searchState.loadedDescShard("nrf52840_pac", 9, "Field CPOL writer - Serial clock (SCK) polarity\n0: Sample on leading edge of clock, shift serial data on …\n1: Least significant bit shifted out first\n0: Most significant bit shifted out first\nBit order\nField ORDER reader - Bit order\nField ORDER writer - Bit order\nRegister CONFIG reader\n1: Sample on trailing edge of clock, shift serial data on …\nRegister CONFIG writer\nActive high\nActive low\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 1 - Serial clock (SCK) phase\nBit 1 - Serial clock (SCK) phase\nBit 2 - Serial clock (SCK) polarity\nBit 2 - Serial clock (SCK) polarity\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is ACTIVE_HIGH\nChecks if the value of the field is ACTIVE_LOW\nChecks if the value of the field is LEADING\nChecks if the value of the field is LSB_FIRST\nChecks if the value of the field is MSB_FIRST\nChecks if the value of the field is TRAILING\nSample on leading edge of clock, shift serial data on …\nLeast significant bit shifted out first\nMost significant bit shifted out first\nBit 0 - Bit order\nBit 0 - Bit order\nSample on trailing edge of clock, shift serial data on …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nField DEF reader - Default character. Character clocked …\nDefault character. Character clocked out in case of an …\nField DEF writer - Default character. Character clocked …\nRegister DEF reader\nRegister DEF writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Default character. Character clocked out in …\nBits 0:7 - Default character. Character clocked out in …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\n0: Disable SPI slave\n2: Enable SPI slave\nEnable or disable SPI slave\nField ENABLE reader - Enable or disable SPI slave\nEnable SPI slave\nField ENABLE writer - Enable or disable SPI slave\nRegister ENABLE reader\nRegister ENABLE writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable SPI slave\nBits 0:3 - Enable or disable SPI slave\nBits 0:3 - Enable or disable SPI slave\nEnable SPI slave\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nField EVENTS_ACQUIRED reader -\nSemaphore acquired\nField EVENTS_ACQUIRED writer -\nRegister EVENTS_ACQUIRED reader\nRegister EVENTS_ACQUIRED writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_END reader -\nGranted transaction completed\nField EVENTS_END writer -\nRegister EVENTS_END reader\nRegister EVENTS_END writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_ENDRX reader -\nEnd of RXD buffer reached\nField EVENTS_ENDRX writer -\nRegister EVENTS_ENDRX reader\nRegister EVENTS_ENDRX writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ACQUIRED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ACQUIRED event\nField ACQUIRED reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField ACQUIRED writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ENDRX event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ENDRX event\nField ENDRX reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField ENDRX writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for END event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for END event\nField END reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for …\nField END writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for …\nDisable interrupt\nRegister INTENCLR reader\nRegister INTENCLR writer\nBit 10 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ACQUIRED …\nBit 10 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ACQUIRED …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for END event\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for END event\nBit 4 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ENDRX event\nBit 4 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ENDRX event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ACQUIRED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ACQUIRED event\nField ACQUIRED reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField ACQUIRED writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ENDRX event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ENDRX event\nField ENDRX reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nField ENDRX writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for END event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for END event\nField END reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nField END writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nEnable interrupt\nRegister INTENSET reader\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\nRegister INTENSET writer\nBit 10 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ACQUIRED …\nBit 10 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ACQUIRED …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for END event\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for END event\nBit 4 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ENDRX event\nBit 4 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ENDRX event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nField ORC reader - Over-read character. Character clocked …\nOver-read character\nField ORC writer - Over-read character. Character clocked …\nRegister ORC reader\nRegister ORC writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - Over-read character. Character clocked out …\nBits 0:7 - Over-read character. Character clocked out …\nCSN (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<CSN_SPEC>\nMISO (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<MISO_SPEC>\nMOSI (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<MOSI_SPEC>\nRegister block\nSCK (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<SCK_SPEC>\nPin select for CSN signal\n0x0c - Pin select for CSN signal\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nPin select for MISO signal\n0x04 - Pin select for MISO signal\nPin select for MOSI signal\n0x08 - Pin select for MOSI signal\nPin select for SCK\n0x00 - Pin select for SCK\n0: Connect\nConnection\nField CONNECT reader - Connection\nField CONNECT writer - Connection\nPin select for CSN signal\n1: Disconnect\nField PIN reader - Pin number\nField PIN writer - Pin number\nField PORT reader - Port number\nField PORT writer - Port number\nRegister CSN reader\nRegister CSN writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 31 - Connection\nBit 31 - Connection\nConnect\nDisconnect\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is CONNECTED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISCONNECTED\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBit 5 - Port number\nBit 5 - Port number\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Connect\nConnection\nField CONNECT reader - Connection\nField CONNECT writer - Connection\n1: Disconnect\nPin select for MISO signal\nField PIN reader - Pin number\nField PIN writer - Pin number\nField PORT reader - Port number\nField PORT writer - Port number\nRegister MISO reader\nRegister MISO writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 31 - Connection\nBit 31 - Connection\nConnect\nDisconnect\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is CONNECTED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISCONNECTED\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBit 5 - Port number\nBit 5 - Port number\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Connect\nConnection\nField CONNECT reader - Connection\nField CONNECT writer - Connection\n1: Disconnect\nPin select for MOSI signal\nField PIN reader - Pin number\nField PIN writer - Pin number\nField PORT reader - Port number\nField PORT writer - Port number\nRegister MOSI reader\nRegister MOSI writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 31 - Connection\nBit 31 - Connection\nConnect\nDisconnect\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is CONNECTED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISCONNECTED\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBit 5 - Port number\nBit 5 - Port number\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Connect\nConnection\nField CONNECT reader - Connection\nField CONNECT writer - Connection\n1: Disconnect\nField PIN reader - Pin number\nField PIN writer - Pin number\nField PORT reader - Port number\nField PORT writer - Port number\nRegister SCK reader\nPin select for SCK\nRegister SCK writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 31 - Connection\nBit 31 - Connection\nConnect\nDisconnect\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is CONNECTED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISCONNECTED\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBit 5 - Port number\nBit 5 - Port number\nGet enumerated values variant\nAMOUNT (r) register accessor: an alias for Reg<AMOUNT_SPEC>\nMAXCNT (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nPTR (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<PTR_SPEC>\nRegister block\nNumber of bytes received in last granted transaction\n0x08 - Number of bytes received in last granted transaction\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nMaximum number of bytes in receive buffer\n0x04 - Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer\nRXD data pointer\n0x00 - RXD data pointer\nField AMOUNT reader - Number of bytes received in the last …\nNumber of bytes