searchState.loadedDescShard("rp2040_pac", 3, "For a detailed description see freqa register\n0x08 - For a detailed description see freqa register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nControls the phase shifted output\n0x14 - Controls the phase shifted output\nThis just reads the state of the oscillator output so …\n0x1c - This just reads the state of the oscillator output …\nRing Oscillator Status\n0x18 - Ring Oscillator Status\nRing Oscillator control\n3358: 110100011110
\n4011: 111110101011
\nOn power-up this field is initialised to ENABLE The system …\nField ENABLE
reader - On power-up this field is …\nField ENABLE
writer - On power-up this field is …\nControls the number of delay stages in the ROSC ring LOW …\nField FREQ_RANGE
reader - Controls the number of delay …\nField FREQ_RANGE
writer - Controls the number of delay …\n4007: 111110100111
\n4004: 111110100100
\n4005: 111110100101
\nRegister CTRL
reader\n4006: 111110100110
\nRegister CTRL
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\n110100011110
\nBits 12:23 - On power-up this field is initialised to …\nBits 12:23 - On power-up this field is initialised to …\n111110101011
\nBits 0:11 - Controls the number of delay stages in the …\nBits 0:11 - Controls the number of delay stages in the …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\n111110100111
\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nset to 0xaa0 + div where div = 0 divides by 32 div = 1-31 …\nField DIV
reader - set to 0xaa0 + div where div = 0 …\nControls the output divider\nField DIV
writer - set to 0xaa0 + div where div = 0 …\n2720: 101010100000
\nRegister DIV
reader\nRegister DIV
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:11 - set to 0xaa0 + div where div = 0 divides by 32 …\nBits 0:11 - set to 0xaa0 + div where div = 0 divides by 32 …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nGet enumerated values variant\nRing Oscillator pause control This is used to save power …\nRegister DORMANT
reader\nRegister DORMANT
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField DS0
reader - Stage 0 drive strength\nField DS0
writer - Stage 0 drive strength\nField DS1
reader - Stage 1 drive strength\nField DS1
writer - Stage 1 drive strength\nField DS2
reader - Stage 2 drive strength\nField DS2
writer - Stage 2 drive strength\nField DS3
reader - Stage 3 drive strength\nField DS3
writer - Stage 3 drive strength\nThe FREQA & FREQB registers control the frequency by …\n38550: 1001011010010110
\nSet to 0x9696 to apply the settings Any other value in …\nField PASSWD
reader - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings …\nField PASSWD
writer - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings …\nRegister FREQA
reader\nRegister FREQA
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:2 - Stage 0 drive strength\nBits 0:2 - Stage 0 drive strength\nBits 4:6 - Stage 1 drive strength\nBits 4:6 - Stage 1 drive strength\nBits 8:10 - Stage 2 drive strength\nBits 8:10 - Stage 2 drive strength\nBits 12:14 - Stage 3 drive strength\nBits 12:14 - Stage 3 drive strength\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBits 16:31 - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings Any other …\nBits 16:31 - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings Any other …\nGet enumerated values variant\nField DS4
reader - Stage 4 drive strength\nField DS4
writer - Stage 4 drive strength\nField DS5
reader - Stage 5 drive strength\nField DS5
writer - Stage 5 drive strength\nField DS6
reader - Stage 6 drive strength\nField DS6
writer - Stage 6 drive strength\nField DS7
reader - Stage 7 drive strength\nField DS7
writer - Stage 7 drive strength\nFor a detailed description see freqa register\n38550: 1001011010010110
\nSet to 0x9696 to apply the settings Any other value in …\nField PASSWD
reader - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings …\nField PASSWD
writer - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings …\nRegister FREQB
reader\nRegister FREQB
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:2 - Stage 4 drive strength\nBits 0:2 - Stage 4 drive strength\nBits 4:6 - Stage 5 drive strength\nBits 4:6 - Stage 5 drive strength\nBits 8:10 - Stage 6 drive strength\nBits 8:10 - Stage 6 drive strength\nBits 12:14 - Stage 7 drive strength\nBits 12:14 - Stage 7 drive strength\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBits 16:31 - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings Any other …\nBits 16:31 - Set to 0x9696 to apply the settings Any other …\nGet enumerated values variant\nField ENABLE
reader - enable the phase-shifted output this …\nField ENABLE
writer - enable the phase-shifted output this …\nField FLIP
reader - invert the phase-shifted output this …\nField FLIP
writer - invert the phase-shifted output this …\nField PASSWD
reader - set to 0xaa any other value enables …\nField PASSWD
writer - set to 0xaa any other value enables …\nControls the phase shifted output\nRegister PHASE
reader\nField SHIFT
reader - phase shift the phase-shifted output …\nField SHIFT
writer - phase shift the phase-shifted output …\nRegister PHASE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 3 - enable the phase-shifted output this can be …\nBit 3 - enable the phase-shifted output this can be …\nBit 2 - invert the phase-shifted output this is ignored …\nBit 2 - invert the phase-shifted output this is ignored …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 4:11 - set to 0xaa any other value enables the output …\nBits 4:11 - set to 0xaa any other value enables the output …\nBits 0:1 - phase shift the phase-shifted output by SHIFT …\nBits 0:1 - phase shift the phase-shifted output by SHIFT …\nRegister RANDOMBIT
reader\nField RANDOMBIT
reader -\nThis just reads the state of the oscillator output so …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0\nField DIV_RUNNING
reader - post-divider is running this …\nField ENABLED
reader - Oscillator is enabled but not …\nRegister STATUS
reader\nField STABLE
reader - Oscillator is running and stable\nRing Oscillator Status\nBit 16 - post-divider is running this resets to 0 but …\nBit 12 - Oscillator is enabled but not necessarily running …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 31 - Oscillator is running and stable\nCLKDIV_M1 (rw) register accessor: Divider minus 1 for the …\nCTRL (rw) register accessor: RTC Control and status\nINTE (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enable\nINTF (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Force\nINTR (r) register accessor: Raw Interrupts\nINTS (r) register accessor: Interrupt status after masking …\nIRQ_SETUP_0 (rw) register accessor: Interrupt setup …\nIRQ_SETUP_1 (rw) register accessor: Interrupt setup …\nRTC_0 (r) register accessor: RTC register 0 Read this …\nRTC_1 (r) register accessor: RTC register 1.\nRegister block\nSETUP_0 (rw) register accessor: RTC setup register 0\nSETUP_1 (rw) register accessor: RTC setup register 1\nDivider minus 1 for the 1 second counter. Safe to change …\n0x00 - Divider minus 1 for the 1 second counter. Safe to …\nRTC Control and status\n0x0c - RTC Control and status\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInterrupt Enable\n0x24 - Interrupt Enable\nInterrupt Force\n0x28 - Interrupt Force\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRaw Interrupts\n0x20 - Raw Interrupts\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\n0x2c - Interrupt status after masking & forcing\nInterrupt setup register 0\n0x10 - Interrupt setup register 0\nInterrupt setup register 1\n0x14 - Interrupt setup register 1\nRTC register 0 Read this before RTC 1!\n0x1c - RTC register 0 Read this before RTC 1!\nRTC register 1.\n0x18 - RTC register 1.\nRTC setup register 0\n0x04 - RTC setup register 0\nRTC setup register 1\n0x08 - RTC setup register 1\nField CLKDIV_M1
reader -\nDivider minus 1 for the 1 second counter. Safe to change …\nField CLKDIV_M1
writer -\nRegister CLKDIV_M1
reader\nRegister CLKDIV_M1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:15\nBits 0:15\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRTC Control and status\nField FORCE_NOTLEAPYEAR
reader - If set, leapyear is …\nField FORCE_NOTLEAPYEAR
writer - If set, leapyear is …\nField LOAD
reader - Load RTC\nField LOAD
writer - Load RTC\nRegister CTRL
reader\nField RTC_ACTIVE
reader - RTC enabled (running)\nField RTC_ENABLE
reader - Enable RTC\nField RTC_ENABLE
writer - Enable RTC\nRegister CTRL
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 8 - If set, leapyear is forced off. Useful for years …\nBit 8 - If set, leapyear is forced off. Useful for years …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 4 - Load RTC\nBit 4 - Load RTC\nBit 1 - RTC enabled (running)\nBit 0 - Enable RTC\nBit 0 - Enable RTC\nInterrupt Enable\nRegister INTE
reader\nField RTC
reader -\nField RTC
writer -\nRegister INTE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nInterrupt Force\nRegister INTF
reader\nField RTC
reader -\nField RTC
writer -\nRegister INTF
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nRaw Interrupts\nRegister INTR
reader\nField RTC
reader -\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\nRegister INTS
reader\nField RTC
reader -\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0\nField DAY_ENA
reader - Enable day matching\nField DAY_ENA
writer - Enable day matching\nField DAY
reader - Day of the month (1..31)\nField DAY
writer - Day of the month (1..31)\nInterrupt setup register 0\nField MATCH_ACTIVE
reader -\nField MATCH_ENA
reader - Global match enable. Don’t …\nField MATCH_ENA
writer - Global match enable. Don’t …\nField MONTH_ENA
reader - Enable month matching\nField MONTH_ENA
writer - Enable month matching\nField MONTH
reader - Month (1..12)\nField MONTH
writer - Month (1..12)\nRegister IRQ_SETUP_0
reader\nRegister IRQ_SETUP_0
writer\nField YEAR_ENA
reader - Enable year matching\nField YEAR_ENA
writer - Enable year matching\nField YEAR
reader - Year\nField YEAR
writer - Year\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:4 - Day of the month (1..31)\nBits 0:4 - Day of the month (1..31)\nBit 24 - Enable day matching\nBit 24 - Enable day matching\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 29\nBit 28 - Global match enable. Don’t change any other …\nBit 28 - Global match enable. Don’t change any other …\nBits 8:11 - Month (1..12)\nBits 8:11 - Month (1..12)\nBit 25 - Enable month matching\nBit 25 - Enable month matching\nBits 12:23 - Year\nBits 12:23 - Year\nBit 26 - Enable year matching\nBit 26 - Enable year matching\nField DOTW_ENA
reader - Enable day of the week matching\nField DOTW_ENA
writer - Enable day of the week matching\nField DOTW
reader - Day of the week\nField DOTW
writer - Day of the week\nField HOUR_ENA
reader - Enable hour matching\nField HOUR_ENA
writer - Enable hour matching\nField HOUR
reader - Hours\nField HOUR
writer - Hours\nInterrupt setup register 1\nField MIN_ENA
reader - Enable minute matching\nField MIN_ENA
writer - Enable minute matching\nField MIN
reader - Minutes\nField MIN
writer - Minutes\nRegister IRQ_SETUP_1
reader\nField SEC_ENA
reader - Enable second matching\nField SEC_ENA
writer - Enable second matching\nField SEC
reader - Seconds\nField SEC
writer - Seconds\nRegister IRQ_SETUP_1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 24:26 - Day of the week\nBits 24:26 - Day of the week\nBit 31 - Enable day of the week matching\nBit 31 - Enable day of the week matching\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 16:20 - Hours\nBits 16:20 - Hours\nBit 30 - Enable hour matching\nBit 30 - Enable hour matching\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 8:13 - Minutes\nBits 8:13 - Minutes\nBit 29 - Enable minute matching\nBit 29 - Enable minute matching\nBits 0:5 - Seconds\nBits 0:5 - Seconds\nBit 28 - Enable second matching\nBit 28 - Enable second matching\nField DOTW
reader - Day of the week\nField HOUR
reader - Hours\nField MIN
reader - Minutes\nRegister RTC_0
reader\nRTC register 0 Read this before RTC 1!\nField SEC
reader - Seconds\nBits 24:26 - Day of the week\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 16:20 - Hours\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 8:13 - Minutes\nBits 0:5 - Seconds\nField DAY
reader - Day of the month (1..31)\nField MONTH
reader - Month (1..12)\nRegister RTC_1
reader\nRTC register 1.\nField YEAR
reader - Year\nBits 0:4 - Day of the month (1..31)\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 8:11 - Month (1..12)\nBits 12:23 - Year\nField DAY
reader - Day of the month (1..31)\nField DAY
writer - Day of the month (1..31)\nField MONTH
reader - Month (1..12)\nField MONTH
writer - Month (1..12)\nRegister SETUP_0
reader\nRTC setup register 0\nRegister SETUP_0
writer\nField YEAR
reader - Year\nField YEAR
writer - Year\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:4 - Day of the month (1..31)\nBits 0:4 - Day of the month (1..31)\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 8:11 - Month (1..12)\nBits 8:11 - Month (1..12)\nBits 12:23 - Year\nBits 12:23 - Year\nField DOTW
reader - Day of the week: 1-Monday…0-Sunday …\nField DOTW
writer - Day of the week: 1-Monday…0-Sunday …\nField HOUR
reader - Hours\nField HOUR
writer - Hours\nField MIN
reader - Minutes\nField MIN
writer - Minutes\nRegister SETUP_1
reader\nField SEC
reader - Seconds\nField SEC
