writer\n17: 10001
\n16: 10000
\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n11
\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR1. Count either …\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR1. Count either …\n10011
\nGet enumerated values variant\n10001
\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n2: 10
\nSelect an event for PERFCTR2. Count either contested …\nField PERFSEL2
reader - Select an event for PERFCTR2. …\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR2\nField PERFSEL2
writer - Select an event for PERFCTR2. …\nRegister PERFSEL2
reader\n19: 10011
\n18: 10010
\n15: 1111
\n14: 1110
\n13: 1101
\n12: 1100
\n11: 1011
\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n8: 1000
\n7: 111
\n6: 110
\n5: 101
\n4: 100
\nRegister PERFSEL2
writer\n17: 10001
\n16: 10000
\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n11
\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR2. Count either …\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR2. Count either …\n10011
\nGet enumerated values variant\n10001
\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n2: 10
\nSelect an event for PERFCTR3. Count either contested …\nField PERFSEL3
reader - Select an event for PERFCTR3. …\nBus fabric performance event select for PERFCTR3\nField PERFSEL3
writer - Select an event for PERFCTR3. …\nRegister PERFSEL3
reader\n19: 10011
\n18: 10010
\n15: 1111
\n14: 1110
\n13: 1101
\n12: 1100
\n11: 1011
\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n8: 1000
\n7: 111
\n6: 110
\n5: 101
\n4: 100
\nRegister PERFSEL3
writer\n17: 10001
\n16: 10000
\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n11
\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR3. Count either …\nBits 0:4 - Select an event for PERFCTR3. Count either …\n10011
\nGet enumerated values variant\n10001
\nCLK_ADC_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can be …\nCLK_ADC_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can be …\nCLK_ADC_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_GPOUT0_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can …\nCLK_GPOUT0_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can …\nCLK_GPOUT0_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_GPOUT1_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can …\nCLK_GPOUT1_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can …\nCLK_GPOUT1_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_GPOUT2_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can …\nCLK_GPOUT2_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can …\nCLK_GPOUT2_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_GPOUT3_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can …\nCLK_GPOUT3_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can …\nCLK_GPOUT3_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_PERI_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can …\nCLK_PERI_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_REF_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can be …\nCLK_REF_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can be …\nCLK_REF_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_RTC_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can be …\nCLK_RTC_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can be …\nCLK_RTC_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_SYS_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can be …\nCLK_SYS_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can be …\nCLK_SYS_RESUS_CTRL (rw) register accessor:\nCLK_SYS_RESUS_STATUS (r) register accessor:\nCLK_SYS_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nCLK_USB_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Clock control, can be …\nCLK_USB_DIV (rw) register accessor: Clock divisor, can be …\nCLK_USB_SELECTED (r) register accessor: Indicates which …\nENABLED0 (r) register accessor: indicates the state of the …\nENABLED1 (r) register accessor: indicates the state of the …\nFC0_DELAY (rw) register accessor: Delays the start of …\nFC0_INTERVAL (rw) register accessor: The test interval is …\nFC0_MAX_KHZ (rw) register accessor: Maximum pass frequency …\nFC0_MIN_KHZ (rw) register accessor: Minimum pass frequency …\nFC0_REF_KHZ (rw) register accessor: Reference clock …\nFC0_RESULT (r) register accessor: Result of frequency …\nFC0_SRC (rw) register accessor: Clock sent to frequency …\nFC0_STATUS (r) register accessor: Frequency counter status\nINTE (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enable\nINTF (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Force\nINTR (r) register accessor: Raw Interrupts\nINTS (r) register accessor: Interrupt status after masking …\nRegister block\nSLEEP_EN0 (rw) register accessor: enable clock in sleep …\nSLEEP_EN1 (rw) register accessor: enable clock in sleep …\nWAKE_EN0 (rw) register accessor: enable clock in wake mode\nWAKE_EN1 (rw) register accessor: enable clock in wake mode\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x60 - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x64 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x68 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x00 - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x04 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x08 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x0c - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x10 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x14 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x18 - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x1c - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x20 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x24 - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x28 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x2c - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x48 - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x50 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x30 - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x34 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x38 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x6c - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x70 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x74 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x3c - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x40 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x78 -\n0x7c -\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x44 - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0x54 - Clock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except …\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\n0x58 - Clock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\n0x5c - Indicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nindicates the state of the clock enable\n0xb0 - indicates the state of the clock enable\nindicates the state of the clock enable\n0xb4 - indicates the state of the clock enable\nDelays the start of frequency counting to allow the mux to …\n0x8c - Delays the start of frequency counting to allow the …\nThe test interval is 0.98us * 2interval, but let’s call …\n0x90 - The test interval is 0.98us * 2interval, but let’…\nMaximum pass frequency in kHz. This is optional. Set to …\n0x88 - Maximum pass frequency in kHz. This is optional. …\nMinimum pass frequency in kHz. This is optional. Set to 0 …\n0x84 - Minimum pass frequency in kHz. This is optional. …\nReference clock frequency in kHz\n0x80 - Reference clock frequency in kHz\nResult of frequency measurement, only valid when …\n0x9c - Result of frequency measurement, only valid when …\nClock sent to frequency counter, set to 0 when not required\n0x94 - Clock sent to frequency counter, set to 0 when not …\nFrequency counter status\n0x98 - Frequency counter status\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInterrupt Enable\n0xbc - Interrupt Enable\nInterrupt Force\n0xc0 - Interrupt Force\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRaw Interrupts\n0xb8 - Raw Interrupts\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\n0xc4 - Interrupt status after masking & forcing\nenable clock in sleep mode\n0xa8 - enable clock in sleep mode\nenable clock in sleep mode\n0xac - enable clock in sleep mode\nenable clock in wake mode\n0xa0 - enable clock in wake mode\nenable clock in wake mode\n0xa4 - enable clock in wake mode\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n4: 100
\n5: 101
\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField NUDGE
reader - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField NUDGE
writer - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField PHASE
reader - This delays the enable signal by up …\nField PHASE
writer - This delays the enable signal by up …\nRegister CLK_ADC_CTRL
reader\n2: 10
\nRegister CLK_ADC_CTRL
writer\n3: 11