received in last granted transaction\nRegister AMOUNT reader\nBits 0:15 - Number of bytes received in the last granted …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField MAXCNT reader - Maximum number of bytes in receive …\nMaximum number of bytes in receive buffer\nField MAXCNT writer - Maximum number of bytes in receive …\nRegister MAXCNT reader\nRegister MAXCNT writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:15 - Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer\nBits 0:15 - Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer\nField PTR reader - RXD data pointer\nRXD data pointer\nField PTR writer - RXD data pointer\nRegister PTR reader\nRegister PTR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:31 - RXD data pointer\nBits 0:31 - RXD data pointer\n1: Semaphore is assigned to CPU\n3: Semaphore is assigned to SPI but a handover to the CPU …\n0: Semaphore is free\nRegister SEMSTAT reader\nSemaphore status\nField SEMSTAT reader - Semaphore status\nSemaphore status register\n2: Semaphore is assigned to SPI slave\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is CPU\nChecks if the value of the field is CPUPENDING\nChecks if the value of the field is FREE\nChecks if the value of the field is SPIS\nBits 0:1 - Semaphore status\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Disable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\nShortcut between END event and ACQUIRE task\nField END_ACQUIRE reader - Shortcut between END event and …\nField END_ACQUIRE writer - Shortcut between END event and …\nRegister SHORTS reader\nShortcut register\nRegister SHORTS writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nBit 2 - Shortcut between END event and ACQUIRE task\nBit 2 - Shortcut between END event and ACQUIRE task\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\n1: Write: clear error on writing ‘1’\n1: Write: clear error on writing ‘1’\n0: Read: error not present\n0: Read: error not present\nRX buffer overflow detected, and prevented\nRX buffer overflow detected, and prevented\nField OVERFLOW reader - RX buffer overflow detected, and …\nField OVERFLOW writer - RX buffer overflow detected, and …\nTX buffer over-read detected, and prevented\nTX buffer over-read detected, and prevented\nField OVERREAD reader - TX buffer over-read detected, and …\nField OVERREAD writer - TX buffer over-read detected, and …\n1: Read: error present\n1: Read: error present\nRegister STATUS reader\nStatus from last transaction\nRegister STATUS writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nWrite: clear error on writing ‘1’\nWrite: clear error on writing ‘1’\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is PRESENT\nBit 1 - RX buffer overflow detected, and prevented\nBit 1 - RX buffer overflow detected, and prevented\nBit 0 - TX buffer over-read detected, and prevented\nBit 0 - TX buffer over-read detected, and prevented\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nAcquire SPI semaphore\nField TASKS_ACQUIRE writer -\nRegister TASKS_ACQUIRE writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nRelease SPI semaphore, enabling the SPI slave to acquire it\nField TASKS_RELEASE writer -\nRegister TASKS_RELEASE writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nAMOUNT (r) register accessor: an alias for Reg<AMOUNT_SPEC>\nMAXCNT (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nPTR (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<PTR_SPEC>\nRegister block\nNumber of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction\n0x08 - Number of bytes transmitted in last granted …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nMaximum number of bytes in transmit buffer\n0x04 - Maximum number of bytes in transmit buffer\nTXD data pointer\n0x00 - TXD data pointer\nField AMOUNT reader - Number of bytes transmitted in last …\nNumber of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction\nRegister AMOUNT reader\nBits 0:15 - Number of bytes transmitted in last granted …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField MAXCNT reader - Maximum number of bytes in transmit …\nMaximum number of bytes in transmit buffer\nField MAXCNT writer - Maximum number of bytes in transmit …\nRegister MAXCNT reader\nRegister MAXCNT writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:15 - Maximum number of bytes in transmit buffer\nBits 0:15 - Maximum number of bytes in transmit buffer\nField PTR reader - TXD data pointer\nTXD data pointer\nField PTR writer - TXD data pointer\nRegister PTR reader\nRegister PTR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:31 - TXD data pointer\nBits 0:31 - TXD data pointer\nRegister block\nUNUSED (r) register accessor: an alias for Reg<UNUSED_SPEC>\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nUnused.\n0x00 - Unused.\nRegister UNUSED reader\nUnused.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nA0 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<A0_SPEC>\nA1 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<A1_SPEC>\nA2 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<A2_SPEC>\nA3 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<A3_SPEC>\nA4 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<A4_SPEC>\nA5 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<A5_SPEC>\nB0 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<B0_SPEC>\nB1 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<B1_SPEC>\nB2 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<B2_SPEC>\nB3 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<B3_SPEC>\nB4 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<B4_SPEC>\nB5 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<B5_SPEC>\nEVENTS_DATARDY (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENCLR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENSET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nRegister block\nT0 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<T0_SPEC>\nT1 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<T1_SPEC>\nT2 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<T2_SPEC>\nT3 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<T3_SPEC>\nT4 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<T4_SPEC>\nTASKS_START (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STOP (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTEMP (r) register accessor: an alias for Reg<TEMP_SPEC>\nSlope of 1st piece wise linear function\n0x520 - Slope of 1st piece wise linear function\nSlope of 2nd piece wise linear function\n0x524 - Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function\nSlope of 3rd piece wise linear function\n0x528 - Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function\nSlope of 4th piece wise linear function\n0x52c - Slope of 4th piece wise linear function\nSlope of 5th piece wise linear function\n0x530 - Slope of 5th piece wise linear function\nSlope of 6th piece wise linear function\n0x534 - Slope of 6th piece wise linear function\ny-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function\n0x540 - y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function\ny-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function\n0x544 - y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function\ny-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function\n0x548 - y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function\ny-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function\n0x54c - y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function\ny-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function\n0x550 - y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function\ny-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function\n0x554 - y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function\nTemperature measurement complete, data ready\n0x100 - Temperature measurement complete, data ready\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nDisable interrupt\n0x308 - Disable interrupt\nEnable interrupt\n0x304 - Enable interrupt\nCalls U::from(self).