writer - Seconds\nRTC setup register 1\nRegister SETUP_1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 24:26 - Day of the week: 1-Monday…0-Sunday ISO 8601 …\nBits 24:26 - Day of the week: 1-Monday…0-Sunday ISO 8601 …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 16:20 - Hours\nBits 16:20 - Hours\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 8:13 - Minutes\nBits 8:13 - Minutes\nBits 0:5 - Seconds\nBits 0:5 - Seconds\nCPUID (r) register accessor: Processor core identifier …\nDIV_CSR (r) register accessor: Control and status register …\nDIV_QUOTIENT (rw) register accessor: Divider result …\nDIV_REMAINDER (rw) register accessor: Divider result …\nDIV_SDIVIDEND (rw) register accessor: Divider signed …\nDIV_SDIVISOR (rw) register accessor: Divider signed divisor\nDIV_UDIVIDEND (rw) register accessor: Divider unsigned …\nDIV_UDIVISOR (rw) register accessor: Divider unsigned …\nFIFO_RD (r) register accessor: Read access to this core’…\nFIFO_ST (rw) register accessor: Status register for …\nFIFO_WR (w) register accessor: Write access to this core’…\nGPIO_HI_IN (r) register accessor: Input value for QSPI pins\nGPIO_HI_OE (rw) register accessor: QSPI output enable\nGPIO_HI_OE_CLR (w) register accessor: QSPI output enable …\nGPIO_HI_OE_SET (w) register accessor: QSPI output enable …\nGPIO_HI_OE_XOR (w) register accessor: QSPI output enable …\nGPIO_HI_OUT (rw) register accessor: QSPI output value\nGPIO_HI_OUT_CLR (w) register accessor: QSPI output value …\nGPIO_HI_OUT_SET (w) register accessor: QSPI output value …\nGPIO_HI_OUT_XOR (w) register accessor: QSPI output value …\nGPIO_IN (r) register accessor: Input value for GPIO pins\nGPIO_OE (rw) register accessor: GPIO output enable\nGPIO_OE_CLR (w) register accessor: GPIO output enable clear\nGPIO_OE_SET (w) register accessor: GPIO output enable set\nGPIO_OE_XOR (w) register accessor: GPIO output enable XOR\nGPIO_OUT (rw) register accessor: GPIO output value\nGPIO_OUT_CLR (w) register accessor: GPIO output value clear\nGPIO_OUT_SET (w) register accessor: GPIO output value set\nGPIO_OUT_XOR (w) register accessor: GPIO output value XOR\nINTERP0_ACCUM0 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access …\nINTERP0_ACCUM0_ADD (rw) register accessor: Values written …\nINTERP0_ACCUM1 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access …\nINTERP0_ACCUM1_ADD (rw) register accessor: Values written …\nINTERP0_BASE0 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access to …\nINTERP0_BASE1 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access to …\nINTERP0_BASE2 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access to …\nINTERP0_BASE_1AND0 (w) register accessor: On write, the …\nINTERP0_CTRL_LANE0 (rw) register accessor: Control …\nINTERP0_CTRL_LANE1 (rw) register accessor: Control …\nINTERP0_PEEK_FULL (r) register accessor: Read FULL result, …\nINTERP0_PEEK_LANE0 (r) register accessor: Read LANE0 …\nINTERP0_PEEK_LANE1 (r) register accessor: Read LANE1 …\nINTERP0_POP_FULL (r) register accessor: Read FULL result, …\nINTERP0_POP_LANE0 (r) register accessor: Read LANE0 …\nINTERP0_POP_LANE1 (r) register accessor: Read LANE1 …\nINTERP1_ACCUM0 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access …\nINTERP1_ACCUM0_ADD (rw) register accessor: Values written …\nINTERP1_ACCUM1 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access …\nINTERP1_ACCUM1_ADD (rw) register accessor: Values written …\nINTERP1_BASE0 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access to …\nINTERP1_BASE1 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access to …\nINTERP1_BASE2 (rw) register accessor: Read/write access to …\nINTERP1_BASE_1AND0 (w) register accessor: On write, the …\nINTERP1_CTRL_LANE0 (rw) register accessor: Control …\nINTERP1_CTRL_LANE1 (rw) register accessor: Control …\nINTERP1_PEEK_FULL (r) register accessor: Read FULL result, …\nINTERP1_PEEK_LANE0 (r) register accessor: Read LANE0 …\nINTERP1_PEEK_LANE1 (r) register accessor: Read LANE1 …\nINTERP1_POP_FULL (r) register accessor: Read FULL result, …\nINTERP1_POP_LANE0 (r) register accessor: Read LANE0 …\nINTERP1_POP_LANE1 (r) register accessor: Read LANE1 …\nRegister block\nSPINLOCK (rw) register accessor: Reading from a spinlock …\nSPINLOCK_ST (r) register accessor: Spinlock state A bitmap …\nProcessor core identifier Value is 0 when read from …\n0x00 - Processor core identifier Value is 0 when read from …\nControl and status register for divider.\n0x78 - Control and status register for divider.\nDivider result quotient The result of DIVIDEND / DIVISOR
…\n0x70 - Divider result quotient The result of …\nDivider result remainder The result of DIVIDEND % DIVISOR
…\n0x74 - Divider result remainder The result of …\nDivider signed dividend The same as UDIVIDEND, but starts …\n0x68 - Divider signed dividend The same as UDIVIDEND, but …\nDivider signed divisor The same as UDIVISOR, but starts a …\n0x6c - Divider signed divisor The same as UDIVISOR, but …\nDivider unsigned dividend Write to the DIVIDEND operand of …\n0x60 - Divider unsigned dividend Write to the DIVIDEND …\nDivider unsigned divisor Write to the DIVISOR operand of …\n0x64 - Divider unsigned divisor Write to the DIVISOR …\nRead access to this core’s RX FIFO\n0x58 - Read access to this core’s RX FIFO\nStatus register for inter-core FIFOs (mailboxes). There is …\n0x50 - Status register for inter-core FIFOs (mailboxes). …\nWrite access to this core’s TX FIFO\n0x54 - Write access to this core’s TX FIFO\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInput value for QSPI pins\n0x08 - Input value for QSPI pins\nQSPI output enable\n0x40 - QSPI output enable\nQSPI output enable clear\n0x48 - QSPI output enable clear\nQSPI output enable set\n0x44 - QSPI output enable set\nQSPI output enable XOR\n0x4c - QSPI output enable XOR\nQSPI output value\n0x30 - QSPI output value\nQSPI output value clear\n0x38 - QSPI output value clear\nQSPI output value set\n0x34 - QSPI output value set\nQSPI output value XOR\n0x3c - QSPI output value XOR\nInput value for GPIO pins\n0x04 - Input value for GPIO pins\nGPIO output enable\n0x20 - GPIO output enable\nGPIO output enable clear\n0x28 - GPIO output enable clear\nGPIO output enable set\n0x24 - GPIO output enable set\nGPIO output enable XOR\n0x2c - GPIO output enable XOR\nGPIO output value\n0x10 - GPIO output value\nGPIO output value clear\n0x18 - GPIO output value clear\nGPIO output value set\n0x14 - GPIO output value set\nGPIO output value XOR\n0x1c - GPIO output value XOR\nRead/write access to accumulator 0\n0x80 - Read/write access to accumulator 0\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM0 Reading …\n0xb4 - Values written here are atomically added to ACCUM0 …\nRead/write access to accumulator 1\n0x84 - Read/write access to accumulator 1\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM1 Reading …\n0xb8 - Values written here are atomically added to ACCUM1 …\nRead/write access to BASE0 register.\n0x88 - Read/write access to BASE0 register.\nRead/write access to BASE1 register.\n0x8c - Read/write access to BASE1 register.\nRead/write access to BASE2 register.\n0x90 - Read/write access to BASE2 register.\nOn write, the lower 16 bits go to BASE0, upper bits to …\n0xbc - On write, the lower 16 bits go to BASE0, upper bits …\nControl register for lane 0\n0xac - Control register for lane 0\nControl register for lane 1\n0xb0 - Control register for lane 1\nRead FULL result, without altering any internal state …\n0xa8 - Read FULL result, without altering any internal …\nRead LANE0 result, without altering any internal state …\n0xa0 - Read LANE0 result, without altering any internal …\nRead LANE1 result, without altering any internal state …\n0xa4 - Read LANE1 result, without altering any internal …\nRead FULL result, and simultaneously write lane results to …\n0x9c - Read FULL result, and simultaneously write lane …\nRead LANE0 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\n0x94 - Read LANE0 result, and simultaneously write lane …\nRead LANE1 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\n0x98 - Read LANE1 result, and simultaneously write lane …\nRead/write access to accumulator 0\n0xc0 - Read/write access to accumulator 0\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM0 Reading …\n0xf4 - Values written here are atomically added to ACCUM0 …\nRead/write access to accumulator 1\n0xc4 - Read/write access to accumulator 1\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM1 Reading …\n0xf8 - Values written here are atomically added to ACCUM1 …\nRead/write access to BASE0 register.\n0xc8 - Read/write access to BASE0 register.\nRead/write access to BASE1 register.\n0xcc - Read/write access to BASE1 register.\nRead/write access to BASE2 register.\n0xd0 - Read/write access to BASE2 register.\nOn write, the lower 16 bits go to BASE0, upper bits to …\n0xfc - On write, the lower 16 bits go to BASE0, upper bits …\nControl register for lane 0\n0xec - Control register for lane 0\nControl register for lane 1\n0xf0 - Control register for lane 1\nRead FULL result, without altering any internal state …\n0xe8 - Read FULL result, without altering any internal …\nRead LANE0 result, without altering any internal state …\n0xe0 - Read LANE0 result, without altering any internal …\nRead LANE1 result, without altering any internal state …\n0xe4 - Read LANE1 result, without altering any internal …\nRead FULL result, and simultaneously write lane results to …\n0xdc - Read FULL result, and simultaneously write lane …\nRead LANE0 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\n0xd4 - Read LANE0 result, and simultaneously write lane …\nRead LANE1 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\n0xd8 - Read LANE1 result, and simultaneously write lane …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nReading from a spinlock address will:\n0x100..0x180 - Reading from a spinlock address will:\nIterator for array of: 0x100..0x180 - Reading from a …\nSpinlock state A bitmap containing the state of all 32 …\n0x5c - Spinlock state A bitmap containing the state of all …\nProcessor core identifier Value is 0 when read from …\nRegister CPUID
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField DIRTY
reader - Changes to 1 when any register is …\nControl and status register for divider.\nRegister DIV_CSR
reader\nField READY
reader - Reads as 0 when a calculation is in …\nBit 1 - Changes to 1 when any register is written, and …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Reads as 0 when a calculation is in progress, 1 …\nDivider result quotient The result of DIVIDEND / DIVISOR
…\nRegister DIV_QUOTIENT
reader\nRegister DIV_QUOTIENT
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nDivider result remainder The result of DIVIDEND % DIVISOR
reader\nRegister DIV_REMAINDER
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nDivider signed dividend The same as UDIVIDEND, but starts …\nRegister DIV_SDIVIDEND
reader\nRegister DIV_SDIVIDEND
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nDivider signed divisor The same as UDIVISOR, but starts a …\nRegister DIV_SDIVISOR
reader\nRegister DIV_SDIVISOR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nDivider unsigned dividend Write to the DIVIDEND operand of …\nRegister DIV_UDIVIDEND
reader\nRegister DIV_UDIVIDEND
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nDivider unsigned divisor Write to the DIVISOR operand of …\nRegister DIV_UDIVISOR
reader\nRegister DIV_UDIVISOR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead access to this core’s RX FIFO\nRegister FIFO_RD
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nStatus register for inter-core FIFOs (mailboxes). There is …\nRegister FIFO_ST
reader\nField RDY
reader - Value is 1 if this core’s TX FIFO is …\nField ROE
reader - Sticky flag indicating the RX FIFO was …\nField ROE
writer - Sticky flag indicating the RX FIFO was …\nField VLD
reader - Value is 1 if this core’s RX FIFO is …\nRegister FIFO_ST
writer\nField WOF
reader - Sticky flag indicating the TX FIFO was …\nField WOF
writer - Sticky flag indicating the TX FIFO was …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 1 - Value is 1 if this core’s TX FIFO is not full …\nBit 3 - Sticky flag indicating the RX FIFO was read when …\nBit 3 - Sticky flag indicating the RX FIFO was read when …\nBit 0 - Value is 1 if this core’s RX FIFO is not empty …\nBit 2 - Sticky flag indicating the TX FIFO was written …\nBit 2 - Sticky flag indicating the TX FIFO was written …\nWrite access to this core’s TX FIFO\nRegister FIFO_WR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField GPIO_HI_IN
reader - Input value on QSPI IO in order …\nInput value for QSPI pins\nRegister GPIO_HI_IN
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Input value on QSPI IO in order 0..5: SCLK, …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField GPIO_HI_OE
reader - Set output enable (1/0 -> …\nQSPI output enable\nField GPIO_HI_OE
writer - Set output enable (1/0 -> …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OE
reader\nRegister GPIO_HI_OE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Set output enable (1/0 -> output/input) for …\nBits 0:5 - Set output enable (1/0 -> output/input) for …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nQSPI output enable clear\nField GPIO_HI_OE_CLR
writer - Perform an atomic bit-clear …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OE_CLR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Perform an atomic bit-clear on GPIO_HI_OE, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nQSPI output enable set\nField GPIO_HI_OE_SET
writer - Perform an atomic bit-set on …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OE_SET
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Perform an atomic bit-set on GPIO_HI_OE, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nQSPI output enable XOR\nField GPIO_HI_OE_XOR
writer - Perform an atomic bitwise …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OE_XOR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Perform an atomic bitwise XOR on GPIO_HI_OE, …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField GPIO_HI_OUT
reader - Set output level (1/0 -> …\nQSPI output value\nField GPIO_HI_OUT
writer - Set output level (1/0 -> …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OUT
reader\nRegister GPIO_HI_OUT
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Set output level (1/0 -> high/low) for QSPI IO0…\nBits 0:5 - Set output level (1/0 -> high/low) for QSPI IO0…\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nQSPI output value clear\nField GPIO_HI_OUT_CLR