\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n100
\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\n10
\nGet enumerated values variant\n11
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_ADC_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_ADC_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:9 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:9 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_ADC_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n8: 1000
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n6: 110
\n7: 111
\nField DC50
reader - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField DC50
writer - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField NUDGE
reader - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField NUDGE
writer - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField PHASE
reader - This delays the enable signal by up …\nField PHASE
writer - This delays the enable signal by up …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT0_CTRL
reader\n4: 100
\nRegister CLK_GPOUT0_CTRL
writer\n5: 101
\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n1000
\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\n100
\nGet enumerated values variant\n101
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField FRAC
reader - Fractional component of the divisor\nField FRAC
writer - Fractional component of the divisor\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT0_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_GPOUT0_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT0_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n8: 1000
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n6: 110
\n7: 111
\nField DC50
reader - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField DC50
writer - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField NUDGE
reader - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField NUDGE
writer - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField PHASE
reader - This delays the enable signal by up …\nField PHASE
writer - This delays the enable signal by up …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT1_CTRL
reader\n4: 100
\nRegister CLK_GPOUT1_CTRL
writer\n5: 101
\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n1000
\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\n100
\nGet enumerated values variant\n101
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField FRAC
reader - Fractional component of the divisor\nField FRAC
writer - Fractional component of the divisor\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT1_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_GPOUT1_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT1_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n8: 1000
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n6: 110
\n7: 111
\nField DC50
reader - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField DC50
writer - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField NUDGE
reader - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField NUDGE
writer - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField PHASE
reader - This delays the enable signal by up …\nField PHASE
writer - This delays the enable signal by up …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT2_CTRL
reader\n4: 100
\nRegister CLK_GPOUT2_CTRL
writer\n5: 101
\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n1000
\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\n100
\nGet enumerated values variant\n101
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField FRAC
reader - Fractional component of the divisor\nField FRAC
writer - Fractional component of the divisor\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT2_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_GPOUT2_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT2_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\n0: 0
\n3: 11
\n8: 1000
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n10: 1010
\n9: 1001
\n6: 110
\n7: 111
\nField DC50
reader - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField DC50
writer - Enables duty cycle correction for odd …\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField NUDGE
reader - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField NUDGE
writer - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField PHASE
reader - This delays the enable signal by up …\nField PHASE
writer - This delays the enable signal by up …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT3_CTRL
reader\n4: 100
\nRegister CLK_GPOUT3_CTRL
writer\n5: 101
\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:8 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n1000
\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 12 - Enables duty cycle correction for odd divisors\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\n100
\nGet enumerated values variant\n101
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField FRAC
reader - Fractional component of the divisor\nField FRAC
writer - Fractional component of the divisor\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT3_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_GPOUT3_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_GPOUT3_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n5: 101
\n6: 110
\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\n0: 0
\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nRegister CLK_PERI_CTRL
reader\n3: 11
\nRegister CLK_PERI_CTRL
writer\n4: 100
\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n0
\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\n11
\nGet enumerated values variant\n100
\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_PERI_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n1: 1
\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\n0: 0
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\nRegister CLK_REF_CTRL
reader\n0: 0
\nSelects the clock source glitchlessly, can be changed …\nField SRC
reader - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, …\nField SRC
writer - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, …\nRegister CLK_REF_CTRL
writer\n2: 10
\nBits 5:6 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:6 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n1
\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBits 0:1 - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, can be …\nBits 0:1 - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, can be …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n10
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_REF_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_REF_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:9 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:9 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_REF_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n4: 100
\n5: 101
\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField NUDGE
reader - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField NUDGE
writer - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField PHASE
reader - This delays the enable signal by up …\nField PHASE
writer - This delays the enable signal by up …\nRegister CLK_RTC_CTRL
reader\n2: 10
\nRegister CLK_RTC_CTRL
writer\n3: 11
\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n100
\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\n10
\nGet enumerated values variant\n11
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField FRAC
reader - Fractional component of the divisor\nField FRAC
writer - Fractional component of the divisor\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_RTC_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_RTC_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_RTC_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n1: 1
\n4: 100
\n5: 101
\n0: 0
\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\nRegister CLK_SYS_CTRL
reader\n2: 10
\nSelects the clock source glitchlessly, can be changed …\nField SRC
reader - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, …\nField SRC
writer - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, …\nRegister CLK_SYS_CTRL
writer\n3: 11
\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n0
\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 0 - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, can be …\nBit 0 - Selects the clock source glitchlessly, can be …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n11
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField FRAC
reader - Fractional component of the divisor\nField FRAC
writer - Fractional component of the divisor\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_SYS_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_SYS_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nBits 0:7 - Fractional component of the divisor\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:31 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField CLEAR