\nEnd point of 1st piece wise linear function\n0x560 - End point of 1st piece wise linear function\nEnd point of 2nd piece wise linear function\n0x564 - End point of 2nd piece wise linear function\nEnd point of 3rd piece wise linear function\n0x568 - End point of 3rd piece wise linear function\nEnd point of 4th piece wise linear function\n0x56c - End point of 4th piece wise linear function\nEnd point of 5th piece wise linear function\n0x570 - End point of 5th piece wise linear function\nStart temperature measurement\n0x00 - Start temperature measurement\nStop temperature measurement\n0x04 - Stop temperature measurement\nTemperature in degC (0.25deg steps)\n0x508 - Temperature in degC (0.25deg steps)\nField A0 reader - Slope of 1st piece wise linear function\nSlope of 1st piece wise linear function\nField A0 writer - Slope of 1st piece wise linear function\nRegister A0 reader\nRegister A0 writer\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 1st piece wise linear function\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 1st piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField A1 reader - Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function\nSlope of 2nd piece wise linear function\nField A1 writer - Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function\nRegister A1 reader\nRegister A1 writer\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField A2 reader - Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function\nSlope of 3rd piece wise linear function\nField A2 writer - Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function\nRegister A2 reader\nRegister A2 writer\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField A3 reader - Slope of 4th piece wise linear function\nSlope of 4th piece wise linear function\nField A3 writer - Slope of 4th piece wise linear function\nRegister A3 reader\nRegister A3 writer\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 4th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 4th piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField A4 reader - Slope of 5th piece wise linear function\nSlope of 5th piece wise linear function\nField A4 writer - Slope of 5th piece wise linear function\nRegister A4 reader\nRegister A4 writer\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 5th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 5th piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField A5 reader - Slope of 6th piece wise linear function\nSlope of 6th piece wise linear function\nField A5 writer - Slope of 6th piece wise linear function\nRegister A5 reader\nRegister A5 writer\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 6th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:11 - Slope of 6th piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField B0 reader - y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear …\ny-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function\nField B0 writer - y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear …\nRegister B0 reader\nRegister B0 writer\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField B1 reader - y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear …\ny-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function\nField B1 writer - y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear …\nRegister B1 reader\nRegister B1 writer\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField B2 reader - y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear …\ny-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function\nField B2 writer - y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear …\nRegister B2 reader\nRegister B2 writer\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField B3 reader - y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear …\ny-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function\nField B3 writer - y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear …\nRegister B3 reader\nRegister B3 writer\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField B4 reader - y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear …\ny-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function\nField B4 writer - y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear …\nRegister B4 reader\nRegister B4 writer\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField B5 reader - y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear …\ny-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function\nField B5 writer - y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear …\nRegister B5 reader\nRegister B5 writer\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:13 - y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_DATARDY reader -\nTemperature measurement complete, data ready\nField EVENTS_DATARDY writer -\nRegister EVENTS_DATARDY reader\nRegister EVENTS_DATARDY writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\n1: Disable\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for DATARDY event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for DATARDY event\nField DATARDY reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField DATARDY writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nDisable interrupt\nRegister INTENCLR reader\nRegister INTENCLR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nBit 0 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for DATARDY …\nBit 0 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for DATARDY …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for DATARDY event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for DATARDY event\nField DATARDY reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField DATARDY writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nEnable interrupt\nRegister INTENSET reader\n1: Enable\nRegister INTENSET writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for DATARDY event\nBit 0 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for DATARDY event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nEnable\nGet enumerated values variant\nRegister T0 reader\nField T0 reader - End point of 1st piece wise linear …\nEnd point of 1st piece wise linear function\nField T0 writer - End point of 1st piece wise linear …\nRegister T0 writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - End point of 1st piece wise linear function\nBits 0:7 - End point of 1st piece wise linear function\nRegister T1 reader\nField T1 reader - End point of 2nd piece wise linear …\nEnd point of 2nd piece wise linear function\nField T1 writer - End point of 2nd piece wise linear …\nRegister T1 writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - End point of 2nd piece wise linear function\nBits 0:7 - End point of 2nd piece wise linear function\nRegister T2 reader\nField T2 reader - End point of 3rd piece wise linear …\nEnd point of 3rd piece wise linear function\nField T2 writer - End point of 3rd piece wise linear …\nRegister T2 writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - End point of 3rd piece wise linear function\nBits 0:7 - End point of 3rd piece wise linear function\nRegister T3 reader\nField T3 reader - End point of 4th piece wise linear …\nEnd point of 4th piece wise linear function\nField T3 writer - End point of 4th piece wise linear …\nRegister T3 writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - End point of 4th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:7 - End point of 4th piece wise linear function\nRegister T4 reader\nField T4 reader - End point of 5th piece wise linear …\nEnd point of 5th piece wise linear function\nField T4 writer - End point of 5th piece wise linear …\nRegister T4 writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - End point of 5th piece wise linear function\nBits 0:7 - End point of 5th piece wise linear function\nStart temperature measurement\nField TASKS_START writer -\nRegister TASKS_START writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStop temperature measurement\nField TASKS_STOP writer -\nRegister TASKS_STOP writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nRegister TEMP reader\nField TEMP reader - Temperature in degC (0.25deg steps)\nTemperature in degC (0.25deg steps)\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:31 - Temperature in degC (0.25deg steps)\nBITMODE (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nCC (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<CC_SPEC>\nEVENTS_COMPARE (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENCLR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENSET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nMODE (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<MODE_SPEC>\nPRESCALER (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nRegister block\nSHORTS (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_CAPTURE (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_CLEAR (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_COUNT (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_SHUTDOWN (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_START (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STOP (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nConfigure the number of bits used by the TIMER\n0x508 - Configure the number of bits used by the TIMER\nDescription collection[n]: Capture/Compare register n\n0x540..0x550 - Description collection[n]: Capture/Compare …\nDescription collection[n]: Compare event on CC[n] match\n0x140..0x150 - Description collection[n]: Compare event on …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nDisable interrupt\n0x308 - Disable interrupt\nEnable interrupt\n0x304 - Enable interrupt\nCalls U::from(self).