writer - Perform an atomic bit-clear …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OUT_CLR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Perform an atomic bit-clear on GPIO_HI_OUT, …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nQSPI output value set\nField GPIO_HI_OUT_SET
writer - Perform an atomic bit-set …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OUT_SET
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Perform an atomic bit-set on GPIO_HI_OUT, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nQSPI output value XOR\nField GPIO_HI_OUT_XOR
writer - Perform an atomic bitwise …\nRegister GPIO_HI_OUT_XOR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:5 - Perform an atomic bitwise XOR on GPIO_HI_OUT, …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField GPIO_IN
reader - Input value for GPIO0…29\nInput value for GPIO pins\nRegister GPIO_IN
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Input value for GPIO0…29\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField GPIO_OE
reader - Set output enable (1/0 -> …\nGPIO output enable\nField GPIO_OE
writer - Set output enable (1/0 -> …\nRegister GPIO_OE
reader\nRegister GPIO_OE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Set output enable (1/0 -> output/input) for …\nBits 0:29 - Set output enable (1/0 -> output/input) for …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nGPIO output enable clear\nField GPIO_OE_CLR
writer - Perform an atomic bit-clear on …\nRegister GPIO_OE_CLR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Perform an atomic bit-clear on GPIO_OE, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nGPIO output enable set\nField GPIO_OE_SET
writer - Perform an atomic bit-set on …\nRegister GPIO_OE_SET
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Perform an atomic bit-set on GPIO_OE, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nGPIO output enable XOR\nField GPIO_OE_XOR
writer - Perform an atomic bitwise XOR …\nRegister GPIO_OE_XOR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Perform an atomic bitwise XOR on GPIO_OE, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField GPIO_OUT
reader - Set output level (1/0 -> high/low) …\nGPIO output value\nField GPIO_OUT
writer - Set output level (1/0 -> high/low) …\nRegister GPIO_OUT
reader\nRegister GPIO_OUT
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Set output level (1/0 -> high/low) for GPIO0……\nBits 0:29 - Set output level (1/0 -> high/low) for GPIO0……\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nGPIO output value clear\nField GPIO_OUT_CLR
writer - Perform an atomic bit-clear on …\nRegister GPIO_OUT_CLR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Perform an atomic bit-clear on GPIO_OUT, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nGPIO output value set\nField GPIO_OUT_SET
writer - Perform an atomic bit-set on …\nRegister GPIO_OUT_SET
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Perform an atomic bit-set on GPIO_OUT, i.e. …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nGPIO output value XOR\nField GPIO_OUT_XOR
writer - Perform an atomic bitwise XOR …\nRegister GPIO_OUT_XOR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:29 - Perform an atomic bitwise XOR on GPIO_OUT, …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to accumulator 0\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM0
reader\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM0 Reading …\nField INTERP0_ACCUM0_ADD
writer -\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM0_ADD
reader\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM0_ADD
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:23\nBits 0:23\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to accumulator 1\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM1
reader\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM1 Reading …\nField INTERP0_ACCUM1_ADD
writer -\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM1_ADD
reader\nRegister INTERP0_ACCUM1_ADD
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:23\nBits 0:23\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to BASE0 register.\nRegister INTERP0_BASE0
reader\nRegister INTERP0_BASE0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to BASE1 register.\nRegister INTERP0_BASE1
reader\nRegister INTERP0_BASE1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to BASE2 register.\nRegister INTERP0_BASE2
reader\nRegister INTERP0_BASE2
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nOn write, the lower 16 bits go to BASE0, upper bits to …\nRegister INTERP0_BASE_1AND0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ADD_RAW
reader - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField ADD_RAW
writer - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField BLEND
reader - Only present on INTERP0 on each core. …\nField BLEND
writer - Only present on INTERP0 on each core. …\nField CROSS_INPUT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_INPUT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField FORCE_MSB
reader - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nField FORCE_MSB
writer - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nControl register for lane 0\nField MASK_LSB
reader - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_LSB
writer - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
reader - The most-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
writer - The most-significant bit allowed …\nField OVERF0
reader - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in …\nField OVERF1
reader - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in …\nField OVERF
reader - Set if either OVERF0 or OVERF1 is set.\nRegister INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0
reader\nField SHIFT
reader - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SHIFT
writer - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SIGNED
reader - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nField SIGNED
writer - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nRegister INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0
writer\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE0 result. …\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE0 result. …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 21 - Only present on INTERP0 on each core. If BLEND …\nBit 21 - Only present on INTERP0 on each core. If BLEND …\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBit 25 - Set if either OVERF0 or OVERF1 is set.\nBit 23 - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in ACCUM0 are …\nBit 24 - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in ACCUM1 are …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nField ADD_RAW
reader - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField ADD_RAW
writer - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField CROSS_INPUT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_INPUT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField FORCE_MSB
reader - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nField FORCE_MSB
writer - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nControl register for lane 1\nField MASK_LSB
reader - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_LSB
writer - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
reader - The most-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
writer - The most-significant bit allowed …\nRegister INTERP0_CTRL_LANE1
reader\nField SHIFT
reader - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SHIFT
writer - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SIGNED
reader - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nField SIGNED
writer - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nRegister INTERP0_CTRL_LANE1
writer\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE1 result. …\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE1 result. …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nRead FULL result, without altering any internal state …\nRegister INTERP0_PEEK_FULL
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE0 result, without altering any internal state …\nRegister INTERP0_PEEK_LANE0
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE1 result, without altering any internal state …\nRegister INTERP0_PEEK_LANE1
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead FULL result, and simultaneously write lane results to …\nRegister INTERP0_POP_FULL
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE0 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\nRegister INTERP0_POP_LANE0
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE1 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\nRegister INTERP0_POP_LANE1
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to accumulator 0\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM0
reader\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM0 Reading …\nField INTERP1_ACCUM0_ADD
writer -\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM0_ADD
reader\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM0_ADD
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:23\nBits 0:23\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to accumulator 1\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM1
reader\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader -\nValues written here are atomically added to ACCUM1 Reading …\nField INTERP1_ACCUM1_ADD
writer -\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM1_ADD
reader\nRegister INTERP1_ACCUM1_ADD
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:23\nBits 0:23\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to BASE0 register.\nRegister INTERP1_BASE0
reader\nRegister INTERP1_BASE0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to BASE1 register.\nRegister INTERP1_BASE1
reader\nRegister INTERP1_BASE1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead/write access to BASE2 register.\nRegister INTERP1_BASE2
reader\nRegister INTERP1_BASE2
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nOn write, the lower 16 bits go to BASE0, upper bits to …\nRegister INTERP1_BASE_1AND0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ADD_RAW
reader - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField ADD_RAW
writer - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField CLAMP
reader - Only present on INTERP1 on each core. …\nField CLAMP
writer - Only present on INTERP1 on each core. …\nField CROSS_INPUT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_INPUT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField FORCE_MSB
reader - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nField FORCE_MSB
writer - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nControl register for lane 0\nField MASK_LSB
reader - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_LSB
writer - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
reader - The most-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
writer - The most-significant bit allowed …\nField OVERF0
reader - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in …\nField OVERF1
reader - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in …\nField OVERF
reader - Set if either OVERF0 or OVERF1 is set.\nRegister INTERP1_CTRL_LANE0
reader\nField SHIFT
reader - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SHIFT
writer - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SIGNED
reader - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nField SIGNED
writer - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nRegister INTERP1_CTRL_LANE0
writer\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE0 result. …\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE0 result. …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 22 - Only present on INTERP1 on each core. If CLAMP …\nBit 22 - Only present on INTERP1 on each core. If CLAMP …\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBit 25 - Set if either OVERF0 or OVERF1 is set.\nBit 23 - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in ACCUM0 are …\nBit 24 - Indicates if any masked-off MSBs in ACCUM1 are …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nField ADD_RAW
reader - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField ADD_RAW
writer - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for …\nField CROSS_INPUT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_INPUT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
reader - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField CROSS_RESULT
writer - If 1, feed the opposite lane’…\nField FORCE_MSB
reader - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nField FORCE_MSB
writer - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane …\nControl register for lane 1\nField MASK_LSB
reader - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_LSB
writer - The least-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
reader - The most-significant bit allowed …\nField MASK_MSB
writer - The most-significant bit allowed …\nRegister INTERP1_CTRL_LANE1
reader\nField SHIFT
reader - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SHIFT
writer - Logical right-shift applied to …\nField SIGNED
reader - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nField SIGNED
writer - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and …\nRegister INTERP1_CTRL_LANE1
writer\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE1 result. …\nBit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE1 result. …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nBits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nBit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked …\nRead FULL result, without altering any internal state …\nRegister INTERP1_PEEK_FULL