reader - For clearing the resus after the …\nField CLEAR
writer - For clearing the resus after the …\nYou can read
this register and get clk_sys_resus_ctrl::R
. …\nField ENABLE
reader - Enable resus\nField ENABLE
writer - Enable resus\nField FRCE
reader - Force a resus, for test purposes only\nField FRCE
writer - Force a resus, for test purposes only\nRegister CLK_SYS_RESUS_CTRL
reader\nField TIMEOUT
reader - This is expressed as a number of …\nField TIMEOUT
writer - This is expressed as a number of …\nRegister CLK_SYS_RESUS_CTRL
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 16 - For clearing the resus after the fault that …\nBit 16 - For clearing the resus after the fault that …\nBit 8 - Enable resus\nBit 8 - Enable resus\nBit 12 - Force a resus, for test purposes only\nBit 12 - Force a resus, for test purposes only\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - This is expressed as a number of clk_ref cycles …\nBits 0:7 - This is expressed as a number of clk_ref cycles …\nYou can read
this register and get clk_sys_resus_status::R
reader\nField RESUSSED
reader - Clock has been resuscitated, …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Clock has been resuscitated, correct the error …\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_SYS_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nSelects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch when …\nField AUXSRC
reader - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\nField AUXSRC
writer - Selects the auxiliary clock source, …\n4: 100
\n5: 101
\n1: 1
\n0: 0
\nClock control, can be changed on-the-fly (except for …\nField ENABLE
reader - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField ENABLE
writer - Starts and stops the clock generator …\nField KILL
reader - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField KILL
writer - Asynchronously kills the clock …\nField NUDGE
reader - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField NUDGE
writer - An edge on this signal shifts the …\nField PHASE
reader - This delays the enable signal by up …\nField PHASE
writer - This delays the enable signal by up …\nRegister CLK_USB_CTRL
reader\n2: 10
\nRegister CLK_USB_CTRL
writer\n3: 11
\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nBits 5:7 - Selects the auxiliary clock source, will glitch …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n100
\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nBit 11 - Starts and stops the clock generator cleanly\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 10 - Asynchronously kills the clock generator\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBit 20 - An edge on this signal shifts the phase of the …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\nBits 16:17 - This delays the enable signal by up to 3 …\n10
\nGet enumerated values variant\n11
\nClock divisor, can be changed on-the-fly\nField INT
reader - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nField INT
writer - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> …\nRegister CLK_USB_DIV
reader\nRegister CLK_USB_DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 8:9 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nBits 8:9 - Integer component of the divisor, 0 -> divide …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates which SRC is currently selected by the …\nRegister CLK_USB_SELECTED
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField clk_adc_adc
reader -\nField clk_peri_spi0
reader -\nField clk_peri_spi1
reader -\nField clk_rtc_rtc
reader -\nField clk_sys_adc
reader -\nField clk_sys_busctrl
reader -\nField clk_sys_busfabric
reader -\nField clk_sys_clocks
reader -\nField clk_sys_dma
reader -\nField clk_sys_i2c0
reader -\nField clk_sys_i2c1
reader -\nField clk_sys_io
reader -\nField clk_sys_jtag
reader -\nField clk_sys_pads
reader -\nField clk_sys_pio0
reader -\nField clk_sys_pio1
reader -\nField clk_sys_pll_sys
reader -\nField clk_sys_pll_usb
reader -\nField clk_sys_psm
reader -\nField clk_sys_pwm
reader -\nField clk_sys_resets
reader -\nField clk_sys_rom
reader -\nField clk_sys_rosc
reader -\nField clk_sys_rtc
reader -\nField clk_sys_sio
reader -\nField clk_sys_spi0
reader -\nField clk_sys_spi1
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram0
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram1
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram2
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram3
reader -\nField clk_sys_vreg_and_chip_reset
reader -\nindicates the state of the clock enable\nRegister ENABLED0
reader\nBit 1\nBit 24\nBit 26\nBit 21\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 0\nBit 5\nBit 6\nBit 7\nBit 8\nBit 9\nBit 11\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 15\nBit 16\nBit 17\nBit 18\nBit 19\nBit 20\nBit 22\nBit 23\nBit 25\nBit 27\nBit 28\nBit 29\nBit 30\nBit 31\nBit 10\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField clk_peri_uart0
reader -\nField clk_peri_uart1
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram4
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram5
reader -\nField clk_sys_syscfg
reader -\nField clk_sys_sysinfo
reader -\nField clk_sys_tbman
reader -\nField clk_sys_timer
reader -\nField clk_sys_uart0
reader -\nField clk_sys_uart1
reader -\nField clk_sys_usbctrl
reader -\nField clk_sys_watchdog
reader -\nField clk_sys_xip
reader -\nField clk_sys_xosc
reader -\nField clk_usb_usbctrl
reader -\nindicates the state of the clock enable\nRegister ENABLED1
reader\nBit 6\nBit 8\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 5\nBit 7\nBit 9\nBit 10\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 11\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField FC0_DELAY
reader -\nDelays the start of frequency counting to allow the mux to …\nField FC0_DELAY
writer -\nRegister FC0_DELAY
reader\nRegister FC0_DELAY
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:2\nBits 0:2\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nThe test interval is 0.98us * 2interval, but let’s call …\nField FC0_INTERVAL
writer -\nRegister FC0_INTERVAL
reader\nRegister FC0_INTERVAL
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:3\nBits 0:3\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField FC0_MAX_KHZ
reader -\nMaximum pass frequency in kHz. This is optional. Set to …\nField FC0_MAX_KHZ
writer -\nRegister FC0_MAX_KHZ
reader\nRegister FC0_MAX_KHZ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:24\nBits 0:24\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField FC0_MIN_KHZ
reader -\nMinimum pass frequency in kHz. This is optional. Set to 0 …\nField FC0_MIN_KHZ
writer -\nRegister FC0_MIN_KHZ
reader\nRegister FC0_MIN_KHZ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:24\nBits 0:24\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField FC0_REF_KHZ
reader -\nReference clock frequency in kHz\nField FC0_REF_KHZ
writer -\nRegister FC0_REF_KHZ
reader\nRegister FC0_REF_KHZ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:19\nBits 0:19\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nResult of frequency measurement, only valid when …\nField FRAC
reader -\nField KHZ
reader -\nRegister FC0_RESULT
reader\nBits 0:4\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 5:29\n6: 110
\n7: 111
\n12: 1100
\n10: 1010
\n8: 1000
\n13: 1101
\n9: 1001
\n11: 1011
\nValue on reset: 0\nField FC0_SRC
reader -\nClock sent to frequency counter, set to 0 when not required\nField FC0_SRC
writer -\n0: 0
\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\nRegister FC0_SRC
reader\n3: 11
\n4: 100
\nRegister FC0_SRC
writer\n5: 101
\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n1100
\nBits 0:7\nBits 0:7\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nGet enumerated values variant\n101
\nField DIED
reader - Test clock stopped during test\nField DONE
reader - Test complete\nField FAIL
reader - Test failed\nField FAST
reader - Test clock faster than expected, only …\nFrequency counter status\nField PASS
reader - Test passed\nRegister FC0_STATUS
reader\nField RUNNING
reader - Test running\nField SLOW
reader - Test clock slower than expected, only …\nField WAITING
reader - Waiting for test clock to start\nBit 28 - Test clock stopped during test\nBit 4 - Test complete\nBit 16 - Test failed\nBit 24 - Test clock faster than expected, only valid when …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Test passed\nBit 8 - Test running\nBit 20 - Test clock slower than expected, only valid when …\nBit 12 - Waiting for test clock to start\nField CLK_SYS_RESUS
reader -\nField CLK_SYS_RESUS
writer -\nInterrupt Enable\nRegister INTE
reader\nRegister INTE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nField CLK_SYS_RESUS
writer -\nInterrupt Force\nRegister INTF
reader\nRegister INTF