\nTimer mode selection\n0x504 - Timer mode selection\nTimer prescaler register\n0x510 - Timer prescaler register\nShortcut register\n0x200 - Shortcut register\nDescription collection[n]: Capture Timer value to CC[n] …\n0x40..0x50 - Description collection[n]: Capture Timer …\nClear time\n0x0c - Clear time\nIncrement Timer (Counter mode only)\n0x08 - Increment Timer (Counter mode only)\nDeprecated register - Shut down timer\n0x10 - Deprecated register - Shut down timer\nStart Timer\n0x00 - Start Timer\nStop Timer\n0x04 - Stop Timer\nTimer bit width\nField BITMODE reader - Timer bit width\nConfigure the number of bits used by the TIMER\nField BITMODE writer - Timer bit width\nRegister BITMODE reader\nRegister BITMODE writer\n1: 8 bit timer bit width\n8 bit timer bit width\n0: 16 bit timer bit width\n16 bit timer bit width\n2: 24 bit timer bit width\n24 bit timer bit width\n3: 32 bit timer bit width\n32 bit timer bit width\nBits 0:1 - Timer bit width\nBits 0:1 - Timer bit width\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is _08BIT\nChecks if the value of the field is _16BIT\nChecks if the value of the field is _24BIT\nChecks if the value of the field is _32BIT\nGet enumerated values variant\nField CC reader - Capture/Compare value\nDescription collection[n]: Capture/Compare register n\nField CC writer - Capture/Compare value\nRegister CC[%s] reader\nRegister CC[%s] writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:31 - Capture/Compare value\nBits 0:31 - Capture/Compare value\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_COMPARE reader -\nDescription collection[n]: Compare event on CC[n] match\nField EVENTS_COMPARE writer -\nRegister EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] reader\nRegister EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nField COMPARE0 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE0 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nField COMPARE1 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE1 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nField COMPARE2 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE2 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nField COMPARE3 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE3 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nDisable interrupt\nRegister INTENCLR reader\nRegister INTENCLR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nField COMPARE0 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE0 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nField COMPARE1 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE1 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nField COMPARE2 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE2 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nField COMPARE3 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE3 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nEnable interrupt\nRegister INTENSET reader\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\nRegister INTENSET writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n1: Deprecated enumerator - Select Counter mode\n2: Select Low Power Counter mode\nTimer mode\nField MODE reader - Timer mode\nTimer mode selection\nField MODE writer - Timer mode\nRegister MODE reader\n0: Select Timer mode\nRegister MODE writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDeprecated enumerator - Select Counter mode\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is COUNTER\nChecks if the value of the field is LOW_POWER_COUNTER\nChecks if the value of the field is TIMER\nSelect Low Power Counter mode\nBits 0:1 - Timer mode\nBits 0:1 - Timer mode\nSelect Timer mode\nGet enumerated values variant\nField PRESCALER reader - Prescaler value\nTimer prescaler register\nField PRESCALER writer - Prescaler value\nRegister PRESCALER reader\nRegister PRESCALER writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:3 - Prescaler value\nBits 0:3 - Prescaler value\nShortcut between COMPARE[0] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE0_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nField COMPARE0_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[0] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE0_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nField COMPARE0_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[1] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE1_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nField COMPARE1_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[1] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE1_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nField COMPARE1_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[2] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE2_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nField COMPARE2_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[2] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE2_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nField COMPARE2_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[3] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE3_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\nField COMPARE3_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[3] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE3_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\nField COMPARE3_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\nRegister SHORTS reader\nShortcut register\nRegister SHORTS writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and CLEAR task\nBit 0 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and CLEAR task\nBit 8 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and STOP task\nBit 8 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and STOP task\nBit 1 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and CLEAR task\nBit 1 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and CLEAR task\nBit 9 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and STOP task\nBit 9 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and STOP task\nBit 2 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and CLEAR task\nBit 2 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and CLEAR task\nBit 10 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and STOP task\nBit 10 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and STOP task\nBit 3 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and CLEAR task\nBit 3 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and CLEAR task\nBit 11 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and STOP task\nBit 11 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and STOP task\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nDescription collection[n]: Capture Timer value to CC[n] …\nField TASKS_CAPTURE writer -\nRegister TASKS_CAPTURE[%s] writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nClear time\nField TASKS_CLEAR writer -\nRegister TASKS_CLEAR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nIncrement Timer (Counter mode only)\nField TASKS_COUNT writer -\nRegister TASKS_COUNT writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nDeprecated register - Shut down timer\nField TASKS_SHUTDOWN writer -\nRegister TASKS_SHUTDOWN writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStart Timer\nField TASKS_START writer -\nRegister TASKS_START writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStop Timer\nField TASKS_STOP writer -\nRegister TASKS_STOP writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nBITMODE (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nCC (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<CC_SPEC>\nEVENTS_COMPARE (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENCLR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENSET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nMODE (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<MODE_SPEC>\nPRESCALER (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nRegister block\nSHORTS (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_CAPTURE (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_CLEAR (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_COUNT (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_SHUTDOWN (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_START (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STOP (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nConfigure the number of bits used by the TIMER\n0x508 - Configure the number of bits used by the TIMER\nDescription collection[n]: Capture/Compare register n\n0x540..0x558 - Description collection[n]: Capture/Compare …\nDescription collection[n]: Compare event on CC[n] match\n0x140..0x158 - Description collection[n]: Compare event on …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nDisable interrupt\n0x308 - Disable interrupt\nEnable interrupt\n0x304 - Enable interrupt\nCalls U::from(self).