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE0 result, without altering any internal state …\nRegister INTERP1_PEEK_LANE0
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE1 result, without altering any internal state …\nRegister INTERP1_PEEK_LANE1
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead FULL result, and simultaneously write lane results to …\nRegister INTERP1_POP_FULL
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE0 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\nRegister INTERP1_POP_LANE0
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRead LANE1 result, and simultaneously write lane results …\nRegister INTERP1_POP_LANE1
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister SPINLOCK%s
reader\nReading from a spinlock address will:\nRegister SPINLOCK%s
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister SPINLOCK_ST
reader\nSpinlock state A bitmap containing the state of all 32 …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister block\nSSPCPSR (rw) register accessor: Clock prescale register, …\nSSPCR0 (rw) register accessor: Control register 0, SSPCR0 …\nSSPCR1 (rw) register accessor: Control register 1, SSPCR1 …\nSSPDMACR (rw) register accessor: DMA control register, …\nSSPDR (rw) register accessor: Data register, SSPDR on page …\nSSPICR (rw) register accessor: Interrupt clear register, …\nSSPIMSC (rw) register accessor: Interrupt mask set or …\nSSPMIS (r) register accessor: Masked interrupt status …\nSSPPCELLID0 (r) register accessor: PrimeCell …\nSSPPCELLID1 (r) register accessor: PrimeCell …\nSSPPCELLID2 (r) register accessor: PrimeCell …\nSSPPCELLID3 (r) register accessor: PrimeCell …\nSSPPERIPHID0 (r) register accessor: Peripheral …\nSSPPERIPHID1 (r) register accessor: Peripheral …\nSSPPERIPHID2 (r) register accessor: Peripheral …\nSSPPERIPHID3 (r) register accessor: Peripheral …\nSSPRIS (r) register accessor: Raw interrupt status …\nSSPSR (r) register accessor: Status register, SSPSR on …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nClock prescale register, SSPCPSR on page 3-8\n0x10 - Clock prescale register, SSPCPSR on page 3-8\nControl register 0, SSPCR0 on page 3-4\n0x00 - Control register 0, SSPCR0 on page 3-4\nControl register 1, SSPCR1 on page 3-5\n0x04 - Control register 1, SSPCR1 on page 3-5\nDMA control register, SSPDMACR on page 3-12\n0x24 - DMA control register, SSPDMACR on page 3-12\nData register, SSPDR on page 3-6\n0x08 - Data register, SSPDR on page 3-6\nInterrupt clear register, SSPICR on page 3-11\n0x20 - Interrupt clear register, SSPICR on page 3-11\nInterrupt mask set or clear register, SSPIMSC on page 3-9\n0x14 - Interrupt mask set or clear register, SSPIMSC on …\nMasked interrupt status register, SSPMIS on page 3-11\n0x1c - Masked interrupt status register, SSPMIS on page …\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\n0xff0 - PrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 …\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\n0xff4 - PrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 …\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\n0xff8 - PrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 …\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\n0xffc - PrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 …\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\n0xfe0 - Peripheral identification registers, …\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\n0xfe4 - Peripheral identification registers, …\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\n0xfe8 - Peripheral identification registers, …\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\n0xfec - Peripheral identification registers, …\nRaw interrupt status register, SSPRIS on page 3-10\n0x18 - Raw interrupt status register, SSPRIS on page 3-10\nStatus register, SSPSR on page 3-7\n0x0c - Status register, SSPSR on page 3-7\nField CPSDVSR
reader - Clock prescale divisor. Must be an …\nField CPSDVSR
writer - Clock prescale divisor. Must be an …\nRegister SSPCPSR
reader\nClock prescale register, SSPCPSR on page 3-8\nRegister SSPCPSR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Clock prescale divisor. Must be an even number …\nBits 0:7 - Clock prescale divisor. Must be an even number …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField DSS
reader - Data Size Select: 0000 Reserved, …\nField DSS
writer - Data Size Select: 0000 Reserved, …\nFrame format.\nField FRF
reader - Frame format.\nField FRF
writer - Frame format.\n0: Motorola SPI frame format\n2: National Semiconductor Microwire frame format\nRegister SSPCR0
reader\nField SCR
reader - Serial clock rate. The value SCR is …\nField SCR
writer - Serial clock rate. The value SCR is …\nField SPH
reader - SSPCLKOUT phase, applicable to Motorola …\nField SPH
writer - SSPCLKOUT phase, applicable to Motorola …\nField SPO
reader - SSPCLKOUT polarity, applicable to …\nField SPO
writer - SSPCLKOUT polarity, applicable to …\nControl register 0, SSPCR0 on page 3-4\n1: Texas Instruments synchronous serial frame format\nRegister SSPCR0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:3 - Data Size Select: 0000 Reserved, undefined …\nBits 0:3 - Data Size Select: 0000 Reserved, undefined …\nBits 4:5 - Frame format.\nBits 4:5 - Frame format.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nMotorola SPI frame format\nNational Semiconductor Microwire frame format\nTexas Instruments synchronous serial frame format\nMotorola SPI frame format\nNational Semiconductor Microwire frame format\nBits 8:15 - Serial clock rate. The value SCR is used to …\nBits 8:15 - Serial clock rate. The value SCR is used to …\nBit 7 - SSPCLKOUT phase, applicable to Motorola SPI frame …\nBit 7 - SSPCLKOUT phase, applicable to Motorola SPI frame …\nBit 6 - SSPCLKOUT polarity, applicable to Motorola SPI …\nBit 6 - SSPCLKOUT polarity, applicable to Motorola SPI …\nTexas Instruments synchronous serial frame format\nGet enumerated values variant\nField LBM
reader - Loop back mode: 0 Normal serial port …\nField LBM
writer - Loop back mode: 0 Normal serial port …\nField MS
reader - Master or slave mode select. This bit …\nField MS
writer - Master or slave mode select. This bit …\nRegister SSPCR1
reader\nField SOD
reader - Slave-mode output disable. This bit is …\nField SOD
writer - Slave-mode output disable. This bit is …\nField SSE
reader - Synchronous serial port enable: 0 SSP …\nField SSE
writer - Synchronous serial port enable: 0 SSP …\nControl register 1, SSPCR1 on page 3-5\nRegister SSPCR1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Loop back mode: 0 Normal serial port operation …\nBit 0 - Loop back mode: 0 Normal serial port operation …\nBit 2 - Master or slave mode select. This bit can be …\nBit 2 - Master or slave mode select. This bit can be …\nBit 3 - Slave-mode output disable. This bit is relevant …\nBit 3 - Slave-mode output disable. This bit is relevant …\nBit 1 - Synchronous serial port enable: 0 SSP operation …\nBit 1 - Synchronous serial port enable: 0 SSP operation …\nRegister SSPDMACR
reader\nField RXDMAE
reader - Receive DMA Enable. If this bit is …\nField RXDMAE
writer - Receive DMA Enable. If this bit is …\nDMA control register, SSPDMACR on page 3-12\nField TXDMAE
reader - Transmit DMA Enable. If this bit is …\nField TXDMAE
writer - Transmit DMA Enable. If this bit is …\nRegister SSPDMACR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Receive DMA Enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nBit 0 - Receive DMA Enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nBit 1 - Transmit DMA Enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nBit 1 - Transmit DMA Enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nField DATA
reader - Transmit/Receive FIFO: Read Receive …\nField DATA
writer - Transmit/Receive FIFO: Read Receive …\nRegister SSPDR
reader\nData register, SSPDR on page 3-6\nRegister SSPDR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:15 - Transmit/Receive FIFO: Read Receive FIFO. …\nBits 0:15 - Transmit/Receive FIFO: Read Receive FIFO. …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister SSPICR
reader\nField RORIC
reader - Clears the SSPRORINTR interrupt\nField RORIC
writer - Clears the SSPRORINTR interrupt\nField RTIC
reader - Clears the SSPRTINTR interrupt\nField RTIC
writer - Clears the SSPRTINTR interrupt\nInterrupt clear register, SSPICR on page 3-11\nRegister SSPICR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Clears the SSPRORINTR interrupt\nBit 0 - Clears the SSPRORINTR interrupt\nBit 1 - Clears the SSPRTINTR interrupt\nBit 1 - Clears the SSPRTINTR interrupt\nRegister SSPIMSC
reader\nField RORIM
reader - Receive overrun interrupt mask: 0 …\nField RORIM
writer - Receive overrun interrupt mask: 0 …\nField RTIM
reader - Receive timeout interrupt mask: 0 …\nField RTIM
writer - Receive timeout interrupt mask: 0 …\nField RXIM
reader - Receive FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Receive …\nField RXIM
writer - Receive FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Receive …\nInterrupt mask set or clear register, SSPIMSC on page 3-9\nField TXIM
reader - Transmit FIFO interrupt mask: 0 …\nField TXIM
writer - Transmit FIFO interrupt mask: 0 …\nRegister SSPIMSC
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Receive overrun interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO …\nBit 0 - Receive overrun interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO …\nBit 1 - Receive timeout interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO not …\nBit 1 - Receive timeout interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO not …\nBit 2 - Receive FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO half …\nBit 2 - Receive FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO half …\nBit 3 - Transmit FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Transmit FIFO half …\nBit 3 - Transmit FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Transmit FIFO half …\nRegister SSPMIS
reader\nField RORMIS
reader - Gives the receive over run masked …\nField RTMIS
reader - Gives the receive timeout masked …\nField RXMIS
reader - Gives the receive FIFO masked …\nMasked interrupt status register, SSPMIS on page 3-11\nField TXMIS
reader - Gives the transmit FIFO masked …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Gives the receive over run masked interrupt …\nBit 1 - Gives the receive timeout masked interrupt state, …\nBit 2 - Gives the receive FIFO masked interrupt state, …\nBit 3 - Gives the transmit FIFO masked interrupt state, …\nRegister SSPPCELLID0
reader\nField SSPPCELLID0
reader - These bits read back as 0x0D\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x0D\nRegister SSPPCELLID1
reader\nField SSPPCELLID1
reader - These bits read back as 0xF0\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0xF0\nRegister SSPPCELLID2
reader\nField SSPPCELLID2
reader - These bits read back as 0x05\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x05\nRegister SSPPCELLID3
reader\nField SSPPCELLID3
reader - These bits read back as 0xB1\nPrimeCell identification registers, SSPPCellID0-3 on page …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0xB1\nField PARTNUMBER0
reader - These bits read back as 0x22\nRegister SSPPERIPHID0
reader\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x22\nField DESIGNER0
reader - These bits read back as 0x1\nField PARTNUMBER1
reader - These bits read back as 0x0\nRegister SSPPERIPHID1
reader\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\nBits 4:7 - These bits read back as 0x1\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:3 - These bits read back as 0x0\nField DESIGNER1
reader - These bits read back as 0x4\nRegister SSPPERIPHID2
reader\nField REVISION
reader - These bits return the peripheral …\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\nBits 0:3 - These bits read back as 0x4\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 4:7 - These bits return the peripheral revision\nField CONFIGURATION
reader - These bits read back as 0x00\nRegister SSPPERIPHID3
reader\nPeripheral identification registers, SSPPeriphID0-3 on …\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x00\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister SSPRIS
reader\nField RORRIS
reader - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior …\nField RTRIS
reader - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior …\nField RXRIS
reader - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior …\nRaw interrupt status register, SSPRIS on page 3-10\nField TXRIS
reader - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, …\nBit 1 - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, …\nBit 2 - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, …\nBit 3 - Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, …\nField BSY
reader - PrimeCell SSP busy flag, RO: 0 SSP is …\nRegister SSPSR
reader\nField RFF
reader - Receive FIFO full, RO: 0 Receive FIFO …\nField RNE
reader - Receive FIFO not empty, RO: 0 Receive …\nStatus register, SSPSR on page 3-7\nField TFE
reader - Transmit FIFO empty, RO: 0 Transmit …\nField TNF