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRaw Interrupts\nRegister INTR
reader\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\nRegister INTS
reader\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField clk_adc_adc
reader -\nField clk_adc_adc
writer -\nField clk_peri_spi0
reader -\nField clk_peri_spi0
writer -\nField clk_peri_spi1
reader -\nField clk_peri_spi1
writer -\nField clk_rtc_rtc
reader -\nField clk_rtc_rtc
writer -\nField clk_sys_adc
reader -\nField clk_sys_adc
writer -\nField clk_sys_busctrl
reader -\nField clk_sys_busctrl
writer -\nField clk_sys_busfabric
reader -\nField clk_sys_busfabric
writer -\nField clk_sys_clocks
reader -\nField clk_sys_clocks
writer -\nField clk_sys_dma
reader -\nField clk_sys_dma
writer -\nField clk_sys_i2c0
reader -\nField clk_sys_i2c0
writer -\nField clk_sys_i2c1
reader -\nField clk_sys_i2c1
writer -\nField clk_sys_io
reader -\nField clk_sys_io
writer -\nField clk_sys_jtag
reader -\nField clk_sys_jtag
writer -\nField clk_sys_pads
reader -\nField clk_sys_pads
writer -\nField clk_sys_pio0
reader -\nField clk_sys_pio0
writer -\nField clk_sys_pio1
reader -\nField clk_sys_pio1
writer -\nField clk_sys_pll_sys
reader -\nField clk_sys_pll_sys
writer -\nField clk_sys_pll_usb
reader -\nField clk_sys_pll_usb
writer -\nField clk_sys_psm
reader -\nField clk_sys_psm
writer -\nField clk_sys_pwm
reader -\nField clk_sys_pwm
writer -\nField clk_sys_resets
reader -\nField clk_sys_resets
writer -\nField clk_sys_rom
reader -\nField clk_sys_rom
writer -\nField clk_sys_rosc
reader -\nField clk_sys_rosc
writer -\nField clk_sys_rtc
reader -\nField clk_sys_rtc
writer -\nField clk_sys_sio
reader -\nField clk_sys_sio
writer -\nField clk_sys_spi0
reader -\nField clk_sys_spi0
writer -\nField clk_sys_spi1
reader -\nField clk_sys_spi1
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram0
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram0
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram1
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram1
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram2
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram2
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram3
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram3
writer -\nField clk_sys_vreg_and_chip_reset
reader -\nField clk_sys_vreg_and_chip_reset
writer -\nRegister SLEEP_EN0
reader\nenable clock in sleep mode\nRegister SLEEP_EN0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 24\nBit 24\nBit 26\nBit 26\nBit 21\nBit 21\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 4\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 5\nBit 5\nBit 6\nBit 6\nBit 7\nBit 7\nBit 8\nBit 8\nBit 9\nBit 9\nBit 11\nBit 11\nBit 12\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 14\nBit 15\nBit 15\nBit 16\nBit 16\nBit 17\nBit 17\nBit 18\nBit 18\nBit 19\nBit 19\nBit 20\nBit 20\nBit 22\nBit 22\nBit 23\nBit 23\nBit 25\nBit 25\nBit 27\nBit 27\nBit 28\nBit 28\nBit 29\nBit 29\nBit 30\nBit 30\nBit 31\nBit 31\nBit 10\nBit 10\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField clk_peri_uart0
reader -\nField clk_peri_uart0
writer -\nField clk_peri_uart1
reader -\nField clk_peri_uart1
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram4
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram4
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram5
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram5
writer -\nField clk_sys_syscfg
reader -\nField clk_sys_syscfg
writer -\nField clk_sys_sysinfo
reader -\nField clk_sys_sysinfo
writer -\nField clk_sys_tbman
reader -\nField clk_sys_tbman
writer -\nField clk_sys_timer
reader -\nField clk_sys_timer
writer -\nField clk_sys_uart0
reader -\nField clk_sys_uart0
writer -\nField clk_sys_uart1
reader -\nField clk_sys_uart1
writer -\nField clk_sys_usbctrl
reader -\nField clk_sys_usbctrl
writer -\nField clk_sys_watchdog
reader -\nField clk_sys_watchdog
writer -\nField clk_sys_xip
reader -\nField clk_sys_xip
writer -\nField clk_sys_xosc
reader -\nField clk_sys_xosc
writer -\nField clk_usb_usbctrl
reader -\nField clk_usb_usbctrl
writer -\nRegister SLEEP_EN1
reader\nenable clock in sleep mode\nRegister SLEEP_EN1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 6\nBit 6\nBit 8\nBit 8\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 4\nBit 5\nBit 5\nBit 7\nBit 7\nBit 9\nBit 9\nBit 10\nBit 10\nBit 12\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 14\nBit 11\nBit 11\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField clk_adc_adc
reader -\nField clk_adc_adc
writer -\nField clk_peri_spi0
reader -\nField clk_peri_spi0
writer -\nField clk_peri_spi1
reader -\nField clk_peri_spi1
writer -\nField clk_rtc_rtc
reader -\nField clk_rtc_rtc
writer -\nField clk_sys_adc
reader -\nField clk_sys_adc
writer -\nField clk_sys_busctrl
reader -\nField clk_sys_busctrl
writer -\nField clk_sys_busfabric
reader -\nField clk_sys_busfabric
writer -\nField clk_sys_clocks
reader -\nField clk_sys_clocks
writer -\nField clk_sys_dma
reader -\nField clk_sys_dma
writer -\nField clk_sys_i2c0
reader -\nField clk_sys_i2c0
writer -\nField clk_sys_i2c1
reader -\nField clk_sys_i2c1
writer -\nField clk_sys_io
reader -\nField clk_sys_io
writer -\nField clk_sys_jtag
reader -\nField clk_sys_jtag
writer -\nField clk_sys_pads
reader -\nField clk_sys_pads
writer -\nField clk_sys_pio0
reader -\nField clk_sys_pio0
writer -\nField clk_sys_pio1
reader -\nField clk_sys_pio1
writer -\nField clk_sys_pll_sys
reader -\nField clk_sys_pll_sys
writer -\nField clk_sys_pll_usb
reader -\nField clk_sys_pll_usb
writer -\nField clk_sys_psm
reader -\nField clk_sys_psm
writer -\nField clk_sys_pwm
reader -\nField clk_sys_pwm
writer -\nField clk_sys_resets
reader -\nField clk_sys_resets
writer -\nField clk_sys_rom
reader -\nField clk_sys_rom
writer -\nField clk_sys_rosc
reader -\nField clk_sys_rosc
writer -\nField clk_sys_rtc
reader -\nField clk_sys_rtc
writer -\nField clk_sys_sio
reader -\nField clk_sys_sio
writer -\nField clk_sys_spi0
reader -\nField clk_sys_spi0
writer -\nField clk_sys_spi1
reader -\nField clk_sys_spi1
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram0
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram0
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram1
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram1
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram2
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram2
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram3
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram3
writer -\nField clk_sys_vreg_and_chip_reset
reader -\nField clk_sys_vreg_and_chip_reset
writer -\nRegister WAKE_EN0
reader\nRegister WAKE_EN0
writer\nenable clock in wake mode\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 24\nBit 24\nBit 26\nBit 26\nBit 21\nBit 21\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 4\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 5\nBit 5\nBit 6\nBit 6\nBit 7\nBit 7\nBit 8\nBit 8\nBit 9\nBit 9\nBit 11\nBit 11\nBit 12\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 14\nBit 15\nBit 15\nBit 16\nBit 16\nBit 17\nBit 17\nBit 18\nBit 18\nBit 19\nBit 19\nBit 20\nBit 20\nBit 22\nBit 22\nBit 23\nBit 23\nBit 25\nBit 25\nBit 27\nBit 27\nBit 28\nBit 28\nBit 29\nBit 29\nBit 30\nBit 30\nBit 31\nBit 31\nBit 10\nBit 10\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField clk_peri_uart0
reader -\nField clk_peri_uart0
writer -\nField clk_peri_uart1
reader -\nField clk_peri_uart1
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram4
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram4
writer -\nField clk_sys_sram5
reader -\nField clk_sys_sram5
writer -\nField clk_sys_syscfg
reader -\nField clk_sys_syscfg
writer -\nField clk_sys_sysinfo
reader -\nField clk_sys_sysinfo
writer -\nField clk_sys_tbman
reader -\nField clk_sys_tbman
writer -\nField clk_sys_timer
reader -\nField clk_sys_timer
writer -\nField clk_sys_uart0
reader -\nField clk_sys_uart0
writer -\nField clk_sys_uart1
reader -\nField clk_sys_uart1
writer -\nField clk_sys_usbctrl
reader -\nField clk_sys_usbctrl
writer -\nField clk_sys_watchdog
reader -\nField clk_sys_watchdog
writer -\nField clk_sys_xip
reader -\nField clk_sys_xip
writer -\nField clk_sys_xosc
reader -\nField clk_sys_xosc
writer -\nField clk_usb_usbctrl
reader -\nField clk_usb_usbctrl
writer -\nRegister WAKE_EN1
reader\nRegister WAKE_EN1