\nTimer mode selection\n0x504 - Timer mode selection\nTimer prescaler register\n0x510 - Timer prescaler register\nShortcut register\n0x200 - Shortcut register\nDescription collection[n]: Capture Timer value to CC[n] …\n0x40..0x58 - Description collection[n]: Capture Timer …\nClear time\n0x0c - Clear time\nIncrement Timer (Counter mode only)\n0x08 - Increment Timer (Counter mode only)\nDeprecated register - Shut down timer\n0x10 - Deprecated register - Shut down timer\nStart Timer\n0x00 - Start Timer\nStop Timer\n0x04 - Stop Timer\nTimer bit width\nField BITMODE reader - Timer bit width\nConfigure the number of bits used by the TIMER\nField BITMODE writer - Timer bit width\nRegister BITMODE reader\nRegister BITMODE writer\n1: 8 bit timer bit width\n8 bit timer bit width\n0: 16 bit timer bit width\n16 bit timer bit width\n2: 24 bit timer bit width\n24 bit timer bit width\n3: 32 bit timer bit width\n32 bit timer bit width\nBits 0:1 - Timer bit width\nBits 0:1 - Timer bit width\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is _08BIT\nChecks if the value of the field is _16BIT\nChecks if the value of the field is _24BIT\nChecks if the value of the field is _32BIT\nGet enumerated values variant\nField CC reader - Capture/Compare value\nDescription collection[n]: Capture/Compare register n\nField CC writer - Capture/Compare value\nRegister CC[%s] reader\nRegister CC[%s] writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:31 - Capture/Compare value\nBits 0:31 - Capture/Compare value\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_COMPARE reader -\nDescription collection[n]: Compare event on CC[n] match\nField EVENTS_COMPARE writer -\nRegister EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] reader\nRegister EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nField COMPARE0 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE0 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nField COMPARE1 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE1 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nField COMPARE2 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE2 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nField COMPARE3 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE3 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[4] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[4] event\nField COMPARE4 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE4 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[5] event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[5] event\nField COMPARE5 reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField COMPARE5 writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nDisable interrupt\nRegister INTENCLR reader\nRegister INTENCLR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[4] …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[4] …\nBit 21 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[5] …\nBit 21 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for COMPARE[5] …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] event\nField COMPARE0 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE0 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] event\nField COMPARE1 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE1 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] event\nField COMPARE2 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE2 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] event\nField COMPARE3 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE3 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[4] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[4] event\nField COMPARE4 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE4 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[5] event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[5] event\nField COMPARE5 reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField COMPARE5 writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nEnable interrupt\nRegister INTENSET reader\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\nRegister INTENSET writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 16 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[0] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 17 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[1] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[2] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[3] …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[4] …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[4] …\nBit 21 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[5] …\nBit 21 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for COMPARE[5] …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n1: Deprecated enumerator - Select Counter mode\n2: Select Low Power Counter mode\nTimer mode\nField MODE reader - Timer mode\nTimer mode selection\nField MODE writer - Timer mode\nRegister MODE reader\n0: Select Timer mode\nRegister MODE writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDeprecated enumerator - Select Counter mode\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is COUNTER\nChecks if the value of the field is LOW_POWER_COUNTER\nChecks if the value of the field is TIMER\nSelect Low Power Counter mode\nBits 0:1 - Timer mode\nBits 0:1 - Timer mode\nSelect Timer mode\nGet enumerated values variant\nField PRESCALER reader - Prescaler value\nTimer prescaler register\nField PRESCALER writer - Prescaler value\nRegister PRESCALER reader\nRegister PRESCALER writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:3 - Prescaler value\nBits 0:3 - Prescaler value\nShortcut between COMPARE[0] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE0_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nField COMPARE0_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[0] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE0_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nField COMPARE0_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[1] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE1_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nField COMPARE1_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[1] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE1_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nField COMPARE1_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[2] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE2_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nField COMPARE2_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[2] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE2_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nField COMPARE2_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[3] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE3_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\nField COMPARE3_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[3] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE3_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\nField COMPARE3_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[4] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE4_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] …\nField COMPARE4_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[4] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE4_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] …\nField COMPARE4_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[5] event and CLEAR task\nField COMPARE5_CLEAR reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] …\nField COMPARE5_CLEAR writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] …\nShortcut between COMPARE[5] event and STOP task\nField COMPARE5_STOP reader - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] …\nField COMPARE5_STOP writer - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] …\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\nRegister SHORTS reader\nShortcut register\nRegister SHORTS writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and CLEAR task\nBit 0 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and CLEAR task\nBit 8 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and STOP task\nBit 8 - Shortcut between COMPARE[0] event and STOP task\nBit 1 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and CLEAR task\nBit 1 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and CLEAR task\nBit 9 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and STOP task\nBit 9 - Shortcut between COMPARE[1] event and STOP task\nBit 2 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and CLEAR task\nBit 2 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and CLEAR task\nBit 10 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and STOP task\nBit 10 - Shortcut between COMPARE[2] event and STOP task\nBit 3 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and CLEAR task\nBit 3 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and CLEAR task\nBit 11 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and STOP task\nBit 11 - Shortcut between COMPARE[3] event and STOP task\nBit 4 - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] event and CLEAR task\nBit 4 - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] event and CLEAR task\nBit 12 - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] event and STOP task\nBit 12 - Shortcut between COMPARE[4] event and STOP task\nBit 5 - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] event and CLEAR task\nBit 5 - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] event and CLEAR task\nBit 13 - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] event and STOP task\nBit 13 - Shortcut between COMPARE[5] event and STOP task\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nDescription collection[n]: Capture Timer value to CC[n] …\nField TASKS_CAPTURE writer -\nRegister TASKS_CAPTURE[%s] writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nClear time\nField TASKS_CLEAR writer -\nRegister TASKS_CLEAR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nIncrement Timer (Counter mode only)\nField TASKS_COUNT writer -\nRegister TASKS_COUNT writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nDeprecated register - Shut down timer\nField TASKS_SHUTDOWN writer -\nRegister TASKS_SHUTDOWN writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStart Timer\nField TASKS_START writer -\nRegister TASKS_START writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStop Timer\nField TASKS_STOP writer -\nRegister TASKS_STOP writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nADDRESS (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nENABLE (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nERRORSRC (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_BB (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_ERROR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_RXDREADY (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_STOPPED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_SUSPENDED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_TXDSENT (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nFREQUENCY (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENCLR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENSET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nUnspecified\nRXD (r) register accessor: an alias for Reg<RXD_SPEC>\nRegister block\nSHORTS (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_RESUME (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STARTRX (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STARTTX (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STOP (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_SUSPEND (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTXD (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<TXD_SPEC>\nAddress used in the TWI transfer\n0x588 - Address used in the TWI transfer\nEnable TWI\n0x500 - Enable TWI\nError source\n0x4c4 - Error source\nTWI byte boundary, generated before each byte that is sent …\n0x138 - TWI byte boundary, generated before each byte that …\nTWI error\n0x124 - TWI error\nTWI RXD byte received\n0x108 - TWI RXD byte received\nTWI stopped\n0x104 - TWI stopped\nTWI entered the suspended state\n0x148 - TWI entered the suspended state\nTWI TXD byte sent\n0x11c - TWI TXD byte sent\nTWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source …\n0x524 - TWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nDisable interrupt\n0x308 - Disable interrupt\nEnable interrupt\n0x304 - Enable interrupt\nCalls U::from(self).\nCluster Unspecified\n0x508..0x510 - Unspecified\nRXD register\n0x518 - RXD register\nShortcut register\n0x200 - Shortcut register\nResume TWI transaction\n0x20 - Resume TWI transaction\nStart TWI receive sequence\n0x00 - Start TWI receive sequence\nStart TWI transmit sequence\n0x08 - Start TWI transmit sequence\nStop TWI transaction\n0x14 - Stop TWI transaction\nSuspend TWI transaction\n0x1c - Suspend TWI transaction\nTXD register\n0x51c - TXD register\nField ADDRESS reader - Address used in the TWI transfer\nAddress used in the TWI transfer\nField ADDRESS writer - Address used in the TWI transfer\nRegister ADDRESS reader\nRegister ADDRESS writer\nBits 0:6 - Address used in the TWI transfer\nBits 0:6 - Address used in the TWI transfer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\n0: Disable TWI\n5: Enable TWI\nEnable or disable TWI\nField ENABLE reader - Enable or disable TWI\nEnable TWI\nField ENABLE writer - Enable or disable TWI\nRegister ENABLE reader\nRegister ENABLE writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable TWI\nBits 0:3 - Enable or disable TWI\nBits 0:3 - Enable or disable TWI\nEnable TWI\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nNACK received after sending the address (write ‘1’ to …\nField ANACK reader - NACK received after sending the …\nField ANACK writer - NACK received after sending the …\nNACK received after sending a data byte (write ‘1’ to …\nField DNACK reader - NACK received after sending a data …\nField DNACK writer - NACK received after sending a data …\nError source\n0: Read: no overrun occured\n0: Read: error not present\n0: Read: error not present\nOverrun error\nField OVERRUN reader - Overrun error\nField OVERRUN writer - Overrun error\n1: Read: overrun occured\n1: Read: error present\n1: Read: error present\nRegister ERRORSRC reader\nRegister ERRORSRC writer\nBit 1 - NACK received after sending the address (write ‘1…\nBit 1 - NACK received after sending the address (write ‘1…\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 2 - NACK received after sending a data byte (write ‘1…\nBit 2 - NACK received after sending a data byte (write ‘1…\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is PRESENT\nChecks if the value of the field is PRESENT\nRead: no overrun occured\nRead: error not present\nRead: error not present\nBit 0 - Overrun error\nBit 0 - Overrun error\nRead: overrun occured\nRead: error present\nRead: error present\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nField EVENTS_BB reader -\nTWI byte boundary, generated before each byte that is sent …\nField EVENTS_BB writer -\nRegister EVENTS_BB reader\nRegister EVENTS_BB writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_ERROR reader -\nTWI error\nField EVENTS_ERROR writer -\nRegister EVENTS_ERROR reader\nRegister EVENTS_ERROR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_RXDREADY reader -\nTWI RXD byte received\nField EVENTS_RXDREADY writer -\nRegister EVENTS_RXDREADY reader\nRegister EVENTS_RXDREADY writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_STOPPED reader -\nTWI stopped\nField EVENTS_STOPPED writer -\nRegister EVENTS_STOPPED reader\nRegister EVENTS_STOPPED writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_SUSPENDED reader -\nTWI entered the suspended state\nField EVENTS_SUSPENDED writer -\nRegister EVENTS_SUSPENDED reader\nRegister EVENTS_SUSPENDED writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_TXDSENT reader -\nTWI TXD byte sent\nField EVENTS_TXDSENT writer -\nRegister EVENTS_TXDSENT reader\nRegister EVENTS_TXDSENT writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nTWI master clock frequency\nField FREQUENCY reader - TWI master clock frequency\nTWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source …\nField FREQUENCY writer - TWI master clock frequency\n26738688: 100 kbps\n67108864: 250 kbps\n107479040: 400 kbps (actual rate 410.256 kbps)\nRegister FREQUENCY reader\nRegister FREQUENCY writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:31 - TWI master clock frequency\nBits 0:31 - TWI master clock frequency\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is K100\nChecks if the value of the field is K250\nChecks if the value of the field is K400\n100 kbps\n250 kbps\n400 kbps (actual rate 410.256 kbps)\nGet enumerated values variant\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for BB event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for BB event\nField BB reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for …\nField BB writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for …\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nField ERROR reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField ERROR writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nDisable interrupt\nRegister INTENCLR reader\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXDREADY event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXDREADY event\nField RXDREADY reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField RXDREADY writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED event\nField STOPPED reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField STOPPED writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nField SUSPENDED reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField SUSPENDED writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXDSENT event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXDSENT event\nField TXDSENT reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField TXDSENT writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nRegister INTENCLR writer\nBit 14 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for BB event\nBit 14 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for BB event\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXDREADY …\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXDREADY …\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED …\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXDSENT …\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXDSENT …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for BB event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for BB event\nField BB reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for BB …\nField BB writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for BB …\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nField ERROR reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nField ERROR writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nEnable interrupt\nRegister INTENSET reader\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXDREADY event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXDREADY event\nField RXDREADY reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField RXDREADY writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nField STOPPED reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField STOPPED writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nField SUSPENDED reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField SUSPENDED writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXDSENT event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXDSENT event\nField TXDSENT reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField TXDSENT writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nRegister INTENSET writer\nBit 14 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for BB event\nBit 14 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for BB event\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXDREADY …\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXDREADY …\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXDSENT event\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXDSENT event\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nRegister block\nSCL (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<SCL_SPEC>\nSDA (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<SDA_SPEC>\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nPin select for SCL\n0x00 - Pin select for SCL\nPin select for SDA\n0x04 - Pin select for SDA\n0: Connect\nConnection\nField CONNECT reader - Connection\nField CONNECT writer - Connection\n1: Disconnect\nField PIN reader - Pin number\nField PIN writer - Pin number\nField PORT reader - Port number\nField PORT writer - Port number\nRegister SCL reader\nPin select for SCL\nRegister SCL writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 31 - Connection\nBit 31 - Connection\nConnect\nDisconnect\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is CONNECTED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISCONNECTED\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBit 5 - Port number\nBit 5 - Port number\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Connect\nConnection\nField CONNECT reader - Connection\nField CONNECT writer - Connection\n1: Disconnect\nField PIN reader - Pin number\nField PIN writer - Pin number\nField PORT reader - Port number\nField PORT writer - Port number\nRegister SDA reader\nPin select for SDA\nRegister SDA writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 31 - Connection\nBit 31 - Connection\nConnect\nDisconnect\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is CONNECTED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISCONNECTED\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBits 0:4 - Pin number\nBit 5 - Port number\nBit 5 - Port number\nGet enumerated values variant\nRegister RXD reader\nField RXD reader - RXD register\nRXD register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - RXD register\nShortcut between BB event and STOP task\nField BB_STOP reader - Shortcut between BB event and STOP …\nField BB_STOP writer - Shortcut between BB event and STOP …\nShortcut between BB event and SUSPEND task\nField BB_SUSPEND reader - Shortcut between BB event and …\nField BB_SUSPEND writer - Shortcut between BB event and …\n0: Disable shortcut\n0: Disable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\n1: Enable shortcut\nRegister SHORTS reader\nShortcut register\nRegister SHORTS writer\nBit 1 - Shortcut between BB event and STOP task\nBit 1 - Shortcut between BB event and STOP task\nBit 0 - Shortcut between BB event and SUSPEND task\nBit 0 - Shortcut between BB event and SUSPEND task\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable shortcut\nDisable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nEnable shortcut\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nResume TWI transaction\nField TASKS_RESUME writer -\nRegister TASKS_RESUME writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStart TWI receive sequence\nField TASKS_STARTRX writer -\nRegister TASKS_STARTRX writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStart TWI transmit sequence\nField TASKS_STARTTX writer -\nRegister TASKS_STARTTX writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nStop TWI transaction\nField TASKS_STOP writer -\nRegister TASKS_STOP writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nSuspend TWI transaction\nField TASKS_SUSPEND writer -\nRegister TASKS_SUSPEND writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBit 0\nRegister TXD reader\nField TXD reader - TXD register\nTXD register\nField TXD writer - TXD register\nRegister TXD writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nBits 0:7 - TXD register\nBits 0:7 - TXD register\nADDRESS (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nENABLE (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nERRORSRC (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_ERROR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_LASTRX (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_LASTTX (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_RXSTARTED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_STOPPED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_SUSPENDED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_TXSTARTED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nFREQUENCY (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTEN (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<INTEN_SPEC>\nINTENCLR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENSET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nUnspecified\nRXD EasyDMA channel\nRegister block\nSHORTS (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_RESUME (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STARTRX (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STARTTX (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_STOP (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_SUSPEND (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTXD EasyDMA channel\nAddress used in the TWI transfer\n0x588 - Address used in the TWI transfer\nEnable TWIM\n0x500 - Enable TWIM\nError source\n0x4c4 - Error source\nTWI error\n0x124 - TWI error\nByte boundary, starting to receive the last byte\n0x15c - Byte boundary, starting to receive the last byte\nByte boundary, starting to transmit the last byte\n0x160 - Byte boundary, starting to transmit the last byte\nReceive sequence started\n0x14c - Receive sequence started\nTWI stopped\n0x104 - TWI stopped\nLast byte has been sent out after the SUSPEND task has …\n0x148 - Last byte has been sent out after the SUSPEND task …\nTransmit sequence started\n0x150 - Transmit sequence started\nTWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source …\n0x524 - TWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nEnable or disable interrupt\n0x300 - Enable or disable interrupt\nDisable interrupt\n0x308 - Disable interrupt\nEnable interrupt\n0x304 - Enable interrupt\nCalls U::from(self).\nCluster Unspecified\n0x508..0x510 - Unspecified\nCluster RXD EasyDMA channel\n0x534..0x544 - RXD EasyDMA channel\nShortcut register\n0x200 - Shortcut register\nResume TWI transaction\n0x20 - Resume TWI transaction\nStart TWI receive sequence\n0x00 - Start TWI receive sequence\nStart TWI transmit sequence\n0x08 - Start TWI transmit sequence\nStop TWI transaction. Must be issued while the TWI master …\n0x14 - Stop TWI transaction. Must be issued while the TWI …\nSuspend TWI transaction\n0x1c - Suspend TWI transaction\nCluster TXD EasyDMA channel\n0x544..0x554 - TXD EasyDMA channel\nField ADDRESS reader - Address used in the TWI transfer\nAddress used in the TWI transfer\nField ADDRESS writer - Address used in the TWI transfer\nRegister ADDRESS reader\nRegister ADDRESS writer\nBits 0:6 - Address used in the TWI transfer\nBits 0:6 - Address used in the TWI transfer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\n0: Disable TWIM\n6: Enable TWIM\nEnable or disable TWIM\nField ENABLE reader - Enable or disable TWIM\nEnable TWIM\nField ENABLE writer - Enable or disable TWIM\nRegister ENABLE reader\nRegister ENABLE writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable TWIM\nBits 0:3 - Enable or disable TWIM\nBits 0:3 - Enable or disable TWIM\nEnable TWIM\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nGet enumerated values variant\nNACK received after sending the address (write ‘1’ to …\nField ANACK reader - NACK received after sending the …\nField ANACK writer - NACK received after sending the …\nNACK received after sending a data byte (write ‘1’ to …\nField DNACK reader - NACK received after sending a data …\nField DNACK writer - NACK received after sending a data …\nError source\n0: Error did not occur\n0: Error did not occur\n0: Error did not occur\nOverrun error\nField OVERRUN reader - Overrun error\nField OVERRUN writer - Overrun error\nRegister ERRORSRC reader\n1: Error occurred\n1: Error occurred\n1: Error occurred\nRegister ERRORSRC writer\nBit 1 - NACK received after sending the address (write ‘1…\nBit 1 - NACK received after sending the address (write ‘1…\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 2 - NACK received after sending a data byte (write ‘1…\nBit 2 - NACK received after sending a data byte (write ‘1…\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_RECEIVED\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_RECEIVED\nChecks if the value of the field is NOT_RECEIVED\nChecks if the value of the field is RECEIVED\nChecks if the value of the field is RECEIVED\nChecks if the value of the field is RECEIVED\nError did not occur\nError did not occur\nError did not occur\nBit 0 - Overrun error\nBit 0 - Overrun error\nError occurred\nError occurred\nError occurred\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nField EVENTS_ERROR reader -\nTWI error\nField EVENTS_ERROR writer -\nRegister EVENTS_ERROR reader\nRegister EVENTS_ERROR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_LASTRX