reader - Transmit FIFO not full, RO: 0 Transmit …\nBit 4 - PrimeCell SSP busy flag, RO: 0 SSP is idle. 1 SSP …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 3 - Receive FIFO full, RO: 0 Receive FIFO is not full. …\nBit 2 - Receive FIFO not empty, RO: 0 Receive FIFO is …\nBit 0 - Transmit FIFO empty, RO: 0 Transmit FIFO is not …\nBit 1 - Transmit FIFO not full, RO: 0 Transmit FIFO is …\nDBGFORCE (rw) register accessor: Directly control the SWD …\nMEMPOWERDOWN (rw) register accessor: Control power downs …\nPROC0_NMI_MASK (rw) register accessor: Processor core 0 …\nPROC1_NMI_MASK (rw) register accessor: Processor core 1 …\nPROC_CONFIG (rw) register accessor: Configuration for …\nPROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS (rw) register accessor: For each bit, …\nPROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS_HI (rw) register accessor: For each …\nRegister block\nDirectly control the SWD debug port of either processor\n0x14 - Directly control the SWD debug port of either …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nControl power downs to memories. Set high to power down …\n0x18 - Control power downs to memories. Set high to power …\nProcessor core 0 NMI source mask Set a bit high to enable …\n0x00 - Processor core 0 NMI source mask Set a bit high to …\nProcessor core 1 NMI source mask Set a bit high to enable …\n0x04 - Processor core 1 NMI source mask Set a bit high to …\nConfiguration for processors\n0x08 - Configuration for processors\nFor each bit, if 1, bypass the input synchronizer between …\n0x0c - For each bit, if 1, bypass the input synchronizer …\nFor each bit, if 1, bypass the input synchronizer between …\n0x10 - For each bit, if 1, bypass the input synchronizer …\nDirectly control the SWD debug port of either processor\nField PROC0_ATTACH
reader - Attach processor 0 debug port …\nField PROC0_ATTACH
writer - Attach processor 0 debug port …\nField PROC0_SWCLK
reader - Directly drive processor 0 …\nField PROC0_SWCLK
writer - Directly drive processor 0 …\nField PROC0_SWDI
reader - Directly drive processor 0 SWDIO …\nField PROC0_SWDI
writer - Directly drive processor 0 SWDIO …\nField PROC0_SWDO
reader - Observe the value of processor 0 …\nField PROC1_ATTACH
reader - Attach processor 1 debug port …\nField PROC1_ATTACH
writer - Attach processor 1 debug port …\nField PROC1_SWCLK
reader - Directly drive processor 1 …\nField PROC1_SWCLK
writer - Directly drive processor 1 …\nField PROC1_SWDI
reader - Directly drive processor 1 SWDIO …\nField PROC1_SWDI
writer - Directly drive processor 1 SWDIO …\nField PROC1_SWDO
reader - Observe the value of processor 1 …\nRegister DBGFORCE
reader\nRegister DBGFORCE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 3 - Attach processor 0 debug port to syscfg controls, …\nBit 3 - Attach processor 0 debug port to syscfg controls, …\nBit 2 - Directly drive processor 0 SWCLK, if PROC0_ATTACH …\nBit 2 - Directly drive processor 0 SWCLK, if PROC0_ATTACH …\nBit 1 - Directly drive processor 0 SWDIO input, if …\nBit 1 - Directly drive processor 0 SWDIO input, if …\nBit 0 - Observe the value of processor 0 SWDIO output.\nBit 7 - Attach processor 1 debug port to syscfg controls, …\nBit 7 - Attach processor 1 debug port to syscfg controls, …\nBit 6 - Directly drive processor 1 SWCLK, if PROC1_ATTACH …\nBit 6 - Directly drive processor 1 SWCLK, if PROC1_ATTACH …\nBit 5 - Directly drive processor 1 SWDIO input, if …\nBit 5 - Directly drive processor 1 SWDIO input, if …\nBit 4 - Observe the value of processor 1 SWDIO output.\nControl power downs to memories. Set high to power down …\nRegister MEMPOWERDOWN
reader\nField ROM
reader -\nField ROM
writer -\nField SRAM0
reader -\nField SRAM0
writer -\nField SRAM1
reader -\nField SRAM1
writer -\nField SRAM2
reader -\nField SRAM2
writer -\nField SRAM3
reader -\nField SRAM3
writer -\nField SRAM4
reader -\nField SRAM4
writer -\nField SRAM5
reader -\nField SRAM5
writer -\nField USB
reader -\nField USB
writer -\nRegister MEMPOWERDOWN
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 7\nBit 7\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 4\nBit 5\nBit 5\nBit 6\nBit 6\nProcessor core 0 NMI source mask Set a bit high to enable …\nRegister PROC0_NMI_MASK
reader\nRegister PROC0_NMI_MASK
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nProcessor core 1 NMI source mask Set a bit high to enable …\nRegister PROC1_NMI_MASK
reader\nRegister PROC1_NMI_MASK
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
reader - Configure proc0 DAP …\nField PROC0_DAP_INSTID
writer - Configure proc0 DAP …\nField PROC0_HALTED
reader - Indication that proc0 has …\nField PROC1_DAP_INSTID
reader - Configure proc1 DAP …\nField PROC1_DAP_INSTID
writer - Configure proc1 DAP …\nField PROC1_HALTED
reader - Indication that proc1 has …\nConfiguration for processors\nRegister PROC_CONFIG
reader\nRegister PROC_CONFIG
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 24:27 - Configure proc0 DAP instance ID. Recommend …\nBits 24:27 - Configure proc0 DAP instance ID. Recommend …\nBit 0 - Indication that proc0 has halted\nBits 28:31 - Configure proc1 DAP instance ID. Recommend …\nBits 28:31 - Configure proc1 DAP instance ID. Recommend …\nBit 1 - Indication that proc1 has halted\nField PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS
reader -\nFor each bit, if 1, bypass the input synchronizer between …\nField PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS
writer -\nRegister PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS
reader\nRegister PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:29\nBits 0:29\nField PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS_HI
reader -\nFor each bit, if 1, bypass the input synchronizer between …\nField PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS_HI
writer -\nRegister PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS_HI
reader\nRegister PROC_IN_SYNC_BYPASS_HI
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:5\nBits 0:5\nCHIP_ID (r) register accessor: JEDEC JEP-106 compliant …\nGITREF_RP2040 (r) register accessor: Git hash of the chip …\nPLATFORM (r) register accessor: Platform register. Allows …\nRegister block\nJEDEC JEP-106 compliant chip identifier.\n0x00 - JEDEC JEP-106 compliant chip identifier.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nGit hash of the chip source. Used to identify chip version.\n0x40 - Git hash of the chip source. Used to identify chip …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nPlatform register. Allows software to know what …\n0x04 - Platform register. Allows software to know what …\nJEDEC JEP-106 compliant chip identifier.\nField MANUFACTURER
reader -\nField PART
reader -\nRegister CHIP_ID
reader\nField REVISION
reader -\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:11\nBits 12:27\nBits 28:31\nGit hash of the chip source. Used to identify chip version.\nRegister GITREF_RP2040
reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ASIC
reader -\nField FPGA
reader -\nPlatform register. Allows software to know what …\nRegister PLATFORM
reader\nBit 1\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nPLATFORM (r) register accessor: Indicates the type of …\nRegister block\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nIndicates the type of platform in use\n0x00 - Indicates the type of platform in use\nField ASIC
reader - Indicates the platform is an ASIC\nField FPGA
reader - Indicates the platform is an FPGA\nIndicates the type of platform in use\nRegister PLATFORM
reader\nBit 0 - Indicates the platform is an ASIC\nBit 1 - Indicates the platform is an FPGA\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nALARM0 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 0, and configure …\nALARM1 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 1, and configure …\nALARM2 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 2, and configure …\nALARM3 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 3, and configure …\nARMED (rw) register accessor: Indicates the armed/disarmed …\nDBGPAUSE (rw) register accessor: Set bits high to enable …\nINTE (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enable\nINTF (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Force\nINTR (rw) register accessor: Raw Interrupts\nINTS (r) register accessor: Interrupt status after masking …\nPAUSE (rw) register accessor: Set high to pause the timer\nRegister block\nTIMEHR (r) register accessor: Read from bits 63:32 of time …\nTIMEHW (w) register accessor: Write to bits 63:32 of time …\nTIMELR (r) register accessor: Read from bits 31:0 of time\nTIMELW (w) register accessor: Write to bits 31:0 of time …\nTIMERAWH (r) register accessor: Raw read from bits 63:32 …\nTIMERAWL (r) register accessor: Raw read from bits 31:0 of …\nArm alarm 0, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\n0x10 - Arm alarm 0, and configure the time it will fire. …\nArm alarm 1, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\n0x14 - Arm alarm 1, and configure the time it will fire. …\nArm alarm 2, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\n0x18 - Arm alarm 2, and configure the time it will fire. …\nArm alarm 3, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\n0x1c - Arm alarm 3, and configure the time it will fire. …\nIndicates the armed/disarmed status of each alarm. A write …\n0x20 - Indicates the armed/disarmed status of each alarm. …\nSet bits high to enable pause when the corresponding debug …\n0x2c - Set bits high to enable pause when the …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInterrupt Enable\n0x38 - Interrupt Enable\nInterrupt Force\n0x3c - Interrupt Force\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRaw Interrupts\n0x34 - Raw Interrupts\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\n0x40 - Interrupt status after masking & forcing\nSet high to pause the timer\n0x30 - Set high to pause the timer\nRead from bits 63:32 of time always read timelr before …\n0x08 - Read from bits 63:32 of time always read timelr …\nWrite to bits 63:32 of time always write timelw before …\n0x00 - Write to bits 63:32 of time always write timelw …\nRead from bits 31:0 of time\n0x0c - Read from bits 31:0 of time\nWrite to bits 31:0 of time writes do not get copied to …\n0x04 - Write to bits 31:0 of time writes do not get copied …\nRaw read from bits 63:32 of time (no side effects)\n0x24 - Raw read from bits 63:32 of time (no side effects)\nRaw read from bits 31:0 of time (no side effects)\n0x28 - Raw read from bits 31:0 of time (no side effects)\nArm alarm 0, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\nRegister ALARM0
reader\nRegister ALARM0
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nArm alarm 1, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\nRegister ALARM1
reader\nRegister ALARM1
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nArm alarm 2, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\nRegister ALARM2
reader\nRegister ALARM2
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nArm alarm 3, and configure the time it will fire. Once …\nRegister ALARM3
reader\nRegister ALARM3
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ARMED
reader -\nIndicates the armed/disarmed status of each alarm. A write …\nField ARMED
writer -\nRegister ARMED
reader\nRegister ARMED
writer\nBits 0:3\nBits 0:3\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField DBG0
reader - Pause when processor 0 is in debug mode\nField DBG0
writer - Pause when processor 0 is in debug mode\nField DBG1
reader - Pause when processor 1 is in debug mode\nField DBG1
writer - Pause when processor 1 is in debug mode\nSet bits high to enable pause when the corresponding debug …\nRegister DBGPAUSE
reader\nRegister DBGPAUSE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 1 - Pause when processor 0 is in debug mode\nBit 1 - Pause when processor 0 is in debug mode\nBit 2 - Pause when processor 1 is in debug mode\nBit 2 - Pause when processor 1 is in debug mode\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ALARM_0
reader -\nField ALARM_0
writer -\nField ALARM_1
reader -\nField ALARM_1
writer -\nField ALARM_2
reader -\nField ALARM_2
writer -\nField ALARM_3
reader -\nField ALARM_3
writer -\nInterrupt Enable\nRegister INTE
reader\nRegister INTE
writer\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ALARM_0
reader -\nField ALARM_0
writer -\nField ALARM_1
reader -\nField ALARM_1
writer -\nField ALARM_2
reader -\nField ALARM_2
writer -\nField ALARM_3
reader -\nField ALARM_3
writer -\nInterrupt Force\nRegister INTF
reader\nRegister INTF
writer\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ALARM_0
reader -\nField ALARM_0
writer -\nField ALARM_1
reader -\nField ALARM_1
writer -\nField ALARM_2
reader -\nField ALARM_2
writer -\nField ALARM_3
reader -\nField ALARM_3
writer -\nRaw Interrupts\nRegister INTR
reader\nRegister INTR
writer\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField ALARM_0
reader -\nField ALARM_1
reader -\nField ALARM_2
reader -\nField ALARM_3
reader -\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\nRegister INTS
reader\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 2\nBit 3\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField PAUSE
reader -\nSet high to pause the timer\nField PAUSE
writer -\nRegister PAUSE
reader\nRegister PAUSE
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nRegister TIMEHR
reader\nRead from bits 63:32 of time always read timelr before …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nWrite to bits 63:32 of time always write timelw before …\nRegister TIMEHW
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister TIMELR
reader\nRead from bits 31:0 of time\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nWrite to bits 31:0 of time writes do not get copied to …\nRegister TIMELW
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister TIMERAWH
reader\nRaw read from bits 63:32 of time (no side effects)\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister TIMERAWL
reader\nRaw read from bits 31:0 of time (no side effects)\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRegister block\nUARTCR (rw) register accessor: Control Register, UARTCR\nUARTDMACR (rw) register accessor: DMA Control Register, …\nUARTDR (rw) register accessor: Data Register, UARTDR\nUARTFBRD (rw) register accessor: Fractional Baud Rate …\nUARTFR (r) register accessor: Flag Register, UARTFR\nUARTIBRD (rw) register accessor: Integer Baud Rate …\nUARTICR (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Clear Register, …\nUARTIFLS (rw) register accessor: Interrupt FIFO Level …\nUARTILPR (rw) register accessor: IrDA Low-Power Counter …\nUARTIMSC (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Mask Set/Clear …\nUARTLCR_H (rw) register accessor: Line Control Register, …\nUARTMIS (r) register accessor: Masked Interrupt Status …\nUARTPCELLID0 (r) register accessor: UARTPCellID0 Register\nUARTPCELLID1 (r) register accessor: UARTPCellID1 Register\nUARTPCELLID2 (r) register accessor: UARTPCellID2 Register\nUARTPCELLID3 (r) register accessor: UARTPCellID3 Register\nUARTPERIPHID0 (r) register accessor: UARTPeriphID0 Register\nUARTPERIPHID1 (r) register accessor: UARTPeriphID1 Register\nUARTPERIPHID2 (r) register accessor: UARTPeriphID2 Register\nUARTPERIPHID3 (r) register accessor: UARTPeriphID3 Register\nUARTRIS (r) register accessor: Raw Interrupt Status …\nUARTRSR (rw) register accessor: Receive Status …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nControl Register, UARTCR\n0x30 - Control Register, UARTCR\nDMA Control Register, UARTDMACR\n0x48 - DMA Control Register, UARTDMACR\nData Register, UARTDR\n0x00 - Data Register, UARTDR\nFractional Baud Rate Register, UARTFBRD\n0x28 - Fractional Baud Rate Register, UARTFBRD\nFlag Register, UARTFR\n0x18 - Flag Register, UARTFR\nInteger Baud Rate Register, UARTIBRD\n0x24 - Integer Baud Rate Register, UARTIBRD\nInterrupt Clear Register, UARTICR\n0x44 - Interrupt Clear Register, UARTICR\nInterrupt FIFO Level Select Register, UARTIFLS\n0x34 - Interrupt FIFO Level Select Register, UARTIFLS\nIrDA Low-Power Counter Register, UARTILPR\n0x20 - IrDA Low-Power Counter Register, UARTILPR\nInterrupt Mask Set/Clear Register, UARTIMSC\n0x38 - Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Register, UARTIMSC\nLine Control Register, UARTLCR_H\n0x2c - Line Control Register, UARTLCR_H\nMasked Interrupt Status Register, UARTMIS\n0x40 - Masked Interrupt Status Register, UARTMIS\nUARTPCellID0 Register\n0xff0 - UARTPCellID0 Register\nUARTPCellID1 Register\n0xff4 - UARTPCellID1 Register\nUARTPCellID2 Register\n0xff8 - UARTPCellID2 Register\nUARTPCellID3 Register\n0xffc - UARTPCellID3 Register\nUARTPeriphID0 Register\n0xfe0 - UARTPeriphID0 Register\nUARTPeriphID1 Register\n0xfe4 - UARTPeriphID1 Register\nUARTPeriphID2 Register\n0xfe8 - UARTPeriphID2 Register\nUARTPeriphID3 Register\n0xfec - UARTPeriphID3 Register\nRaw Interrupt Status Register, UARTRIS\n0x3c - Raw Interrupt Status Register, UARTRIS\nReceive Status Register/Error Clear Register, …\n0x04 - Receive Status Register/Error Clear Register, …\nField CTSEN
reader - CTS hardware flow control enable. If …\nField CTSEN
writer - CTS hardware flow control enable. If …\nField DTR
reader - Data transmit ready. This bit is the …\nField DTR
writer - Data transmit ready. This bit is the …\nField LBE
reader - Loopback enable. If this bit is set to …\nField LBE
writer - Loopback enable. If this bit is set to …\nField OUT1
reader - This bit is the complement of the UART …\nField OUT1
writer - This bit is the complement of the UART …\nField OUT2
reader - This bit is the complement of the UART …\nField OUT2
writer - This bit is the complement of the UART …\nRegister UARTCR
reader\nField RTSEN
reader - RTS hardware flow control enable. If …\nField RTSEN
writer - RTS hardware flow control enable. If …\nField RTS
reader - Request to send. This bit is the …\nField RTS
writer - Request to send. This bit is the …\nField RXE
reader - Receive enable. If this bit is set to …\nField RXE
writer - Receive enable. If this bit is set to …\nField SIREN
reader - SIR enable: 0 = IrDA SIR ENDEC is …\nField SIREN
writer - SIR enable: 0 = IrDA SIR ENDEC is …\nField SIRLP
reader - SIR low-power IrDA mode. This bit …\nField SIRLP
writer - SIR low-power IrDA mode. This bit …\nField TXE
reader - Transmit enable. If this bit is set to …\nField TXE
writer - Transmit enable. If this bit is set to …\nControl Register, UARTCR\nField UARTEN
reader - UART enable: 0 = UART is disabled. …\nField UARTEN
writer - UART enable: 0 = UART is disabled. …\nRegister UARTCR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 15 - CTS hardware flow control enable. If this bit is …\nBit 15 - CTS hardware flow control enable. If this bit is …\nBit 10 - Data transmit ready. This bit is the complement …\nBit 10 - Data transmit ready. This bit is the complement …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 7 - Loopback enable. If this bit is set to 1 and the …\nBit 7 - Loopback enable. If this bit is set to 1 and the …\nBit 12 - This bit is the complement of the UART Out1 …\nBit 12 - This bit is the complement of the UART Out1 …\nBit 13 - This bit is the complement of the UART Out2 …\nBit 13 - This bit is the complement of the UART Out2 …\nBit 11 - Request to send. This bit is the complement of …\nBit 11 - Request to send. This bit is the complement of …\nBit 14 - RTS hardware flow control enable. If this bit is …\nBit 14 - RTS hardware flow control enable. If this bit is …\nBit 9 - Receive enable. If this bit is set to 1, the …\nBit 9 - Receive enable. If this bit is set to 1, the …\nBit 1 - SIR enable: 0 = IrDA SIR ENDEC is disabled. …\nBit 1 - SIR enable: 0 = IrDA SIR ENDEC is disabled. …\nBit 2 - SIR low-power IrDA mode. This bit selects the IrDA …\nBit 2 - SIR low-power IrDA mode. This bit selects the IrDA …\nBit 8 - Transmit enable. If this bit is set to 1, the …\nBit 8 - Transmit enable. If this bit is set to 1, the …\nBit 0 - UART enable: 0 = UART is disabled. If the UART is …\nBit 0 - UART enable: 0 = UART is disabled. If the UART is …\nField DMAONERR
reader - DMA on error. If this bit is set …\nField DMAONERR
writer - DMA on error. If this bit is set …\nRegister UARTDMACR
reader\nField RXDMAE
reader - Receive DMA enable. If this bit is …\nField RXDMAE
writer - Receive DMA enable. If this bit is …\nField TXDMAE
reader - Transmit DMA enable. If this bit is …\nField TXDMAE
writer - Transmit DMA enable. If this bit is …\nDMA Control Register, UARTDMACR\nRegister UARTDMACR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 2 - DMA on error. If this bit is set to 1, the DMA …\nBit 2 - DMA on error. If this bit is set to 1, the DMA …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 0 - Receive DMA enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nBit 0 - Receive DMA enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nBit 1 - Transmit DMA enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nBit 1 - Transmit DMA enable. If this bit is set to 1, DMA …\nField BE
reader - Break error. This bit is set to 1 if a …\nField DATA
reader - Receive (read) data character. …\nField DATA
writer - Receive (read) data character. …\nField FE
reader - Framing error. When set to 1, it …\nField OE
reader - Overrun error. This bit is set to 1 if …\nField PE
reader - Parity error. When set to 1, it …\nRegister UARTDR
reader\nData Register, UARTDR\nRegister UARTDR
writer\nBit 10 - Break error. This bit is set to 1 if a break …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7 - Receive (read) data character. Transmit (write) …\nBits 0:7 - Receive (read) data character. Transmit (write) …\nBit 8 - Framing error. When set to 1, it indicates that …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 11 - Overrun error. This bit is set to 1 if data is …\nBit 9 - Parity error. When set to 1, it indicates that the …\nField BAUD_DIVFRAC
reader - The fractional baud rate …\nField BAUD_DIVFRAC
writer - The fractional baud rate …\nRegister UARTFBRD
reader\nFractional Baud Rate Register, UARTFBRD\nRegister UARTFBRD
writer\nBits 0:5 - The fractional baud rate divisor. These bits …\nBits 0:5 - The fractional baud rate divisor. These bits …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField BUSY
reader - UART busy. If this bit is set to 1, …\nField CTS
reader - Clear to send. This bit is the …\nField DCD
reader - Data carrier detect. This bit is the …\nField DSR
reader - Data set ready. This bit is the …\nRegister UARTFR
reader\nField RI
reader - Ring indicator. This bit is the …\nField RXFE
reader - Receive FIFO empty. The meaning of …\nField RXFF
reader - Receive FIFO full. The meaning of this …\nField TXFE
reader - Transmit FIFO empty. The meaning of …\nField TXFF
reader - Transmit FIFO full. The meaning of …\nFlag Register, UARTFR\nBit 3 - UART busy. If this bit is set to 1, the UART is …\nBit 0 - Clear to send. This bit is the complement of the …\nBit 2 - Data carrier detect. This bit is the complement of …\nBit 1 - Data set ready. This bit is the complement of the …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 8 - Ring indicator. This bit is the complement of the …\nBit 4 - Receive FIFO empty. The meaning of this bit …\nBit 6 - Receive FIFO full. The meaning of this bit depends …\nBit 7 - Transmit FIFO empty. The meaning of this bit …\nBit 5 - Transmit FIFO full. The meaning of this bit …\nField BAUD_DIVINT
reader - The integer baud rate divisor. …\nField BAUD_DIVINT
writer - The integer baud rate divisor. …\nRegister UARTIBRD
reader\nInteger Baud Rate Register, UARTIBRD\nRegister UARTIBRD
writer\nBits 0:15 - The integer baud rate divisor. These bits are …\nBits 0:15 - The integer baud rate divisor. These bits are …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField BEIC
reader - Break error interrupt clear. Clears …\nField BEIC
writer - Break error interrupt clear. Clears …\nField CTSMIC
reader - nUARTCTS modem interrupt clear. …\nField CTSMIC
writer - nUARTCTS modem interrupt clear. …\nField DCDMIC
reader - nUARTDCD modem interrupt clear. …\nField DCDMIC
writer - nUARTDCD modem interrupt clear. …\nField DSRMIC
reader - nUARTDSR modem interrupt clear. …\nField DSRMIC
writer - nUARTDSR modem interrupt clear. …\nField FEIC
reader - Framing error interrupt clear. Clears …\nField FEIC
writer - Framing error interrupt clear. Clears …\nField OEIC
reader - Overrun error interrupt clear. Clears …\nField OEIC
writer - Overrun error interrupt clear. Clears …\nField PEIC
reader - Parity error interrupt clear. Clears …\nField PEIC
writer - Parity error interrupt clear. Clears …\nRegister UARTICR
reader\nField RIMIC
reader - nUARTRI modem interrupt clear. Clears …\nField RIMIC
writer - nUARTRI modem interrupt clear. Clears …\nField RTIC
reader - Receive timeout interrupt clear. …\nField RTIC
writer - Receive timeout interrupt clear. …\nField RXIC
reader - Receive interrupt clear. Clears the …\nField RXIC
writer - Receive interrupt clear. Clears the …\nField TXIC
reader - Transmit interrupt clear. Clears the …\nField TXIC
writer - Transmit interrupt clear. Clears the …\nInterrupt Clear Register, UARTICR\nRegister UARTICR
writer\nBit 9 - Break error interrupt clear. Clears the UARTBEINTR …\nBit 9 - Break error interrupt clear. Clears the UARTBEINTR …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 1 - nUARTCTS modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 1 - nUARTCTS modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 2 - nUARTDCD modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 2 - nUARTDCD modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 3 - nUARTDSR modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 3 - nUARTDSR modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 7 - Framing error interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 7 - Framing error interrupt clear. Clears the …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 10 - Overrun error interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 10 - Overrun error interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 8 - Parity error interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 8 - Parity error interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 0 - nUARTRI modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 0 - nUARTRI modem interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 6 - Receive timeout interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 6 - Receive timeout interrupt clear. Clears the …\nBit 4 - Receive interrupt clear. Clears the UARTRXINTR …\nBit 4 - Receive interrupt clear. Clears the UARTRXINTR …\nBit 5 - Transmit interrupt clear. Clears the UARTTXINTR …\nBit 5 - Transmit interrupt clear. Clears the UARTTXINTR …\nRegister UARTIFLS
reader\nField RXIFLSEL
reader - Receive interrupt FIFO level …\nField RXIFLSEL
writer - Receive interrupt FIFO level …\nField TXIFLSEL
reader - Transmit interrupt FIFO level …\nField TXIFLSEL
writer - Transmit interrupt FIFO level …\nInterrupt FIFO Level Select Register, UARTIFLS\nRegister UARTIFLS
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 3:5 - Receive interrupt FIFO level select. The …\nBits 3:5 - Receive interrupt FIFO level select. The …\nBits 0:2 - Transmit interrupt FIFO level select. The …\nBits 0:2 - Transmit interrupt FIFO level select. The …\nField ILPDVSR
reader - 8-bit low-power divisor value. …\nField ILPDVSR
writer - 8-bit low-power divisor value. …\nRegister UARTILPR
reader\nIrDA Low-Power Counter Register, UARTILPR\nRegister UARTILPR
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:7 - 8-bit low-power divisor value. These bits are …\nBits 0:7 - 8-bit low-power divisor value. These bits are …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField BEIM
reader - Break error interrupt mask. A read …\nField BEIM
writer - Break error interrupt mask. A read …\nField CTSMIM
reader - nUARTCTS modem interrupt mask. A …\nField CTSMIM
writer - nUARTCTS modem interrupt mask. A …\nField DCDMIM
reader - nUARTDCD modem interrupt mask. A …\nField DCDMIM
writer - nUARTDCD modem interrupt mask. A …\nField DSRMIM
reader - nUARTDSR modem interrupt mask. A …\nField DSRMIM
writer - nUARTDSR modem interrupt mask. A …\nField FEIM
reader - Framing error interrupt mask. A read …\nField FEIM
writer - Framing error interrupt mask. A read …\nField OEIM
reader - Overrun error interrupt mask. A read …\nField OEIM
writer - Overrun error interrupt mask. A read …\nField PEIM
reader - Parity error interrupt mask. A read …\nField PEIM
writer - Parity error interrupt mask. A read …\nRegister UARTIMSC
reader\nField RIMIM
reader - nUARTRI modem interrupt mask. A read …\nField RIMIM
writer - nUARTRI modem interrupt mask. A read …\nField RTIM
reader - Receive timeout interrupt mask. A read …\nField RTIM
writer - Receive timeout interrupt mask. A read …\nField RXIM
reader - Receive interrupt mask. A read returns …\nField RXIM
writer - Receive interrupt mask. A read returns …\nField TXIM
reader - Transmit interrupt mask. A read …\nField TXIM
writer - Transmit interrupt mask. A read …\nInterrupt Mask Set/Clear Register, UARTIMSC\nRegister UARTIMSC
writer\nBit 9 - Break error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 9 - Break error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 1 - nUARTCTS modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 1 - nUARTCTS modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 2 - nUARTDCD modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 2 - nUARTDCD modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 3 - nUARTDSR modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 3 - nUARTDSR modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 7 - Framing error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 7 - Framing error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 10 - Overrun error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 10 - Overrun error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 8 - Parity error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 8 - Parity error interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 0 - nUARTRI modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 0 - nUARTRI modem interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 6 - Receive timeout interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 6 - Receive timeout interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 4 - Receive interrupt mask. A read returns the current …\nBit 4 - Receive interrupt mask. A read returns the current …\nBit 5 - Transmit interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nBit 5 - Transmit interrupt mask. A read returns the …\nField BRK
reader - Send break. If this bit is set to 1, a …\nField BRK
writer - Send break. If this bit is set to 1, a …\nField EPS
reader - Even parity select. Controls the type …\nField EPS
writer - Even parity select. Controls the type …\nField FEN
reader - Enable FIFOs: 0 = FIFOs are disabled …\nField FEN
writer - Enable FIFOs: 0 = FIFOs are disabled …\nField PEN
reader - Parity enable: 0 = parity is disabled …\nField PEN
writer - Parity enable: 0 = parity is disabled …\nRegister UARTLCR_H
reader\nField SPS
reader - Stick parity select. 0 = stick parity …\nField SPS
writer - Stick parity select. 0 = stick parity …\nField STP2
reader - Two stop bits select. If this bit is …\nField STP2
writer - Two stop bits select. If this bit is …\nLine Control Register, UARTLCR_H\nRegister UARTLCR_H
writer\nField WLEN
reader - Word length. These bits indicate the …\nField WLEN
writer - Word length. These bits indicate the …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Send break. If this bit is set to 1, a low-level …\nBit 0 - Send break. If this bit is set to 1, a low-level …\nBit 2 - Even parity select. Controls the type of parity …\nBit 2 - Even parity select. Controls the type of parity …\nBit 4 - Enable FIFOs: 0 = FIFOs are disabled (character …\nBit 4 - Enable FIFOs: 0 = FIFOs are disabled (character …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 1 - Parity enable: 0 = parity is disabled and no …\nBit 1 - Parity enable: 0 = parity is disabled and no …\nBit 7 - Stick parity select. 0 = stick parity is disabled …\nBit 7 - Stick parity select. 0 = stick parity is disabled …\nBit 3 - Two stop bits select. If this bit is set to 1, two …\nBit 3 - Two stop bits select. If this bit is set to 1, two …\nBits 5:6 - Word length. These bits indicate the number of …\nBits 5:6 - Word length. These bits indicate the number of …\nField BEMIS
reader - Break error masked interrupt status. …\nField CTSMMIS
reader - nUARTCTS modem masked interrupt …\nField DCDMMIS
reader - nUARTDCD modem masked interrupt …\nField DSRMMIS
reader - nUARTDSR modem masked interrupt …\nField FEMIS
reader - Framing error masked interrupt …\nField OEMIS
reader - Overrun error masked interrupt …\nField PEMIS
reader - Parity error masked interrupt status. …\nRegister UARTMIS
reader\nField RIMMIS
reader - nUARTRI modem masked interrupt …\nField RTMIS
reader - Receive timeout masked interrupt …\nField RXMIS
reader - Receive masked interrupt status. …\nField TXMIS
reader - Transmit masked interrupt status. …\nMasked Interrupt Status Register, UARTMIS\nBit 9 - Break error masked interrupt status. Returns the …\nBit 1 - nUARTCTS modem masked interrupt status. Returns …\nBit 2 - nUARTDCD modem masked interrupt status. Returns …\nBit 3 - nUARTDSR modem masked interrupt status. Returns …\nBit 7 - Framing error masked interrupt status. Returns the …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 10 - Overrun error masked interrupt status. Returns …\nBit 8 - Parity error masked interrupt status. Returns the …\nBit 0 - nUARTRI modem masked interrupt status. Returns the …\nBit 6 - Receive timeout masked interrupt status. Returns …\nBit 4 - Receive masked interrupt status. Returns the …\nBit 5 - Transmit masked interrupt status. Returns the …\nRegister UARTPCELLID0
reader\nField UARTPCELLID0
reader - These bits read back as 0x0D\nUARTPCellID0 Register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x0D\nRegister UARTPCELLID1
reader\nField UARTPCELLID1
reader - These bits read back as 0xF0\nUARTPCellID1 Register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0xF0\nRegister UARTPCELLID2
reader\nField UARTPCELLID2
reader - These bits read back as 0x05\nUARTPCellID2 Register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x05\nRegister UARTPCELLID3
reader\nField UARTPCELLID3
reader - These bits read back as 0xB1\nUARTPCellID3 Register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0xB1\nField PARTNUMBER0
reader - These bits read back as 0x11\nRegister UARTPERIPHID0
reader\nUARTPeriphID0 Register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x11\nField DESIGNER0
reader - These bits read back as 0x1\nField PARTNUMBER1
reader - These bits read back as 0x0\nRegister UARTPERIPHID1
reader\nUARTPeriphID1 Register\nBits 4:7 - These bits read back as 0x1\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:3 - These bits read back as 0x0\nField DESIGNER1
reader - These bits read back as 0x4\nRegister UARTPERIPHID2
reader\nField REVISION
reader - This field depends on the revision …\nUARTPeriphID2 Register\nBits 0:3 - These bits read back as 0x4\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 4:7 - This field depends on the revision of the UART: …\nField CONFIGURATION
reader - These bits read back as 0x00\nRegister UARTPERIPHID3
reader\nUARTPeriphID3 Register\nBits 0:7 - These bits read back as 0x00\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField BERIS
reader - Break error interrupt status. Returns …\nField CTSRMIS
reader - nUARTCTS modem interrupt status. …\nField DCDRMIS
reader - nUARTDCD modem interrupt status. …\nField DSRRMIS
reader - nUARTDSR modem interrupt status. …\nField FERIS
reader - Framing error interrupt status. …\nField OERIS
reader - Overrun error interrupt status. …\nField PERIS
reader - Parity error interrupt status. …\nRegister UARTRIS
reader\nField RIRMIS
reader - nUARTRI modem interrupt status. …\nField RTRIS
reader - Receive timeout interrupt status. …\nField RXRIS
reader - Receive interrupt status. Returns the …\nField TXRIS
reader - Transmit interrupt status. Returns …\nRaw Interrupt Status Register, UARTRIS\nBit 9 - Break error interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 1 - nUARTCTS modem interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 2 - nUARTDCD modem interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 3 - nUARTDSR modem interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 7 - Framing error interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 10 - Overrun error interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 8 - Parity error interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 0 - nUARTRI modem interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 6 - Receive timeout interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 4 - Receive interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nBit 5 - Transmit interrupt status. Returns the raw …\nField BE
reader - Break error. This bit is set to 1 if a …\nField BE
writer - Break error. This bit is set to 1 if a …\nField FE
reader - Framing error. When set to 1, it …\nField FE
writer - Framing error. When set to 1, it …\nField OE
reader - Overrun error. This bit is set to 1 if …\nField OE
writer - Overrun error. This bit is set to 1 if …\nField PE
reader - Parity error. When set to 1, it …\nField PE
writer - Parity error. When set to 1, it …\nRegister UARTRSR
reader\nReceive Status Register/Error Clear Register, …\nRegister UARTRSR
writer\nBit 2 - Break error. This bit is set to 1 if a break …\nBit 2 - Break error. This bit is set to 1 if a break …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Framing error. When set to 1, it indicates that …\nBit 0 - Framing error. When set to 1, it indicates that …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBit 3 - Overrun error. This bit is set to 1 if data is …\nBit 3 - Overrun error. This bit is set to 1 if data is …\nBit 1 - Parity error. When set to 1, it indicates that the …\nBit 1 - Parity error. When set to 1, it indicates that the …\nEPX_CONTROL (rw) register accessor: EPx Control (Host-mode …\nEP_BUFFER_CONTROL (rw) register accessor: -\nEP_CONTROL (rw) register accessor: -\nRegister block\nSETUP_PACKET_HIGH (rw) register accessor: Bytes 4-7 of the …\nSETUP_PACKET_LOW (rw) register accessor: Bytes 0-3 of the …\n0x80..0x100 - -\nIterator for array of: 0x80..0x100 - -\n0x08..0x80 - -\nIterator for array of: 0x08..0x80 - -\nEPx Control (Host-mode only!)\n0x100 - EPx Control (Host-mode only!)\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBytes 4-7 of the setup packet from the host.\n0x04 - Bytes 4-7 of the setup packet from the host.\nBytes 0-3 of the SETUP packet from the host.\n0x00 - Bytes 0-3 of the SETUP packet from the host.\nField AVAILABLE_0
reader - Buffer 0 is available. This bit …\nField AVAILABLE_0
writer - Buffer 0 is available. This bit …\nField AVAILABLE_1
reader - Buffer 1 is available. This bit …\nField AVAILABLE_1
writer - Buffer 1 is available. This bit …\nThe number of bytes buffer 1 is offset from buffer 0 in …\nField DOUBLE_BUFFER_ISO_OFFSET
reader - The number of …\nField DOUBLE_BUFFER_ISO_OFFSET
writer - The number of …\nYou can read
this register and get ep_buffer_control::R
. …\nField FULL_0
reader - Buffer 0 is full. For an IN transfer …\nField FULL_0
writer - Buffer 0 is full. For an IN transfer …\nField FULL_1
reader - Buffer 1 is full. For an IN transfer …\nField FULL_1
writer - Buffer 1 is full. For an IN transfer …\nField LAST_0
reader - Buffer 0 is the last buffer of the …\nField LAST_0
writer - Buffer 0 is the last buffer of the …\nField LAST_1
reader - Buffer 1 is the last buffer of the …\nField LAST_1
writer - Buffer 1 is the last buffer of the …\nField LENGTH_0
reader - The length of the data in buffer 0.\nField LENGTH_0
writer - The length of the data in buffer 0.\nField LENGTH_1
reader - The length of the data in buffer 1.\nField LENGTH_1
writer - The length of the data in buffer 1.\nField PID_0
reader - The data pid of buffer 0.\nField PID_0
writer - The data pid of buffer 0.\nField PID_1
reader - The data pid of buffer 1.\nField PID_1
writer - The data pid of buffer 1.\nRegister EP_BUFFER_CONTROL%s
reader\nField RESET
reader - Reset the buffer selector to buffer 0.\nField RESET
writer - Reset the buffer selector to buffer 0.\nField STALL
reader - Reply with a stall (valid for both …\nField STALL
writer - Reply with a stall (valid for both …\nRegister EP_BUFFER_CONTROL%s
\n3: 11
\n0: 0
\n1: 1
\n2: 10
\nBit 10 - Buffer 0 is available. This bit is set to …\nBit 10 - Buffer 0 is available. This bit is set to …\nBit 26 - Buffer 1 is available. This bit is set to …\nBit 26 - Buffer 1 is available. This bit is set to …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 27:28 - The number of bytes buffer 1 is offset from …\nBits 27:28 - The number of bytes buffer 1 is offset from …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBit 15 - Buffer 0 is full. For an IN transfer (TX to the …\nBit 15 - Buffer 0 is full. For an IN transfer (TX to the …\nBit 31 - Buffer 1 is full. For an IN transfer (TX to the …\nBit 31 - Buffer 1 is full. For an IN transfer (TX to the …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nBit 14 - Buffer 0 is the last buffer of the transfer.\nBit 14 - Buffer 0 is the last buffer of the transfer.\nBit 30 - Buffer 1 is the last buffer of the transfer.\nBit 30 - Buffer 1 is the last buffer of the transfer.\nBits 0:9 - The length of the data in buffer 0.\nBits 0:9 - The length of the data in buffer 0.\nBits 16:25 - The length of the data in buffer 1.\nBits 16:25 - The length of the data in buffer 1.\nBit 13 - The data pid of buffer 0.\nBit 13 - The data pid of buffer 0.\nBit 29 - The data pid of buffer 1.\nBit 29 - The data pid of buffer 1.\nBit 12 - Reset the buffer selector to buffer 0.\nBit 12 - Reset the buffer selector to buffer 0.\nBit 11 - Reply with a stall (valid for both buffers).\nBit 11 - Reply with a stall (valid for both buffers).\nGet enumerated values variant\nField BUFFER_ADDRESS
reader - 64 byte aligned buffer …\nField BUFFER_ADDRESS
writer - 64 byte aligned buffer …\n2: 10
\n0: 0
reader - This endpoint is double …\nField DOUBLE_BUFFERED
writer - This endpoint is double …\nField ENABLE
reader - Enable this endpoint. The device …\nField ENABLE
writer - Enable this endpoint. The device …\nValue on reset: 0\nField ENDPOINT_TYPE
reader -\nField ENDPOINT_TYPE
writer -\nYou can read
this register and get ep_control::R
. You can …\nField HOST_POLL_INTERVAL
reader - The interval the host …\nField HOST_POLL_INTERVAL
writer - The interval the host …\n3: 11
reader - Trigger an interrupt if a …\nField INTERRUPT_ON_NAK
writer - Trigger an interrupt if a …\nField INTERRUPT_ON_STALL
reader - Trigger an interrupt if …\nField INTERRUPT_ON_STALL
writer - Trigger an interrupt if …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_BUFF
reader - Trigger an interrupt …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_BUFF
writer - Trigger an interrupt …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_DOUBLE_BUFF
reader - Trigger an …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_DOUBLE_BUFF
writer - Trigger an …\n1: 1
\nRegister EP_CONTROL%s
reader\nRegister EP_CONTROL%s
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:15 - 64 byte aligned buffer address for this EP …\nBits 0:15 - 64 byte aligned buffer address for this EP …\n10
\nBit 30 - This endpoint is double buffered.\nBit 30 - This endpoint is double buffered.\nBit 31 - Enable this endpoint. The device will not reply …\nBit 31 - Enable this endpoint. The device will not reply …\nBits 26:27\nBits 26:27\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 16:25 - The interval the host controller should poll …\nBits 16:25 - The interval the host controller should poll …\n11
\nBit 16 - Trigger an interrupt if a NAK is sent. Intended …\nBit 16 - Trigger an interrupt if a NAK is sent. Intended …\nBit 17 - Trigger an interrupt if a STALL is sent. Intended …\nBit 17 - Trigger an interrupt if a STALL is sent. Intended …\nBit 29 - Trigger an interrupt each time a buffer is done.\nBit 29 - Trigger an interrupt each time a buffer is done.\nBit 28 - Trigger an interrupt each time both buffers are …\nBit 28 - Trigger an interrupt each time both buffers are …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nGet enumerated values variant\nField BUFFER_ADDRESS
reader - 64 byte aligned buffer …\nField BUFFER_ADDRESS
writer - 64 byte aligned buffer …\n2: 10
\n0: 0
reader - This endpoint is double …\nField DOUBLE_BUFFERED
writer - This endpoint is double …\nField ENABLE
reader - Enable this endpoint. The device …\nField ENABLE
writer - Enable this endpoint. The device …\nValue on reset: 0\nField ENDPOINT_TYPE
reader -\nField ENDPOINT_TYPE
writer -\nEPx Control (Host-mode only!)\n3: 11
reader - Trigger an interrupt if a …\nField INTERRUPT_ON_NAK
writer - Trigger an interrupt if a …\nField INTERRUPT_ON_STALL
reader - Trigger an interrupt if …\nField INTERRUPT_ON_STALL
writer - Trigger an interrupt if …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_BUFF
reader - Trigger an interrupt …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_BUFF
writer - Trigger an interrupt …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_DOUBLE_BUFF
reader - Trigger an …\nField INTERRUPT_PER_DOUBLE_BUFF
writer - Trigger an …\n1: 1
\nRegister EPX_CONTROL
reader\nRegister EPX_CONTROL
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:15 - 64 byte aligned buffer address for this EP …\nBits 0:15 - 64 byte aligned buffer address for this EP …\n10
\nBit 30 - This endpoint is double buffered.\nBit 30 - This endpoint is double buffered.\nBit 31 - Enable this endpoint. The device will not reply …\nBit 31 - Enable this endpoint. The device will not reply …\nBits 26:27\nBits 26:27\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\n11
\nBit 16 - Trigger an interrupt if a NAK is sent. Intended …\nBit 16 - Trigger an interrupt if a NAK is sent. Intended …\nBit 17 - Trigger an interrupt if a STALL is sent. Intended …\nBit 17 - Trigger an interrupt if a STALL is sent. Intended …\nBit 29 - Trigger an interrupt each time a buffer is done.\nBit 29 - Trigger an interrupt each time a buffer is done.\nBit 28 - Trigger an interrupt each time both buffers are …\nBit 28 - Trigger an interrupt each time both buffers are …\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nCalls U::from(self)
\nGet enumerated values variant\nRegister SETUP_PACKET_HIGH
reader\nBytes 4-7 of the setup packet from the host.\nRegister SETUP_PACKET_HIGH
writer\nField WINDEX
reader -\nField WINDEX
writer -\nField WLENGTH
reader -\nField WLENGTH
writer -\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 0:15\nBits 0:15\nBits 16:31\nBits 16:31\nField BMREQUESTTYPE
reader -\nField BMREQUESTTYPE
writer -\nField BREQUEST
reader -\nField BREQUEST
writer -\nRegister SETUP_PACKET_LOW
reader\nBytes 0-3 of the SETUP packet from the host.\nRegister SETUP_PACKET_LOW
writer\nField WVALUE
reader -\nField WVALUE
writer -\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:7\nBits 0:7\nBits 8:15\nBits 8:15\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBits 16:31\nBits 16:31\nADDR_ENDP (rw) register accessor: Device address and …\nBUFF_CPU_SHOULD_HANDLE (r) register accessor: Which of the …\nBUFF_STATUS (rw) register accessor: Buffer status …\nEP_ABORT (rw) register accessor: Device only: Can be set …\nEP_ABORT_DONE (rw) register accessor: Device only: Used in …\nEP_STALL_ARM (rw) register accessor: Device: this bit must …\nEP_STATUS_STALL_NAK (rw) register accessor: Device: bits …\nHOST_ADDR_ENDP (rw) register accessor: Interrupt …\nINTE (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enable\nINTF (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Force\nINTR (r) register accessor: Raw Interrupts\nINTS (r) register accessor: Interrupt status after masking …\nINT_EP_CTRL (rw) register accessor: interrupt endpoint …\nMAIN_CTRL (rw) register accessor: Main control register\nNAK_POLL (rw) register accessor: Used by the host …\nRegister block\nSIE_CTRL (rw) register accessor: SIE control register\nSIE_STATUS (rw) register accessor: SIE status register\nSOF_RD (r) register accessor: Read the last SOF (Start of …\nSOF_WR (w) register accessor: Set the SOF (Start of Frame) …\nUSBPHY_DIRECT (rw) register accessor: This register allows …\nUSBPHY_DIRECT_OVERRIDE (rw) register accessor: Override …\nUSBPHY_TRIM (rw) register accessor: Used to adjust trim …\nUSB_MUXING (rw) register accessor: Where to connect the …\nUSB_PWR (rw) register accessor: Overrides for the power …\nDevice address and endpoint control\n0x00 - Device address and endpoint control\nWhich of the double buffers should be handled. Only valid …\n0x5c - Which of the double buffers should be handled. Only …\nBuffer status register. A bit set here indicates that a …\n0x58 - Buffer status register. A bit set here indicates …\nDevice only: Can be set to ignore the buffer control …\n0x60 - Device only: Can be set to ignore the buffer …\nDevice only: Used in conjunction with EP_ABORT
. Set once …\n0x64 - Device only: Used in conjunction with EP_ABORT
. Set …\nDevice: this bit must be set in conjunction with the STALL
…\n0x68 - Device: this bit must be set in conjunction with …\nDevice: bits are set when the IRQ_ON_NAK
…\n0x70 - Device: bits are set when the IRQ_ON_NAK
or …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInterrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x04..0x40 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x04 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x28 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x2c - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x30 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x34 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x38 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x3c - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x08 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x0c - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x10 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x14 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x18 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x1c - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x20 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\n0x24 - Interrupt endpoints. Only valid in HOST mode.\nIterator for array of: 0x04..0x40 - Interrupt endpoints. …\ninterrupt endpoint control register\n0x54 - interrupt endpoint control register\nInterrupt Enable\n0x90 - Interrupt Enable\nInterrupt Force\n0x94 - Interrupt Force\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nRaw Interrupts\n0x8c - Raw Interrupts\nInterrupt status after masking & forcing\n0x98 - Interrupt status after masking & forcing\nMain control register\n0x40 - Main control register\nUsed by the host controller. Sets the wait time in …\n0x6c - Used by the host controller. Sets the wait time in …\nSIE control register\n0x4c - SIE control register\nSIE status register\n0x50 - SIE status register\nRead the last SOF (Start of Frame) frame number seen. In …\n0x48 - Read the last SOF (Start of Frame) frame number …\nSet the SOF (Start of Frame) frame number in the host …\n0x44 - Set the SOF (Start of Frame) frame number in the …\nWhere to connect the USB controller. Should be to_phy by …\n0x74 - Where to connect the USB controller. Should be …\nOverrides for the power signals in the event that the VBUS …\n0x78 - Overrides for the power signals in the event that …\nThis register allows for direct control of the USB phy. …\n0x7c - This register allows for direct control of the USB …\nOverride enable for each control in usbphy_direct\n0x80 - Override enable for each control in usbphy_direct\nUsed to adjust trim values of USB phy pull down resistors.\n0x84 - Used to adjust trim values of USB phy pull down …\nField ADDRESS
reader - In device mode, the address that …\nField ADDRESS
writer - In device mode, the address that …\nDevice address and endpoint control\nField ENDPOINT
reader - Device endpoint to send data to. …\nField ENDPOINT
writer - Device endpoint to send data to. …\nRegister ADDR_ENDP
reader\nRegister ADDR_ENDP
writer\nBits 0:6 - In device mode, the address that the device …\nBits 0:6 - In device mode, the address that the device …\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 16:19 - Device endpoint to send data to. Only valid …\nBits 16:19 - Device endpoint to send data to. Only valid …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nWhich of the double buffers should be handled. Only valid …\nField EP0_IN
reader -\nField EP0_OUT
reader -\nField EP10_IN
reader -\nField EP10_OUT
reader -\nField EP11_IN
reader -\nField EP11_OUT
reader -\nField EP12_IN
reader -\nField EP12_OUT
reader -\nField EP13_IN
reader -\nField EP13_OUT
reader -\nField EP14_IN
reader -\nField EP14_OUT
reader -\nField EP15_IN
reader -\nField EP15_OUT
reader -\nField EP1_IN
reader -\nField EP1_OUT
reader -\nField EP2_IN
reader -\nField EP2_OUT
reader -\nField EP3_IN
reader -\nField EP3_OUT
reader -\nField EP4_IN
reader -\nField EP4_OUT
reader -\nField EP5_IN
reader -\nField EP5_OUT
reader -\nField EP6_IN
reader -\nField EP6_OUT
reader -\nField EP7_IN
reader -\nField EP7_OUT
reader -\nField EP8_IN
reader -\nField EP8_OUT
reader -\nField EP9_IN
reader -\nField EP9_OUT
reader -\nRegister BUFF_CPU_SHOULD_HANDLE
reader\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 20\nBit 21\nBit 22\nBit 23\nBit 24\nBit 25\nBit 26\nBit 27\nBit 28\nBit 29\nBit 30\nBit 31\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 5\nBit 6\nBit 7\nBit 8\nBit 9\nBit 10\nBit 11\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 15\nBit 16\nBit 17\nBit 18\nBit 19\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nBuffer status register. A bit set here indicates that a …\nField EP0_IN
reader -\nField EP0_IN
writer -\nField EP0_OUT
reader -\nField EP0_OUT
writer -\nField EP10_IN
reader -\nField EP10_IN
writer -\nField EP10_OUT
reader -\nField EP10_OUT
writer -\nField EP11_IN
reader -\nField EP11_IN
writer -\nField EP11_OUT
reader -\nField EP11_OUT
writer -\nField EP12_IN
reader -\nField EP12_IN
writer -\nField EP12_OUT
reader -\nField EP12_OUT
writer -\nField EP13_IN
reader -\nField EP13_IN
writer -\nField EP13_OUT
reader -\nField EP13_OUT
writer -\nField EP14_IN
reader -\nField EP14_IN
writer -\nField EP14_OUT
reader -\nField EP14_OUT
writer -\nField EP15_IN
reader -\nField EP15_IN
writer -\nField EP15_OUT
reader -\nField EP15_OUT
writer -\nField EP1_IN
reader -\nField EP1_IN
writer -\nField EP1_OUT
reader -\nField EP1_OUT
writer -\nField EP2_IN
reader -\nField EP2_IN
writer -\nField EP2_OUT
reader -\nField EP2_OUT
writer -\nField EP3_IN
reader -\nField EP3_IN
writer -\nField EP3_OUT
reader -\nField EP3_OUT
writer -\nField EP4_IN
reader -\nField EP4_IN
writer -\nField EP4_OUT
reader -\nField EP4_OUT
writer -\nField EP5_IN
reader -\nField EP5_IN
writer -\nField EP5_OUT
reader -\nField EP5_OUT
writer -\nField EP6_IN
reader -\nField EP6_IN
writer -\nField EP6_OUT
reader -\nField EP6_OUT
writer -\nField EP7_IN
reader -\nField EP7_IN
writer -\nField EP7_OUT
reader -\nField EP7_OUT
writer -\nField EP8_IN
reader -\nField EP8_IN
writer -\nField EP8_OUT
reader -\nField EP8_OUT
writer -\nField EP9_IN
reader -\nField EP9_IN
writer -\nField EP9_OUT
reader -\nField EP9_OUT
writer -\nRegister BUFF_STATUS
reader\nRegister BUFF_STATUS
writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nBit 1\nBit 1\nBit 20\nBit 20\nBit 21\nBit 21\nBit 22\nBit 22\nBit 23\nBit 23\nBit 24\nBit 24\nBit 25\nBit 25\nBit 26\nBit 26\nBit 27\nBit 27\nBit 28\nBit 28\nBit 29\nBit 29\nBit 30\nBit 30\nBit 31\nBit 31\nBit 2\nBit 2\nBit 3\nBit 3\nBit 4\nBit 4\nBit 5\nBit 5\nBit 6\nBit 6\nBit 7\nBit 7\nBit 8\nBit 8\nBit 9\nBit 9\nBit 10\nBit 10\nBit 11\nBit 11\nBit 12\nBit 12\nBit 13\nBit 13\nBit 14\nBit 14\nBit 15\nBit 15\nBit 16\nBit 16\nBit 17\nBit 17\nBit 18\nBit 18\nBit 19\nBit 19\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self)
.\nField EP0_IN
reader -\nField EP0_IN
writer -\nField EP0_OUT
reader -\nField EP0_OUT
writer -\nField EP10_IN
reader -\nField EP10_IN
writer -\nField EP10_OUT
reader -\nField EP10_OUT
writer -\nField EP11_IN
reader -\nField EP11_IN
writer -\nField EP11_OUT
reader -\nField EP11_OUT
writer -\nField EP12_IN
reader -\nField EP12_IN
writer -\nField EP12_OUT
reader -")