writer\nenable clock in wake mode\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 6\nBit 6\nBit 8\nBit 8\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 4\nBit 5\nBit 5\nBit 7\nBit 7\nBit 9\nBit 9\nBit 10\nBit 10\nBit 12\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 14\nBit 11\nBit 11\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCluster CH%s, containing CH?_READ_ADDR,CH??_READ_ADDR, CH?_…\nCH0_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH0_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH10_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH10_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH11_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH11_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH1_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH1_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH2_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH2_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH3_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH3_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH4_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH4_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH5_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH5_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH6_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH6_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH7_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH7_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH8_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH8_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCH9_DBG_CTDREQ (rw) register accessor: Read: get channel …\nCH9_DBG_TCR (r) register accessor: Read to get channel …\nCHAN_ABORT (rw) register accessor: Abort an in-progress …\nFIFO_LEVELS (r) register accessor: Debug RAF, WAF, TDF …\nINTE0 (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enables for IRQ 0\nINTE1 (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enables for IRQ 1\nINTF0 (rw) register accessor: Force Interrupts\nINTF1 (rw) register accessor: Force Interrupts for IRQ 1\nINTR (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Status (raw)\nINTS0 (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Status for IRQ 0\nINTS1 (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Status (masked) …\nMULTI_CHAN_TRIGGER (rw) register accessor: Trigger one or …\nN_CHANNELS (r) register accessor: The number of channels …\nRegister block\nSNIFF_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Sniffer Control\nSNIFF_DATA (rw) register accessor: Data accumulator for …\nTIMER0 (rw) register accessor: Pacing (X/Y) Fractional …\nTIMER1 (rw) register accessor: Pacing (X/Y) Fractional …\nTIMER2 (rw) register accessor: Pacing (X/Y) Fractional …\nTIMER3 (rw) register accessor: Pacing (X/Y) Fractional …\nCluster Cluster CH%s, containing CH?_READ_ADDR,CH??_…\n0x00..0x300 - Cluster CH%s, containing CH?_READ_ADDR,CH??_…\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x800 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x804 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0xa80 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0xa84 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0xac0 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0xac4 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x840 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x844 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x880 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x884 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x8c0 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x8c4 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x900 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x904 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x940 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x944 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x980 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x984 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0x9c0 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0x9c4 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0xa00 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0xa04 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\n0xa40 - Read: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many …\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\n0xa44 - Read to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. …\nIterator for array of: 0x00..0x300 - Cluster CH%s, …\nAbort an in-progress transfer sequence on one or more …\n0x444 - Abort an in-progress transfer sequence on one or …\nDebug RAF, WAF, TDF levels\n0x440 - Debug RAF, WAF, TDF levels\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInterrupt Enables for IRQ 0\n0x404 - Interrupt Enables for IRQ 0\nInterrupt Enables for IRQ 1\n0x414 - Interrupt Enables for IRQ 1\nForce Interrupts\n0x408 - Force Interrupts\nForce Interrupts for IRQ 1\n0x418 - Force Interrupts for IRQ 1\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nInterrupt Status (raw)\n0x400 - Interrupt Status (raw)\nInterrupt Status for IRQ 0\n0x40c - Interrupt Status for IRQ 0\nInterrupt Status (masked) for IRQ 1\n0x41c - Interrupt Status (masked) for IRQ 1\nTrigger one or more channels simultaneously\n0x430 - Trigger one or more channels simultaneously\nThe number of channels this DMA instance is equipped with. …\n0x448 - The number of channels this DMA instance is …\nSniffer Control\n0x434 - Sniffer Control\nData accumulator for sniff hardware Write an initial seed …\n0x438 - Data accumulator for sniff hardware Write an …\nPacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer produces …\n0x420 - Pacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer …\nPacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer produces …\n0x424 - Pacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer …\nPacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer produces …\n0x428 - Pacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer …\nPacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer produces …\n0x42c - Pacing (X/Y) Fractional Timer The pacing timer …\nRegister block\nCH_AL1_CTRL (rw) register accessor: DMA Channel 0 Control …\nCH_AL1_READ_ADDR (rw) register accessor: Alias for channel …\nCH_AL1_TRANS_COUNT_TRIG (rw) register accessor: Alias for …\nCH_AL1_WRITE_ADDR (rw) register accessor: Alias for …\nCH_AL2_CTRL (rw) register accessor: DMA Channel 0 Control …\nCH_AL2_READ_ADDR (rw) register accessor: Alias for channel …\nCH_AL2_TRANS_COUNT (rw) register accessor: Alias for …\nCH_AL2_WRITE_ADDR_TRIG (rw) register accessor: Alias for …\nCH_AL3_CTRL (rw) register accessor: DMA Channel 0 Control …\nCH_AL3_READ_ADDR_TRIG (rw) register accessor: Alias for …\nCH_AL3_TRANS_COUNT (rw) register accessor: Alias for …\nCH_AL3_WRITE_ADDR (rw) register accessor: Alias for …\nCH_CTRL_TRIG (rw) register accessor: DMA Channel 0 Control …\nCH_READ_ADDR (rw) register accessor: DMA Channel 0 Read …\nCH_TRANS_COUNT (rw) register accessor: DMA Channel 0 …\nCH_WRITE_ADDR (rw) register accessor: DMA Channel 0 Write …\nDMA Channel 0 Control and Status\n0x10 - DMA Channel 0 Control and Status\nAlias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register\n0x14 - Alias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register\nAlias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register This is a trigger …\n0x1c - Alias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register This is a …\nAlias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register\n0x18 - Alias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register\nDMA Channel 0 Control and Status\n0x20 - DMA Channel 0 Control and Status\nAlias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register\n0x28 - Alias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register\nAlias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register\n0x24 - Alias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register\nAlias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register This is a trigger …\n0x2c - Alias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register This is a …\nDMA Channel 0 Control and Status\n0x30 - DMA Channel 0 Control and Status\nAlias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register This is a trigger …\n0x3c - Alias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register This is a …\nAlias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register\n0x38 - Alias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register\nAlias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register\n0x34 - Alias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register\nDMA Channel 0 Control and Status\n0x0c - DMA Channel 0 Control and Status\nDMA Channel 0 Read Address pointer This register updates …\n0x00 - DMA Channel 0 Read Address pointer This register …\nDMA Channel 0 Transfer Count Program the number of bus …\n0x08 - DMA Channel 0 Transfer Count Program the number of …\nDMA Channel 0 Write Address pointer This register updates …\n0x04 - DMA Channel 0 Write Address pointer This register …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH0_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH0_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH0_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH0_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField CH10_DBG_CTDREQ
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH10_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH10_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH10_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH10_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField CH11_DBG_CTDREQ
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH11_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH11_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH11_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH11_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH1_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH1_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH1_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH1_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH2_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH2_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH2_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH2_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH3_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH3_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH3_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH3_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH4_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH4_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH4_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH4_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH5_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH5_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH5_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH5_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH6_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH6_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH6_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH6_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH7_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH7_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH7_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH7_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH8_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH8_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH8_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH8_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nRead: get channel DREQ counter (i.e. how many accesses the …\nField CH9_DBG_CTDREQ
writer -\nRegister CH9_DBG_CTDREQ
reader\nRegister CH9_DBG_CTDREQ
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead to get channel TRANS_COUNT reload value, i.e. the …\nRegister CH9_DBG_TCR
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\n36: Select the ADC as TREQ\nField AHB_ERROR
reader - Logical OR of the READ_ERROR and …\nField BSWAP
reader - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA …\nField BSWAP
writer - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA …\nField BUSY
reader - This flag goes high when the channel …\nField CHAIN_TO
reader - When this channel completes, it …\nField CHAIN_TO
writer - When this channel completes, it …\nDMA Channel 0 Control and Status\nSet the size of each bus transfer (byte/halfword/word). …\nField DATA_SIZE
reader - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nField DATA_SIZE
writer - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nField EN
reader - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel …\nField EN
writer - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel …\nField HIGH_PRIORITY
reader - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel …\nField HIGH_PRIORITY
writer - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel …\n33: Select I2C0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n32: Select I2C0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n35: Select I2C1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n34: Select I2C1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nField INCR_READ
reader - If 1, the read address increments …\nField INCR_READ
writer - If 1, the read address increments …\nField INCR_WRITE
reader - If 1, the write address …\nField INCR_WRITE
writer - If 1, the write address …\nField IRQ_QUIET
reader - In QUIET mode, the channel does …\nField IRQ_QUIET
writer - In QUIET mode, the channel does …\n63: Permanent request, for unpaced transfers.\n4: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n5: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n6: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n7: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n0: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n1: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n2: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n3: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n12: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n13: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n14: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n15: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n8: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n9: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n10: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n11: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n24: Select PWM Counter 0’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n25: Select PWM Counter 1’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n26: Select PWM Counter 2’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n27: Select PWM Counter 3’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n28: Select PWM Counter 4’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n29: Select PWM Counter 5’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n30: Select PWM Counter 6’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n31: Select PWM Counter 7’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nRegister CH_AL1_CTRL
reader\nField READ_ERROR
reader - If 1, the channel received a …\nField READ_ERROR
writer - If 1, the channel received a …\n0: 0
\nField RING_SEL
reader - Select whether RING_SIZE applies …\nField RING_SEL
writer - Select whether RING_SIZE applies …\nSize of address wrap region. If 0, don’t wrap. For …\nField RING_SIZE
reader - Size of address wrap region. If …\nField RING_SIZE
writer - Size of address wrap region. If …\n0: 0
\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\nField SNIFF_EN
reader - If 1, this channel’s data …\nField SNIFF_EN
writer - If 1, this channel’s data …\n17: Select SPI0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n16: Select SPI0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n19: Select SPI1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n18: Select SPI1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n59: Select Timer 0 as TREQ\n60: Select Timer 1 as TREQ\n61: Select Timer 2 as TREQ (Optional)\n62: Select Timer 3 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect a Transfer Request signal. The channel uses the …\nField TREQ_SEL
reader - Select a Transfer Request signal. …\nField TREQ_SEL
writer - Select a Transfer Request signal. …\n21: Select UART0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n20: Select UART0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n23: Select UART1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n22: Select UART1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nRegister CH_AL1_CTRL
writer\nField WRITE_ERROR
reader - If 1, the channel received a …\nField WRITE_ERROR
writer - If 1, the channel received a …\n39: Select the XIP SSI RX FIFO as TREQ\n38: Select the XIP SSI TX FIFO as TREQ\n37: Select the XIP Streaming FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the ADC as TREQ\nBit 31 - Logical OR of the READ_ERROR and WRITE_ERROR …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 22 - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA data. For …\nBit 22 - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA data. For …\nBit 24 - This flag goes high when the channel starts a new …\nBits 11:14 - When this channel completes, it will trigger …\nBits 11:14 - When this channel completes, it will trigger …\nBits 2:3 - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nBits 2:3 - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nBit 0 - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel will …\nBit 0 - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel will …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBit 1 - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel preferential …\nBit 1 - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel preferential …\nSelect I2C0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nBit 4 - If 1, the read address increments with each …\nBit 4 - If 1, the read address increments with each …\nBit 5 - If 1, the write address increments with each …\nBit 5 - If 1, the write address increments with each …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 21 - In QUIET mode, the channel does not generate IRQs …\nBit 21 - In QUIET mode, the channel does not generate IRQs …\nSelect the ADC as TREQ\nSelect I2C0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nPermanent request, for unpaced transfers.\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 0’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 1’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 2’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 3’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 4’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 5’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 6’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 7’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n0
\nSelect SPI0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect Timer 0 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 1 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 2 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect Timer 3 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect UART0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP SSI RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP SSI TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP Streaming FIFO as TREQ\nPermanent request, for unpaced transfers.\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 0’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 1’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 2’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 3’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 4’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 5’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 6’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 7’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nBit 30 - If 1, the channel received a read bus error. …\nBit 30 - If 1, the channel received a read bus error. …\n0
\nBit 10 - Select whether RING_SIZE applies to read or write …\nBit 10 - Select whether RING_SIZE applies to read or write …\nBits 6:9 - Size of address wrap region. If 0, don’t …\nBits 6:9 - Size of address wrap region. If 0, don’t …\n0
\nBit 23 - If 1, this channel’s data transfers are visible …\nBit 23 - If 1, this channel’s data transfers are visible …\nSelect SPI0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect Timer 0 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 1 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 2 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect Timer 3 as TREQ (Optional)\nBits 15:20 - Select a Transfer Request signal. The channel …\nBits 15:20 - Select a Transfer Request signal. The channel …\nSelect UART0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nBit 29 - If 1, the channel received a write bus error. …\nBit 29 - If 1, the channel received a write bus error. …\nSelect the XIP SSI RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP SSI TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP Streaming FIFO as TREQ\nAlias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register\nRegister CH_AL1_READ_ADDR
reader\nRegister CH_AL1_READ_ADDR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nAlias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register This is a trigger …\nRegister CH_AL1_TRANS_COUNT_TRIG
reader\nRegister CH_AL1_TRANS_COUNT_TRIG
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nAlias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register\nRegister CH_AL1_WRITE_ADDR
reader\nRegister CH_AL1_WRITE_ADDR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\n36: Select the ADC as TREQ\nField AHB_ERROR
reader - Logical OR of the READ_ERROR and …\nField BSWAP
reader - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA …\nField BSWAP
writer - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA …\nField BUSY
reader - This flag goes high when the channel …\nField CHAIN_TO
reader - When this channel completes, it …\nField CHAIN_TO
writer - When this channel completes, it …\nDMA Channel 0 Control and Status\nSet the size of each bus transfer (byte/halfword/word). …\nField DATA_SIZE
reader - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nField DATA_SIZE
writer - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nField EN
reader - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel …\nField EN
writer - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel …\nField HIGH_PRIORITY
reader - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel …\nField HIGH_PRIORITY
writer - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel …\n33: Select I2C0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n32: Select I2C0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n35: Select I2C1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n34: Select I2C1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nField INCR_READ
reader - If 1, the read address increments …\nField INCR_READ
writer - If 1, the read address increments …\nField INCR_WRITE
reader - If 1, the write address …\nField INCR_WRITE
writer - If 1, the write address …\nField IRQ_QUIET
reader - In QUIET mode, the channel does …\nField IRQ_QUIET
writer - In QUIET mode, the channel does …\n63: Permanent request, for unpaced transfers.\n4: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n5: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n6: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n7: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n0: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n1: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n2: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n3: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n12: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n13: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n14: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n15: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n8: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n9: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n10: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n11: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n24: Select PWM Counter 0’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n25: Select PWM Counter 1’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n26: Select PWM Counter 2’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n27: Select PWM Counter 3’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n28: Select PWM Counter 4’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n29: Select PWM Counter 5’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n30: Select PWM Counter 6’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n31: Select PWM Counter 7’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nRegister CH_AL2_CTRL
reader\nField READ_ERROR
reader - If 1, the channel received a …\nField READ_ERROR
writer - If 1, the channel received a …\n0: 0
\nField RING_SEL
reader - Select whether RING_SIZE applies …\nField RING_SEL
writer - Select whether RING_SIZE applies …\nSize of address wrap region. If 0, don’t wrap. For …\nField RING_SIZE
reader - Size of address wrap region. If …\nField RING_SIZE
writer - Size of address wrap region. If …\n0: 0
\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\nField SNIFF_EN
reader - If 1, this channel’s data …\nField SNIFF_EN
writer - If 1, this channel’s data …\n17: Select SPI0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n16: Select SPI0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n19: Select SPI1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n18: Select SPI1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n59: Select Timer 0 as TREQ\n60: Select Timer 1 as TREQ\n61: Select Timer 2 as TREQ (Optional)\n62: Select Timer 3 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect a Transfer Request signal. The channel uses the …\nField TREQ_SEL
reader - Select a Transfer Request signal. …\nField TREQ_SEL
writer - Select a Transfer Request signal. …\n21: Select UART0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n20: Select UART0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n23: Select UART1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n22: Select UART1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nRegister CH_AL2_CTRL
writer\nField WRITE_ERROR
reader - If 1, the channel received a …\nField WRITE_ERROR
writer - If 1, the channel received a …\n39: Select the XIP SSI RX FIFO as TREQ\n38: Select the XIP SSI TX FIFO as TREQ\n37: Select the XIP Streaming FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the ADC as TREQ\nBit 31 - Logical OR of the READ_ERROR and WRITE_ERROR …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 22 - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA data. For …\nBit 22 - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA data. For …\nBit 24 - This flag goes high when the channel starts a new …\nBits 11:14 - When this channel completes, it will trigger …\nBits 11:14 - When this channel completes, it will trigger …\nBits 2:3 - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nBits 2:3 - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nBit 0 - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel will …\nBit 0 - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel will …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBit 1 - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel preferential …\nBit 1 - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel preferential …\nSelect I2C0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nBit 4 - If 1, the read address increments with each …\nBit 4 - If 1, the read address increments with each …\nBit 5 - If 1, the write address increments with each …\nBit 5 - If 1, the write address increments with each …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 21 - In QUIET mode, the channel does not generate IRQs …\nBit 21 - In QUIET mode, the channel does not generate IRQs …\nSelect the ADC as TREQ\nSelect I2C0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect I2C1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nPermanent request, for unpaced transfers.\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 0’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 1’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 2’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 3’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 4’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 5’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 6’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 7’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n0
\nSelect SPI0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect Timer 0 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 1 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 2 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect Timer 3 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect UART0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP SSI RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP SSI TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP Streaming FIFO as TREQ\nPermanent request, for unpaced transfers.\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO0’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\nSelect PIO1’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 0’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 1’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 2’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 3’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 4’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 5’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 6’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nSelect PWM Counter 7’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nBit 30 - If 1, the channel received a read bus error. …\nBit 30 - If 1, the channel received a read bus error. …\n0
\nBit 10 - Select whether RING_SIZE applies to read or write …\nBit 10 - Select whether RING_SIZE applies to read or write …\nBits 6:9 - Size of address wrap region. If 0, don’t …\nBits 6:9 - Size of address wrap region. If 0, don’t …\n0
\nBit 23 - If 1, this channel’s data transfers are visible …\nBit 23 - If 1, this channel’s data transfers are visible …\nSelect SPI0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect SPI1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect Timer 0 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 1 as TREQ\nSelect Timer 2 as TREQ (Optional)\nSelect Timer 3 as TREQ (Optional)\nBits 15:20 - Select a Transfer Request signal. The channel …\nBits 15:20 - Select a Transfer Request signal. The channel …\nSelect UART0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect UART1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nBit 29 - If 1, the channel received a write bus error. …\nBit 29 - If 1, the channel received a write bus error. …\nSelect the XIP SSI RX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP SSI TX FIFO as TREQ\nSelect the XIP Streaming FIFO as TREQ\nAlias for channel 0 READ_ADDR register\nRegister CH_AL2_READ_ADDR
reader\nRegister CH_AL2_READ_ADDR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nAlias for channel 0 TRANS_COUNT register\nRegister CH_AL2_TRANS_COUNT
reader\nRegister CH_AL2_TRANS_COUNT
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nAlias for channel 0 WRITE_ADDR register This is a trigger …\nRegister CH_AL2_WRITE_ADDR_TRIG
reader\nRegister CH_AL2_WRITE_ADDR_TRIG
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\n36: Select the ADC as TREQ\nField AHB_ERROR
reader - Logical OR of the READ_ERROR and …\nField BSWAP
reader - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA …\nField BSWAP
writer - Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA …\nField BUSY
reader - This flag goes high when the channel …\nField CHAIN_TO
reader - When this channel completes, it …\nField CHAIN_TO
writer - When this channel completes, it …\nDMA Channel 0 Control and Status\nSet the size of each bus transfer (byte/halfword/word). …\nField DATA_SIZE
reader - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nField DATA_SIZE
writer - Set the size of each bus transfer …\nField EN
reader - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel …\nField EN
writer - DMA Channel Enable. When 1, the channel …\nField HIGH_PRIORITY
reader - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel …\nField HIGH_PRIORITY
writer - HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel …\n33: Select I2C0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n32: Select I2C0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n35: Select I2C1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n34: Select I2C1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\nField INCR_READ
reader - If 1, the read address increments …\nField INCR_READ
writer - If 1, the read address increments …\nField INCR_WRITE
reader - If 1, the write address …\nField INCR_WRITE
writer - If 1, the write address …\nField IRQ_QUIET
reader - In QUIET mode, the channel does …\nField IRQ_QUIET
writer - In QUIET mode, the channel does …\n63: Permanent request, for unpaced transfers.\n4: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n5: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n6: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n7: Select PIO0’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n0: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n1: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n2: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n3: Select PIO0’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n12: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n13: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n14: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n15: Select PIO1’s RX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n8: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 0 as TREQ\n9: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 1 as TREQ\n10: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 2 as TREQ\n11: Select PIO1’s TX FIFO 3 as TREQ\n24: Select PWM Counter 0’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n25: Select PWM Counter 1’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n26: Select PWM Counter 2’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n27: Select PWM Counter 3’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n28: Select PWM Counter 4’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n29: Select PWM Counter 5’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n30: Select PWM Counter 6’s Wrap Value as TREQ\n31: Select PWM Counter 7’s Wrap Value as TREQ\nRegister CH_AL3_CTRL
reader\nField READ_ERROR
reader - If 1, the channel received a …\nField READ_ERROR
writer - If 1, the channel received a …\n0: 0
\nField RING_SEL
reader - Select whether RING_SIZE applies …\nField RING_SEL
writer - Select whether RING_SIZE applies …\nSize of address wrap region. If 0, don’t wrap. For …\nField RING_SIZE
reader - Size of address wrap region. If …\nField RING_SIZE
writer - Size of address wrap region. If …\n0: 0
\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\nField SNIFF_EN
reader - If 1, this channel’s data …\nField SNIFF_EN
writer - If 1, this channel’s data …\n17: Select SPI0’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n16: Select SPI0’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n19: Select SPI1’s RX FIFO as TREQ\n18: Select SPI1’s TX FIFO as TREQ\n59: Select Timer 0 as TREQ\n60: Select Timer 1 as TREQ")