reader -\nByte boundary, starting to receive the last byte\nField EVENTS_LASTRX writer -\nRegister EVENTS_LASTRX reader\nRegister EVENTS_LASTRX writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_LASTTX reader -\nByte boundary, starting to transmit the last byte\nField EVENTS_LASTTX writer -\nRegister EVENTS_LASTTX reader\nRegister EVENTS_LASTTX writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_RXSTARTED reader -\nReceive sequence started\nField EVENTS_RXSTARTED writer -\nRegister EVENTS_RXSTARTED reader\nRegister EVENTS_RXSTARTED writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_STOPPED reader -\nTWI stopped\nField EVENTS_STOPPED writer -\nRegister EVENTS_STOPPED reader\nRegister EVENTS_STOPPED writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_SUSPENDED reader -\nLast byte has been sent out after the SUSPEND task has …\nField EVENTS_SUSPENDED writer -\nRegister EVENTS_SUSPENDED reader\nRegister EVENTS_SUSPENDED writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nField EVENTS_TXSTARTED reader -\nTransmit sequence started\nField EVENTS_TXSTARTED writer -\nRegister EVENTS_TXSTARTED reader\nRegister EVENTS_TXSTARTED writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nTWI master clock frequency\nField FREQUENCY reader - TWI master clock frequency\nTWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source …\nField FREQUENCY writer - TWI master clock frequency\n26738688: 100 kbps\n67108864: 250 kbps\n104857600: 400 kbps\nRegister FREQUENCY reader\nRegister FREQUENCY writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:31 - TWI master clock frequency\nBits 0:31 - TWI master clock frequency\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is K100\nChecks if the value of the field is K250\nChecks if the value of the field is K400\n100 kbps\n250 kbps\n400 kbps\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Disable\n0: Disable\n0: Disable\n0: Disable\n0: Disable\n0: Disable\n0: Disable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\nEnable or disable interrupt for ERROR event\nField ERROR reader - Enable or disable interrupt for ERROR …\nField ERROR writer - Enable or disable interrupt for ERROR …\nEnable or disable interrupt\nEnable or disable interrupt for LASTRX event\nField LASTRX reader - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nField LASTRX writer - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nEnable or disable interrupt for LASTTX event\nField LASTTX reader - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nField LASTTX writer - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nRegister INTEN reader\nEnable or disable interrupt for RXSTARTED event\nField RXSTARTED reader - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nField RXSTARTED writer - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nEnable or disable interrupt for STOPPED event\nField STOPPED reader - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nField STOPPED writer - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nEnable or disable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nField SUSPENDED reader - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nField SUSPENDED writer - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nEnable or disable interrupt for TXSTARTED event\nField TXSTARTED reader - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nField TXSTARTED writer - Enable or disable interrupt for …\nRegister INTEN writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nBit 9 - Enable or disable interrupt for ERROR event\nBit 9 - Enable or disable interrupt for ERROR event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nBit 23 - Enable or disable interrupt for LASTRX event\nBit 23 - Enable or disable interrupt for LASTRX event\nBit 24 - Enable or disable interrupt for LASTTX event\nBit 24 - Enable or disable interrupt for LASTTX event\nBit 19 - Enable or disable interrupt for RXSTARTED event\nBit 19 - Enable or disable interrupt for RXSTARTED event\nBit 1 - Enable or disable interrupt for STOPPED event\nBit 1 - Enable or disable interrupt for STOPPED event\nBit 18 - Enable or disable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nBit 18 - Enable or disable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nBit 20 - Enable or disable interrupt for TXSTARTED event\nBit 20 - Enable or disable interrupt for TXSTARTED event\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nField ERROR reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField ERROR writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nDisable interrupt\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTRX event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTRX event\nField LASTRX reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField LASTRX writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTTX event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTTX event\nField LASTTX reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField LASTTX writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nRegister INTENCLR reader\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXSTARTED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXSTARTED event\nField RXSTARTED reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField RXSTARTED writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED event\nField STOPPED reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField STOPPED writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nField SUSPENDED reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField SUSPENDED writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXSTARTED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXSTARTED event\nField TXSTARTED reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField TXSTARTED writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nRegister INTENCLR writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for ERROR event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nBit 23 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTRX …\nBit 23 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTRX …\nBit 24 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTTX …\nBit 24 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for LASTTX …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXSTARTED …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for RXSTARTED …\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED …\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for STOPPED …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXSTARTED …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for TXSTARTED …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nField ERROR reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nField ERROR writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for …\nEnable interrupt\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTRX event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTRX event\nField LASTRX reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField LASTRX writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTTX event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTTX event\nField LASTTX reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField LASTTX writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nRegister INTENSET reader\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXSTARTED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXSTARTED event\nField RXSTARTED reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField RXSTARTED writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nField STOPPED reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField STOPPED writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED event\nField SUSPENDED reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField SUSPENDED writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXSTARTED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXSTARTED event\nField TXSTARTED reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField TXSTARTED writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nRegister INTENSET writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for ERROR event\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is DISABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nChecks if the value of the field is ENABLED\nBit 23 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTRX event\nBit 23 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTRX event\nBit 24 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTTX event\nBit 24 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for LASTTX event\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXSTARTED …\nBit 19 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for RXSTARTED …\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nBit 1 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for STOPPED event\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 18 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SUSPENDED …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXSTARTED …\nBit 20 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for TXSTARTED …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant")